how does this picture make you feel,white "men"
How does this picture make you feel,white "men"
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like your Asian penis is tiny
perfectly content. where else are we going to put our trash?
4 heil hitlers out of 10
>how does this picture make you feel
like I should transition
not asian though
just a black boi posting on Yea Forums while my dick is getting sucked by a cute white girl
small- dicked Asian tranny spotted
Makes me feel like black cocks are not only ugly but just as small as everyone elses
That guy in the back has the herp
t. Asian boi
>calling another man's cock ugly
how does it feel to be an aids riddled faggot?
Makes me feel like she was paid an awful lot of hazard pay because most of you monkey nigger fucks carry AIDS.
How does it feel to say things that make literally no sense at all, faggot?
how does it feel knowing your a complete moron who doesnt understand basic english?
black bad
Ew niggers
It feels great keep sucking nigger
gay ass white boi,no wonder why your women would rather have sex with black men
because they suck white dicks?
t. coping Asian dicklet
Nigger lips are big for a purpose. I said KEEP SUCKING, NIGGER
yes massa. iz is real sorry bout dat massa. i finna suck yo dick real good naw. yes suh real good suh
not a nigger,you fucking faggot.get aids and die already
GOD that feels SOOO GOOOD
t. Tenda the Asian dicklet cuckboi whose mommy loved white cocks and calls other people gay while spamming pictures of black cocks 24/7
sage you cuck
That herpes tho