Is my vagina normal?
Its weirdly coloured and I get these white lumps everywhere and similarly in my mouth. Its not an STD because I'm still a virgin but it just looks worrying. Should I go to a doctor?
Is my vagina normal?
Its weirdly coloured and I get these white lumps everywhere and similarly in my mouth. Its not an STD because I'm still a virgin but it just looks worrying. Should I go to a doctor?
Those are hair follicles dummy.
I'd be more concerned about that clit.
men get them on their ballsack too. it's just a follicle with a bit of oil under it. it stops your gash from drying up.
That’s the vulva not vagina
What clit?
Maybe we should check your pooper while we are at it?
Does it still work? Put something in it
For all who havent grasped it yet
It is a tranny with his new vagina
haha ur fatti boombalati
This is a professional environment of course
Wheres the fucking clitoris????
i guess the perspective is a bit odd, would you have a non spread picture you could show? seems pretty normal to me
Ah OK thanks. What about the same ones in my mouth. I won't show a pic but they look identical
OP Pee for Yea Forums or grfo
Your vagina looks fine pee 4 Yea Forums
Certainly a better view is required to properly diagnose your concerns.
Can you please masturbate and get your clit to swell up so we can at least see it?
no kys anhero goofy faggit tranny bitch ass nigga bbc cheater good for nothing weirda i am going 2 be a forever alone virgin 4ever because of ur fake bbc cheating ass and u cant change my mind wizard steals guns 4 hood nigga street nigga music videos while u cheat bbc interracial with guy that wants 2 do what i do u think church guy hardworker works his ass off buys guns is goofy weird lame
My clit is lower down and is small, idiots. They enlarge when aroused like a dick but smaller I think.
Yh I realised
Nah, but thanks for trying fag
Piss in a cup. Pee for Yea Forums
Timestamp is 14th. Fucking hell, guys.
how much u weigh fatti boom boom? ill add 40 lbs to whatever u say cuz i kno u lie
i think your pretty cute, based on the 1 picture you posted, have you ever considered selling nudes?
Pee for Yea Forums.
Any pics of your flaps soaked in fuckin piss?
Dont be a thot we demand the pussy
Any photos of saggy tits?
looks tasty 8/10
Same fag
can you shot a better picture?
>Its not an STD because I'm still a virgin
Have you double checked with your stepdad on that one?
"I think"? First time owning a clit bro?
How to locate clitoris
Being a virgin doesn’t necessarily rule out STD, some can be transmitted via kisses or even be hereditary.
Not interested, as I don't want people I know to find out about anything like that. I come from a small community.
That's a 2 faggot
I don't need to and its kinda gross. What if I drop my phone in piss? How am I meant to explain that to people?
Haha I don't have scales big enough for me faggot
>some can be transmitted via kisses
Thats right virgin op, when was the last time your virgin pussy got kissed?
That second pic ain't me sorry to disappoint
Well whatever the case, the color looks normal. Reddish is bloodflow, brown is concentration of sexual hormones.
The bumps are normal too. We all have them in different amounts.
Not a great photo to see much else, but what you show looks perfectly healthy
The clit is always on the top part you clueless faggot.
Look at some pictures of a real pussy.
I think it swells but sex ed in my country is pretty shit
Piss in a cup! It’s not gross is sexy. Pee for Yea Forums
I understand, if ever you do change your mind and you are interested hmu i'm very discret and i don't reshare. drewblueca on kik
There is no clit you mong
the real $LiM $HaDY says moar pics can u change my mind of being a virgin 4ever alfred enchanting knowsman r u really born a piping hot bbqtpie grill that does not cheat 4 bbc weirdos that want 2 steal our guns and kills us 4 hood nigga street nigga music videos
Google broken in your area?
Have you tried looking inside ? Like if the bumps get bigger
perfectly normal. Guys have the same spots on the penis, its kind of a lubricant exit in the skin.
Go get some dick and make a guy and yourself happy.
Thanks, I was just a bit worried. Do u think it will affect me getting a partner in the future? Like is it unattractive? I know I shouldn't compare myself to pornstars but my vagina doesn't look anything like theirs
Nice stomach hair, dude.
So are male to female transitions, apparently.
Ella wtf?
amazing how girls just have an innate compulsion to post their genitals online for thousands of random strangers to see
Yo o got them in my ballsack and the base of the shaft too, how do i remove em tho
being as big as you are, the vagina is the least of your worries
Show how it looks with fingers inside
>is it unattractive?
You literally don't have a clit just give up
My clit is really small but if y'all really wanna make sure this ain't fake then here
what do you guys think about my vagina?
if u only fuck men that r ur race tha match ur skintone purrfect match ur vagina is normal if not ur just a tranny goofy werida lame asshole bitch ass nigger with the vagina surgery from god black polka dots on ur skin do u hav polka dots of black skin r u goofy and weird cheater faggit bitch nigger tranny
That is one delicious pussy, would lick and fuck, fill with cum and use again and again.
9/10 (get shaved for 10)
Are you tight ?
How many fingers can you slide inside ?
Lmao I've been on plenty of dates I'll have you know, fag. I just haven't gone all the way with someone
Yes it is.
Do you have a problem with this?
looks perfect
10/10 better looking than op's
>im still a virgin
right,your probably one of those sluts who thinks doing it in the ass doesnt count
Texas whores
I actually have a septate hymen so I literally can't get more than a finger in without crying in pain
we have gone full circle fellas
fordyce spots. now tits with timestamp or gtfo
>My clit is really small
Wrong. It's just hidden away under all that disgusting fat.
ass play is pretty gross to me tbh
yes because i dont want to find out my future wife has spread her pussy for guys online to jerk off to, the fact its so common in women scares the fuck out of me
what do you guys think about my vagina? is it normal
Looks like mine
Bitch do u know what a vagina looks like. Its literally right there. Not all vaginas have dick sized clits like pornstars
>used to mega-clits
OP, the puss is beautiful. Would pull out from virginity/10.
Show us your feet or your butthole, because you know it arouses you a lot being appreciated.
Be the good girl your dad always wanted you to be but you deliberately chose to disappoint him because you wanted to wait for moments like this to feel used because it feels good.
Go for it then forget. Go
Good luck with that.
Best thread on Yea Forums for some time. Sadly...
i know you horny boys want to eat this pussy,please give me the attention that i want
Septate hymen? Wtf get that shit fixed girl. You're getting old for that to not have been remedied
All the perverted opinions aside. Can't really tell you if it's okay with these pics. Can you spread the lips open?
no, you are just fat
You sound like the kind of person who will end up killing his wife in a jealous rage fit
You're not getting free nudes you retard lmao
Ive seen three vaginas and they didn't look like that
Great... now im hungry
would add barbecue sauce and eat that pussy all day
Both a little dry, tbqh
Cute, what about the bootyhole ?
ssst, it always works if there are no faggots on the board
well, you ruined it btw, but np, at least I'm not a faggot like u
nothing personnel, kid
keep posting you whore
Can we see the hymen?
Thank you... But I don't like feet or people looking at my feet and idk, buttholes aren't my thing, even if I'm sharing mine.
Did this start your eating disorder?
you are the faggiest of all faggots
more pics!
Not with those fat sausage fingers in the first pic.
Show it, is it virgin too ?
That's no moon!
Not going to read this clusterfuck of a thread.
If it hasn't been stated yet, coloring seems normal, the dots are 'fordyce spots' (also normal).
No, that would be my broken family home thanks. My hymen is just a mild inconvenience during masturbation. I just use the clit everyone thinks doesn't exist.
Ever met any girl who lost anal virginity before the ordinary one?
I did. What a fuckin slampiggie in the end, after years, she became. Lmao.
So thot how much?
It is a virginal hole but I don't wanna show it
Its the little bit that sticks out but its quite hard to show
you just fat and all the fat hiding it.
You said you already shared it
how hard is it for you to shave? you know, with your big belly poor flexibilty and all?
any asshole pics plox?
Nope, that was a dudes ass in the thread. Y'all jacked off over a dudes ass
look at those fat fucking piggy fingers
Seconded, asshole with pussy shot
I don't like shaving bald and I only do it for functionality with an electric razor tyvm. My fatness is something I'm still working on.
>fat fingers
let's see a full body shot
I know this one was a troll about the so called fake pussy of OP. I want to see hers
i agree
ahaha the virgin chick called you a fag
What do you do to work on it?
I actually have very small hands compared to friends that are shorter than me. Maybe they're just stubby and only a little fat
sounds like herpes,and that shit is not normal
next time use a condom
I eat well and swim regularly, but I know swimming isn't the best thing. My friend is trying to get me to do weight training to increase muscle and metabolism so I burn fat quicker, so I'm going to start that soon
I love all the faggots going back and forth trying to figure out if this poor chick's pussy is normal and they want to see it or if it's weird and they want to make fun of her, but they don't know because their doujinshi are all pixelated on that part lol
(protip its normal)
how fast can you run a mile
Post a full shot of your hand and arm at least then.
This is good
Funniest shit on this thread
It's probably HPV. There are lots of different kinds and like 70% of people have it. You don't have to have sex to get it.
No one will ever notice. Trust me.
Also, your pussy is pink what do you mean it's oddly colored?
welcome to Yea Forums. replying to your own post is generally frowned upon
what are you going to do to fix your whorish nature that makes you feel compelled to post your vagina for strangers to jerk off to
Never tried as I'm quite asthmatic. Even swimming I need to take regular breaks and use my inhaler
Have you big tiddies ?
That ain't me mang
>hes still posting and raging
you fuckers beat me to punch
swimming is good cause you can just drink the water and pee whenever
why cant you just be straight and jerk off like the rest of us?
id rather swim in pussy
Comparison of size to an old PSP if that helps. Sorry its blurry but I CBA to take the pic again
Yeah those are hair follicles but thank you for sharing
We had ourselves a live female in this thread what do we do. Fuck it up by calling her fat or a tranny. My God how we've fallen from glory.
fucking whore
Show them user
>what do we do?
man the fucking harpoons you fucking filthy degenerate white knighting piece of space wasting. GTFO
You chunky but hey so is 70% of America
nice sausage fingers you fat cunt
how close do you keep snacks to your bed
Show those hangers
show asshole
Show asshole and vagina
I ain't white knighting I'm just stating the fact that Yea Forums sucks at handling women
BTW how much do u think this PSP would go for on eBay. Its my little brothers but he doesn't use it anymore since other consoles came out
This. Gynofag here. Need to see the pooper to analyze the problem here.
Too far for my fat little legs to be bothered to go get them in fortunately fag
Did you really go to these lengths on photoshop to pretend you're not a White Knight faggot? Oh dear oh dear
with a good deal like 50
Shieet $50 if it's in good condition
no your right there is something wrong.
first things first.
because no body wants to lick someones beard.
if you can please lose weight because there is like no clit which means your not going to enjoy sex as much as you could.
from looking at you i would see you could lose 40/80 lbs.
what does this mean?
for the next year just drink water
nothing with flour or sugar.
thats all. you'll lose probably more than then that
i also suggest you take olive leaf extract because women are prone to yeast infection.
youll also lose a fuck ton of weight from it.
You really a virgin OP? wanna marry?
do you just convince yourself you have to pee and stop by the kitchen on the way?
just need the hole to get done with my dick
i would love to destroy your hymen
let this be a reminder Yea Forums this is what your daughter will do unless you ban them from going on the internet and instill proper discipline. DONT FORGET IT, LEARN FROM THIS GIRL.
better not to fuck with other people's consoles
First of all: You arent handling shit online. It is virtual. Never who was right in the head bragged about how good he can handle girls ONLINE.
Second: It is Yea Forums, you newfag! She hasnt even posted a picture of her tits yet. And even though, I give that to her, she added a timestamp right from the beginning the sole purpose of her posting is ATTENTION WHORING.
Which is clearly just another form of degeneracy.
Also rule 37
Its got a few games like star wars battlefront 2 and films like the Goonies so do u think it will bundle well with like 5games and 4films or something?
show your hair
turn it on show proof it works
This. I'm sending my daughters to the convent. Filthy whores
These threads leave me with little hope for humanity. Your pussy is normal, nothing wrong with it.
> (You)
Any reason?
Show bra then
maybe even 60-75 then
people still use ebay? LOL
Lol fag
Post more of your pussy OP
OK I only shave for functionality during red season so I'd probably fully shave if I know someone was gonna go for it. Also I am working on losing weight as I have lost weight in the past, its just a slow process with my asthma as stuff.
post them titties,fat girls usually have a great pair of tits
Lose weight, stop eating yourself to death, only eat/drink from 7am to 7pm.
It's normal. I have those white bumps too. And so do a couple of girls I've been with. I researched it after I first saw it on a girl I was with.
It's a blocked pore or some shit. Nothing unusual.
how much do you weigh? Can't be that bad
He literally never touched it since the switch came out. I think he forgot we still had it
I think it looks lovely
Yeah it does
as opposed to?
Its not charged but it works for sure
Marry me OP. I'll treat your like a queen
Goin out to the shops man
Don't wanna
Consent is everything
You call this attention whoring. She's done nothing but talk about her vag and a the selling rate of a psp
wow trying to scam like a nigger. im reporting you to ebay. ill be looking for a psp with star wars and goonies
Are you in Tennessee?
id rather beat the whore out of them
Exactly what I am saying. This thread is about nothing except some selling advices of outdated consoles and the pussy of that girl who decided to put it on the internet.
This thread is about nothing, still it exists.
Kek there ya go
this,all these zoomers dont remember the times where you actually walked outside of your house to buy stuff
she's showing vag. Who gives a fuck if she likes the attention it gives her. I bet you go on pornhub and comment "attention whore" on all the videos
is that a bra or a fucking apron you disgusting pig
you say your fat but your bra is that small. Are you 18+ op?
It gets messy if it isn't shaved and the red season can last for any amount of time with any heaviness or flow. It seriously helps to be shaved a little
Sorry, uncut is a HUGE turn off.
A real pussy can you imagine it? I bet you never have seen one in real life. Because she is the angle Yea Forums deserves kek
so is being 300lb+ you absolute fucking fat whore
Spare the rod, spoil the child
"I don't like what you're saying so I'll just call you a newfag and pretend I'm right"
Do u not know what a sports bra looks like, fag? I've seen girls who look perfectly thin with massive bras for their massive tits
oh, you're muslim, i understand
No you are actually a newfag, maybe '12 max
no one is fawning over her faggot. You're the only one spazzing out like some kind of autist
How old are you user?
Yeah its a 38D, and also sports bras are comfortable compared to those underwire deathtraps
Haha filthy foreskin fags btfo by a land whale
Never said you had to. I want to see that's all. You could have said I don't want to instead of a "No". Communication is everything.
Sad though I'm sure you have a decent looking asshole.
I was pointing out that she is attention whoring because one stupid cunt whiteknighted
no you just don't know what a newfag is, but you enter thread you don't like for some reason and start throwing around like you pretend you know what it means
That wasn't my comment, cos the dick was pretty OK. Prefer uncircumcised actually. Make sure u call the right person a fat whore next time ;)
i dont think youre allowed to call people fag when youve just completely submitted yourself to random strangers online by posting the most intimate parts of your body for their sexual gratification. you're spoiled goods forever now and i hope you don't forget it.
Now it's removed, show the damn tiddies thot.
gotta know how fat we're talking about here. 300+?
sauce on that?
>Haha filthy foreskin fags btfo by a land whale
only muslims and jews cut their foreskin. which one are you?
Sorry, didn't mean to be aggressive.
Well he's right you are a newfag, hell I've been here since 04 and I'm a newfag.
>M-m-must be a Jew
No one wants your ugly cock faggot
give it a rest lol how many times are you going to post this sperg shit in here? youd think people this mad would just close the thread
>spoiled goods
Thanks gramps but maybe you should go back to 1865.
>calling people fags
Only the ones complaining about a vagina on the internet. Go back to gay porn if u don't like vagina
That's nice user
Nice way of deflecting your poverty stricken parent's inability to afford a circumcision at your birth, were you born in a public toilet as well?
so you're muslim. that explains a lot
Sure you have lard ass
Look at your grotesque sosig fingers
As an Europa-fag, your American sisters really love my uncut cock.
Idk about lbs but somewhere around 70-80kg. I'm 5'3" if that helps
Show me more of that pussy OP
this is the most jewish post i've ever seen
First day here?
ur designated shitting street is showing user
shut up fag
Sure you have lard ass
Look at your grotesque greasy sosig fingers
>next time eat a salad
tf? That's not fat
go figure you have to settle for american women because all of your own country's women are being gang raped by muslims
you should always keep it bald.
if you find shaving difficult use hair removal cream.
Nice way of deflecting your poverty stricken parent's inability to afford to wash yourself daily, were you born in a public toilet as well?
That's funny because the last time I was in Europe I couldn't keep your eurotrash sisters off my dick as soon as I gave them a little southern drawl
Just do the next guy you are with a favor and shave that shit.
I'm quite chonk but I wear baggy clothes as well due to body shape. I come across larger IRL when people meet me
80kg is 176lbs and you're only 5'3"? That is morbidly obese my god
kek, growing up my parent's house was a 3 & 1/2 bath.
and your women getting fucked by europeans. must be hell on earth when the only women left for you are filthy mexicans.
Cowboys are hot tbf
Just give us a full body shot for fucks sake. Let all these weight fags get their fix of chub.
>filthy mexicans
lol,i dont care.i perfer latinas over white women anyway.white women are either fat nigger lovers.or blue haired ugly feminists
You should spank yourself as penance
The aroma, the smegma, and the just overall sadness of foreskin.
And yours fucked by niggas and muchachos
No thanks, they're hard to set up on my shitty phone and I don't feel like getting up atm
I actually am a big fan of spankings and small bdsm. I am full on submissive.
Show the tiddies.
Well do it laying down. Improvise
>weighs metric ton
>thinks they have a choice
Beggars cant be choosers you ugly sack of horse shit
Obese fuck. Just post some fat rolls while laying down.
Please show
because the guy who posted this is mad that his parents sold his foreskin to jewish companys so they can make anti aging cream out of it. he can never go back to a normal penis so he is mad at everybody who has one to hide his inferior complex.
Can you say "restrict my airflow pater familias" on vocaroo?
Mexicans are almost superior
Ffs everyone thinks this is me. Its not. I like uncut more tbh. Its a turn on for me
This slut was making an excuse to show off her pussy. Mission accomplished.
no they arent,your as bad as niggers.trump's gonna send you beaners back to the country you belong
No. If it helps I do like choking during masturbation.
Uncut fag here, how old are you?
P.S.: Your Pussy looks fine.
I can get on tinder and be fucking within 30 mins, as soon as some chick sees that stanky uncut pork sword, your dumbass probably gets swiped left in hurry.
Proud for something they didn't have control on. Girls love to play with forehead and feel the extra bump inside vagina, deal with it.
If I wanted to just show off my vagina, I would've. I wanted to know about those spots and people were asking other anatomy questions like my septate hymen and (supposed) nonexistent clitoris.
>because no body wants to lick someones beard.
confirmed for never having laid his tongue on a pussy ever
also fuck off with you alternative medicine bullshit
>stanky uncut pork sword
>my sides
Uncut just seems better imo
>wanted to know about spots on her vagina
>so decides to post a picture on a board with 95 percent males on it
whatever you say slut
You sure are talking alot and not posting pictures. Less talky more piccy. No one cares what you have to say
do you need to get surgery for the septate hymen?
who cares dude. Why'd you click
But you can barely fit a finger inside yourself? Right.
For pictures. Clearly. This is an image board
i clicked so i can make fun of a fat attention whore
thats sad my dude
Yeah probably because it hurts like a bitch when I tug at it. The main bit doesn't feel like anything but the sides where it connects hurt like fuck. It might break if I have sex but that sounds really painful
Choking yourself or getting choked?
Like I said before. Clit works wonders
wait... you think the foreskin goes still over the head when the penis is erected?
Well I've never had a partner but that would be fun
Those White Dots also have Man, some more or less, so dont be afraid if you suck some1.
not as sad as some virgin defending a fat women,im sure she's going to fuck you because of it(sarcasm)
I'm not defending her. I just wish you had a better life
I wouldn't mind, you look like you have a body type I like. You're in america though right?
>you look like you have a body type I like
Morbidly obese? She claims shes 170lbs and 5 foot 3?
ill never understand the logic of someone on B telling someone else to get a life
That's a tad far away for me. Like 11.000 freedom units too far away.
No youre not ;)
From now on OP will be known as short-round
So what if I'm a chubby chaser? I've fucked girls that weighted over twice my weight before.