celeb thread
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my dick is hurting for shaki
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no need to keep torturing it user
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Guys, did you know that Emma has big, juicy plump ass?
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my identity is shaki-fapper now. cant lose my identity
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you can always get back to fapping to her again after you cum
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I did. Nutted countless times to it
This. If you let go of your dick as soon as you start cumming and not touch it until you're done, you can start fapping again immediately
nice hh dubs
nothing. planing my next operation tactics...
trying not to burn
Attached: regitze-christensen-aritzia-201718-part-2-27.jpg (1920x2623, 1.29M)
omg never saw that pic. you the master
true, did that yesterday, dont wanna ruin orgasms today tho
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Show some your fav pics
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Her body is rockin but the face is meh.
hard for your face to live up to the standard that that body sets tho
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well then give yourself a big ol orgasm to shakira. drink a glass of water, do some situps, then get back to edging
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never done that.
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I've always thought she was gorgeous, different strokes I suppose
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Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
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nice, join the team
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just to keep your body and fluids in check as you build up that next orgasm
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Fluid important for that?
Will try to do multiples next time tho, gotta prepare for that mentally
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I mean I'm no doctor or anything but best to stay hydrated when you plan on cumming
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its a gazillion degrees here so extra today so i am lucky enough
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Her face gets me diamonds every fuckin time
well then stay extra hydrated kek
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i just realized today that karlie kloss married a kushner
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beautiful women set up shop in powerful peoples lives
you did not know this?
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I love the smell of Kenzie toes in the morning
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please some brunette shakira ! :3
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will do. i love her in those hall of fame pics. she can look so classy and also so slutty
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Need wins
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i know what you mean, like she's ready to get plowed up her thick butt
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bitches are 21 and 24 playing high school girls... riiighhhtttt
whats wrong with you guys today?
almost bought tickets to her show. couldnt make it in the end tho, shame.
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My qt beats your waifu
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what do you want
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I'd go to one of her shows, haven't listened to much of her music but I feel I would need to bring a chick along for afterwards
Attached: shak ass live.webm (1920x1080, 1.99M)
I love bling ring Emma so much
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you sure dude ? maybe she farts a lot who knows ?
oh fuuuuuu, love that dvd. yes i couldnt last the whole show probably.
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>stop you pervert
how could you touch yourself to such a pretty goddess...dont be lewd
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she is gorgeous, still
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gorgous is the right word
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would need someone to blow my pent up lust to for after the show
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You guys are very shy today
Night all
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I just can't resist, she is a perfect cum target
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that's okay...i secretly want you to anyways
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Stop posting this, it gives me lewd thoughts every time
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oh you
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LOVING the Shaki btw user
Attached: Ri White Legs.jpg (1200x1979, 391K)
and here I was thinking what could help this thread even more then you show up
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oh me..
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i love her ass..
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Dumped her memories
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You smooth talker user you!
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Is she practicing Jew jitsu?
accurate filename
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I wish I could understand your filename kek
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they just are what they are
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ohd dammmnnnnnn Shaki you queen!
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a queen to be worshiped
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I wonder if she likes to take it in the butt
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just ate a shitload of precum to that pic goddamn o shit still leaking
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well, i know i do..
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Dem legs!
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well that is some dedication
damn riri looks like that?
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those eyes
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heyo anons
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pleasent greetings to all in the thread
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Sometimes she looks like this
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There he is!
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what a good girl you are
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me likey
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hai qt
How'd it go?
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pretty much..
thanks for saying so
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Ahoy matie!
If only they made a video together...
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man wouldnt that be like a dream come true heh
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those socks hnnngnng
u edge properly to shaki or u dont ;)
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oh hello you
how was your first day?
hey riri :p
hey hey qt c:
Attached: gg413.jpg (1080x1080, 107K)
so good, honestly one of the best first days on a job
how are you today?
you posted like 2 seconds before me!
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I'll make some calls.
Been out saving the world today?
I am better than yesterday where I was better than ever, including today.
How about you?
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how do it be?
glad to hear it :3
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for the sake of humanity we need this video
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camren bicondova
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feet anyone?
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I'd fuck your mouth for Charlize
ok ok ill do it
Attached: 1540961929524.webm (1920x924, 1.97M)
my balls are starting to hurt
and just so ya know, been jerking to literaly every shaki post in this thread so far
well done, and havent came yet?
When you call, Ask for 'Terrence'. Tell 'em Bong sent you.
so glad to hear that qt, really I am
happy for u
damn, think its about time to show shakira your love
wow, i'm impressed and also slightly envious. how do you do it?
i'm pretty good myself thank you
thank you fren, think it should be a good job
real real good, lovely people, got to drive a really nice actual good car and they are paying for my hotel and all my meals. so i'm pretty happy
i will. have also been edging to her yesterday
make a new thread so i cant tell you how much like vicky and how good she is