If time travel existed, wouldn't it be possible to have the consent of a girl, go back to the past and fuck her as a 4 year old? you got her consent and it's the same person.
If time travel existed, wouldn't it be possible to have the consent of a girl...
Not really. . If I fucked a 20 year old girl last year and I don't see her for another 20 years it doesn't mean I can freely rape her when she's 40. Consent is momentary.
The most retarded question I've read in a while, congrats.
Only if she remembers before you made the trip. Otherwise you just went back and raped an alternate version of her (who she doesn't have the right to give consent for)
>it's the same person
Is it though?
yes, but i say "can i have sex with you?", she says "yes". i go back and fuck her in the past. i didn't use my pass yet and she agreed to sex atleast once.
Why would you use time travel for consent?
Why not just use it to abort yourself?
Theoretically, as soon as you altered the past by doing something new in it, it would create an alternate timeline to reflect the changed actions, therefor meaning you were fucking a different version of the same person. Even if consent existed in retroactive perpetuity, it wouldn't be the same person you spoke to in the present.
That's not how consent works.
Better question: If I went back in time and had sex with a younger version of myself, is that rape or just masturbation?