Could I get laid Yea Forums?

Could I get laid Yea Forums?

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Gonna be honest with you, yes. most girls really don't care about your body just as long as you can make them laugh. Also... as long as you're able to run jump or go up a flight of stairs without getting winded you should be fine.


Yep, OP's body only look slightly flabbier than mine and I can usually get laid anytime I put the effort into it. If you can make them laugh and are half way decent at eating pussy you're fine.

If you work out and eat right ... maybe.

>Could I get laid?

To rest.

Hypertension, stroke, heart attack and diabetes are in your future user.

Of course, just be confident. Even if you have to fake it, just don’t make yourself over confident.

fake it till you make it son

I lift. I just have a hard time time shredding fat obviously

This. Also dont be thirsty.

How do I make them laugh?

Check em

Quints of 5s

Do cardio and stop stuffing your face.


Sure, with a fist full of twenties, you fat fuck loose twenty pounds

And not being a desperate beta.
Will eventually get you pussy.
If not... hire an escort you fat baby.

Ok Yea Forums thanks! One more thing, what nationality would you guess I am?


Also OP, keep on lifting, and smile. Women go for comfortable confidence, not abs.

Of course dudes with abs tend to be more confident about themselves, which is why you see those guys getting more attention. But hot women fuck regular dudes all the time.

Just have a good time.


Be like-able, don't be creepy, don't be desperate, and definitely don't be a "nice guy".

And have some guts to ask people out. Practice social skills.

Good luck user.

Some sort of beaner.

We live in the age of blood pressure and cholesterol medications. Limit sugar intake and diabetes isn't even really an issue.

I eat like 8 packets of no calerie artificial sugar everyday. Am I dead?

I'm an overweight dude.... 245lbs at 6ft1. I've been working out a lot over the last couple years and have really increased my strength but I still definitely am rocking the dad bod. Love handles, some man boobs, and an ass that's too big.

But, all that aside, I continue to hook up with some pretty great looking skinny chicks. My current fuck buddy originally said she only liked guys with six packs and built shoulders... but I said fuck all that and just made her "laugh until her cheeks hurt" and I just told her I was good in bed (I'm probably pretty average). When I took off my shirt she kinda laughed but I turned that shit around and told her to shut her mouth and only open it when I'm about to shove my cock in it. She pretty much melted and now sends me texts every day telling me she can't wait for Friday night.

You don't have to be good looking. You just need confidence even if you don't think you deserve it. Yeah, some girls will be shallow, but most want someone to pay attention to them, tell them they are pretty, and make them feel like they are all that matters. Learn to eat good pussy and fuck hard and you'll be golden.

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Sex doesn't exist retard. Your mom hugged your dad and then the stork brought you

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She cute. Hope I can fuck girls like her

lol what a fucking mor0n!


anytime these threads come up the number one thing is confidence. number two is humor. sometimes they are swapped in importance depending on the chick. but you get the deal. gotta be social to get most attractive women since they have been hunted most of their lives and have heard just about everything.
