What games do boomies play?
What games do boomies play?
>it's another wojak edit episode
Ah, yes, a new wojack.
Exactly what we needed.
This is getting past the point of annoying.
You need to go back.
>hey guys this delusionally idealized version of myself is a wojak now
get the fuck out and never return
based chat
underage shitter with an inflated ego made this image
Wow this it’s the ultimate 2000s nigger cope god I can’t fucking believe we have people posting on here who were unironically born in 2005
Someone finally got me. Fuck. My favorite games are Doom/II, River City Ransom, Halo 3, Devil May Cry, Mother, Descent, Riven, The Neverhood, Runescape, Resident Evil 2 (original), Age of Empires 2 and Final Fantasy 5.
I was born in 1999.
Oh shit that's me
My favorite game is Majora's Mask
t. Boomie
Very nice thread opee XD
None. They don't exist so their games don't exist.
wtf that's literally me
based and blakpilled
So.. uh... you come here often?
the game of sage
kek, why are people getting annoyed by wojaks despite posting them themselves anyways?
I made this ironically to show how many fucking wojaks we would need for every sterotype and showing how similar and useless these fucking boomer and zoomer memes are
haha yes i love peepee and wojo
>was only pretending to be retarded
Speaking of unironically, what ever happened to fans of a hobby enjoying multiple facets of that hobby, without being labeled?
They should play Russian roulette. Fuck off.
stop making these you autistic nigger