What games do boomies play?

What games do boomies play?

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>it's another wojak edit episode

Ah, yes, a new wojack.
Exactly what we needed.

This is getting past the point of annoying.


You need to go back.

>hey guys this delusionally idealized version of myself is a wojak now
get the fuck out and never return

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based chat

underage shitter with an inflated ego made this image

Wow this it’s the ultimate 2000s nigger cope god I can’t fucking believe we have people posting on here who were unironically born in 2005

Someone finally got me. Fuck. My favorite games are Doom/II, River City Ransom, Halo 3, Devil May Cry, Mother, Descent, Riven, The Neverhood, Runescape, Resident Evil 2 (original), Age of Empires 2 and Final Fantasy 5.

I was born in 1999.

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Oh shit that's me

My favorite game is Majora's Mask
t. Boomie

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Very nice thread opee XD

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None. They don't exist so their games don't exist.

wtf that's literally me


based and blakpilled

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So.. uh... you come here often?

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the game of sage

kek, why are people getting annoyed by wojaks despite posting them themselves anyways?

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I made this ironically to show how many fucking wojaks we would need for every sterotype and showing how similar and useless these fucking boomer and zoomer memes are

haha yes i love peepee and wojo

>was only pretending to be retarded

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Speaking of unironically, what ever happened to fans of a hobby enjoying multiple facets of that hobby, without being labeled?

They should play Russian roulette. Fuck off.

stop making these you autistic nigger