Meanwhile in the house of Yea Forums

>meanwhile in the house of Yea Forums

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Give me some beer already will ya

Here you go, one beer. Don't mind the soft rubbery cup.

user #6752 got arrested again guys

Anyone seen my piss jug?

Yo quiet down I'm trying to watch this

Alright what the fuck, who farted?

Anyone seen my external hard drive I think the feds are here again

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Who the fuck has been stealing the neighbor's cable again?

i call my piss jug your mother's mouth

Wasnt me

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Fellas who will chopped some tree to start a fire and burn that shit down for BBQ?

This basement is too fucking small to fit us all

Uuu i forgot to post something for drink, cheers mates

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guys i think i pirated the wrong surfs up movie.

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our uncle is setting up a lemonade stand out front, and Saturday is the garage sale

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Who the fuck is drinking from my piss jugs ?

I've got the gasoline

Im taking the attic then

well fuck.

Ok guys my 5 year old niece is staying for the weekend, behave

Don't come into the shed. I'm masturbating.

i can watch her

Does she like cookies?

Fair enough, but i don't need the gasoline to start a fire, i need only axe some firewood and a lighter

fuck off i watch her already, got cookies too

Nice try FBI man

guys I m the richest guy in Yea Forums
quads gets part of my money

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And here comes the crew

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Who painted the wall Yellow?

Fuck off

Better to be looking at it than looking for it

>shits on carpet
>wipe with your favorite pillow

Every fucking time, learn to flush you goddamn disgusting faggots!

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Should we invite the neighbors over

>not reaizing its a joke
>not been long enough in Yea Forums to stumble upon the guy that makes that thread

If they are okay with you user then why not. If they are some degenerate scumbags then we will intentionally have some loud music and we are going to laugh at them. I dunno it could be fun tho

I ordered Pizza like 2 hours ago but it hasn't been delivered yet. This always fucking happens.

What da fuck are you writing about? This is a classic low quality bait only to have some replys

Thats Andy, bro.

this room is entirely too small for cumdumpsters to get drunk in, imafix et kay frens?!

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ok man I trust you with this


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Rents due.

Do you like ice cream?

where do you think?

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Pay up

Hey does anyone saw Ashley, i can't find her

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Alright guys I got us some 12 year old girls to come over. Lets go get the ghb and alcohol ready

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oy, yeah, the pizza. they arrived like 1 hour and half ago, i was putting some cheese on it. here, all yours.

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just leaked my ex gf

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Who's down for 4-player Goldeneye?

Aaaa fuck it, this is the best game on 64, i'm in and i'm that little guy (forgot his name), and also license to kill with one bullet

odd job is cheating