/iqg/ - General IQ thread

I've been smoking pot every day for about two years and my iq is roughly 130. I'm turning 20 in a month. I just read these two studies and I'm extremely distraught.

Is there anybody on Yea Forums who understands the subject in greater detail? I've decided to quit immediately but I want to reverse whatever damage I've done to myself as much as possible. I understand that regular exercise and consistent sleep patterns correlate with iq benefits but I'd appreciate anyone's advice.

To ensure that the thread remains sufficiently on-topic let's have a general IQ discussion.


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Fuck off to /sci/ right now faggot. IQ is NOT Yea Forums and posting a book about IQ doesn't make your thread Yea Forums.

Okay I'll start a thread there. Friendly reminder that all information surrounding IQ is known as "scientific literature". I didn't notice a board rule that specified any exclusive domain of literature.

>scientific study
>online test

I get that the test isn't the most sophisticated but what's wrong with the articles?

It's just funny to cite scientific literature then rely on an online test.
I wish this wasn't too taboo to study right now. I've taken part in some psychological studies and would like to be tested again but don't want to pay for it.

Stop with the nigger lettuce, sunshine. It cannot be good for you in the long run, forget the disputed effects and the claims of paranoid attacks or enhanced creativity or whatnot. If you want the benefits, stretch your mind muscles the good old fashioned way and avoid the risks. Take ginkco, meditate, try puzzles and word challenges. Best of both worlds. Also IQ is valid and among the most accurate measures of success and achievement throughout life.

Have you actually read the studies?
Second link:
"Furthermore, marijuana-using twins failed to show significantly greater IQ decline relative to their abstinent siblings. Evidence from these two samples suggests that observed declines in measured IQ may not be a direct result of marijuana exposure but rather attributable to familial factors that underlie both marijuana initiation and low intellectual attainment."

A twin study is where a twin is seperated at birth and adopted into different families. Twin A develops a smoking habit and twin B doesn't. The study shows that the IQ decline associated with use isn't caused by the actual use of marijuana but by the environment factors that have a greater chance of bringing about a smoking habit, such as low socio-economic status, which has a substantial negative correlation with IQ.

Thread closed; furthermore, please go back to community college

I might add that this doesn't mean you can continue smoking, if you want to get anywhere smoking weed is just a dead weight holding you back.
(from an ex-weed smoker)

The twin study did not specify the levels of pot being smoked. A lot of critical details aren't included. The study gives me some hope but I'm not stupid enough to discontinue my search there.
ur funny
It's fucked up how taboo it is. I'm in my third year undergrad atm and I have professors that literally deny the validity of IQ outright. The ones that acknowledge its validity try to downplay its significance by bringing up IQ differences between populations (either race or gender as there's a 1 point advantage for men over women on average) and then arguing that those differences bear no significance whatsoever and that we ought to focus on null hypothesis findings to virtue signal.
I use psilocybin regularly for the psychological benefits (and the benefits are practically unimaginable). The only reason I ever really got into chronic pot smoking is because my family and friends are self destructing and I can't deal with life properly.

that's a whole other topic user, and perhaps useful, but the weed is not. Give it up lad.

Whilst I have you, what have been the noticible changes since taking shrooms? Will it help with overly neurotic obsessive thinking or perhaps get things like food or porn addiction under control (I hear it does for nicotine)?

I'm about to get on a bus for class but I'll explain this in greater depth on my phone in a few minutes. The gist answer to your question is "yes, absolutely".

A good metaphor I heard about the benefits of shrooms is this. Your brain is a sled hill, and as you live life and partake in thinking and behaving, you ride sleds down the "snow hill" that is your brain. Over time, the sleds create grooves in the hill, and every time you travel down a certain path you can't help but fall in the dips. Psilocybin adds a fresh layer of snow to the entire hill, allowing you to start fresh.

that's a superb summary user, thanks. I am a young man wracked with aforementioned anxieties, a reason why I don't partake in the marijuanas. I think I might benefit from this. Trouble is, I live in rural england and finding a decent dealer is tough. Perhaps I can get it online but that is risky. I will endeavour to find some, and any further phoneposting is most welcome, cheers user.

I am very intelligent

Memes aside, Joe Rogan had a microbiologist named Paul Staments on his podcast who spoke in length about his research on psilocyin. He knew Terrence McKenna personally and knows his brother, Dennis. If you're interested in learning about psilocybin that episode is a very good place to start.

From a standpoint of personal experience, psilocybin at the very least reveals the degree to which our psyhological issues are mere perceptions of our reality. That may sound like stoner philosophy but it applies literally to things such as depression (and I suspect it would apply to OCD as well). In my worst dips of depression it would take hours for me to leave bed after waking up and it was very difficult to be interested in doing things, mainly because I harbor a lot of guilt which makes it difficult for me to be motivated (i have this sense that i deserve to rot kind of like a prisoner who believes in and accepts his punishment). After taking psilocybin that perspective just disappeared and I was able to get out of bed like it wasn't something to think about.

It also helps with addiction because the habit of going back to whatever you're addicted to (be it a substance or a behavioural pattern) is caused by your biased perspective on day to day life developed by routine.

Also, if you know where to look, you can pick psilocybin yourself. Its very common. In Canada the laws only actually apply to dried mushrooms, so growing is actually legal. Id review the laws in your area to be sure.

uwu took real mensa test, we're samefags

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Go to Netherlands, u can get grow kitsch, get golden teacher. Alternatively you can take magic truffles there, buy out of the smart shop, and trip on that. Go ahead and book an ayahuasca trip. Have fun bro

pic related seems to be the money shot. Small n's but apparently significant differences. Adolescent use permanently lowers IQ, if you use cannabis as an adult you're probably an idiot, both as a kid and a grown up.
I would be sceptical until good replications.

Attached: cannabis and IQ2.jpg (885x559, 89K)

dumb clowns, the brain fog you get from smoking weed habitually is gone in a month. whatever permanent decreases in intelligence you get are the results of living the lifestyle of a drug user, which entails getting drunk until 3am, having poor nutrition, and not getting enough sleep. IQ is also a meme that has nothing to do with intelligence, but instead your ability to mesh well in the slave society


Your IQ becomes more crystallized to your genetics as u get older. Even benefits like prekindergarten entirely disappear at 12

OP here
This is the skeptical point I've been trying to cling to, although I disagree with your take on IQ.

just stop smoking it if you are feeling paranoid, and if your life no longer has a place for it. it isn't going to give you cumulative brain damage, although it does interfere with your ability to be motivated for something like an IQ test

I will spam this in every IQ thread


Kids and teenagers shouldn't smoke while they are still developing I thought this was common knowledge.

I'm pretty sure this is true of alcohol and cigarettes too

one of the main issues with these studies is they cannot account for regression toward the mean