Just sucked off some black guy
>Nigga thought i was a girl lmao
Just sucked off some black guy
Glory hole? Post a pic faggot.
No homo tho
Good job white boy
Nah my dude just some makeup and a cute wig
youre a disgrace.
Nu u
you deserve to be exterminated with the nigger i bet youre an ugly spic
Nice. You think he will hit you up again? What was his reaction when he found out? I want to say that I’d be pissed but I think I would end up walking away confused.
Aw dont worry user I'll suck your pp to :3
He still doesn't know so probably will meet him again lmao
larp larp larp larp larp
i wont let you anywhere near me disgusting nigger sucking faggot
hope someone gets rid of you &anupne like you soon
Omg anons its just one pp why the hate?
Faggot. Kill yourself.
Hey! I said no homo
Nice lmao
This is why there is a high trans murder rate.
Lmao i aint trans
Uhhhhh moar?
What do you think he is going to do if he finds out.
>Oh user, I loved you when I thought you were a girl, and I still love you now.
>Let me suck your feminine penis
That only happens in porn.
He is gonna kick the shit out of you.
Or prison rape
Livin the dream
Don't get killed OP.