Western morality

>Western morality

What the fuck does that even mean? Can anyone give me an example of Western morality?

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see Justinian

Any kind of moral values that promotes le epic liberalism.

When most people talk about "Western civilization" and "Western values" they're referring to 18th century liberalism. They're not talking about medieval Catholicism or anything like that. "Western morality" is basically the equivalent of the Wiccan Reed. "An it harm none, do as thou wilt". It's hedonism.


See: liberalism.

Greeks buttfucking teenage boys

Ending slavery

Nazis in WWII when fighting in North Africa

Modern liberal democracy basically.
So pay your taxes, don't meddle with others' lives and don't break any laws.

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Not stoning someone in the street because they stole a banana or setting someone on fire because they're leaving a certain religion


To the gulag with ye

But the people that bitch about the erosion of “western values” are often violent bigots that shoot up churches and mosques

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The so called "Western values" do not come directly from Indo-European whites who have ruled over Europe since bronze age. They come under influence of Christianity/Judaism.
They are not European and have little to do with Europe. We should abandon them.

Both Marxism and Nazism are products of Western Civilization and the exemplars of the "western morality".

Abrahamism is the greatest cancer the earth has ever seen

Marxism is a semitic invention
Nazism is just more intolerant nationalism, they were still mostly correct

What's Semitic about Marxism? It's based on Hegelian philosophy and the experience of the French Revolution and the European revolutions of 1848. Marxism is much more "western" than Christianity, for example.

left anarchism, marxism and right anarchism seek to continue the ethics of semitic pastorialism (escape from territorial capital investment - escape from paying the costs of holding either private or common property) against the ethics of agrarianism (territorial capital investment) that allowed Northern Europeans to create, maintain and hold commons that semites never could, and that they still parasitise upon to this day


That take is very, very fresh.

I'm going to be thinking about that for a while.

western morality is bombing civilians with napalm instead of cutting their heads off

But IE were dirt-poor pastoralists when Semites had already settled and created civilizations.

>Western morality
Arrange the entire planet into a race-based hierarchical state with the more numerous "darks" being relegated to the most undesirable and tedious jobs, and "White Christians" at the top of this hierarchy living totally free from the tyranny of drudgery thanks to a rather generous welfare state which can only exist thanks to labor expropriated from the darks. Christianity with its concept of "thou shalt not hurt thy employer's profits" becomes the religious opium that makes this system of expropriation tolerable for all but the lucky few, those in "white" societies who don't have lives hard enough to really need it.

What constitutes "white" and what constitutes "dark" changes depending on whether you are an 18th-century Anglo who doesn't consider French, Irish, Germans, Meds, or Slavs to be among the whites or a Peloponnesian in the 5th century BC who doesn't even consider Greeks in lower social classes or from other city-states to be among the whites, or possibly a mutt in the 21st century who thinks "pale skin = white"

The latter-day version of this has liberalized enough due to raw economic need that allow it to just be [best-performing race gets to be on top] and white Christians are threatened because Jews, Muslims, secularists, and easterners are all uniting in opposition to the system which continues to allow white Christians disproportionate political privileges, and once that finishes happening, the system which affords them comfortable lives will all come to an ironic end as "do unto others as you would have done unto yourself" reaches its logical conclusion, and "western morality" evaporates into pointlessness and is replaced by a daughter morality system which comes from the result of being permanently replaced by a foreign ruling class.

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Semites like Bedouin/Saudis?

>Can anyone give me an example of Western morality?
9 year old drag kids

Like Akkadians and Babilonians.

So everything prior to the abolition of slavery wasn't real Western civilization?

because they had initial resource advantages where Europeans didn’t, and it proves my point exactly that they were never able to hold and maintain the civilizations they developed

And Trumptards, Dylan Roof, and the New Zealand shooter want to preserve this? Interesting.

Executing protestants.

>Implying that Trump is even remotely pro-white
He is just kike wanting to send white Americans to die for Israel and take their money to give this to his jewish masters, while niggers/spics can rape their women

trying our best not to fuck with ppl too much.
but we are all stupid fuck ups when shit get heated.

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OP asked for an example

Go home, /pol/, just admit that he conned you

This is my home, /leftypol/ nigger
Also, I never supported Trump

The Middle East speaks Arabic tho.

We both know where your home is

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When people say "traditional Western values" what year are they referring to? Because the European values of 1800 are completely different than the European values of 1500 and the European values of 44 BC.

Genocide the native population and torture uwu

is that why you antifa-faggots are beating up trash cans cause you think fascists live there?

Stop skirting around the issue, /pol/, we both know where your home is by all those buzzwords you keep slinging

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>this entire thread
I propose instabanning any ip that logs in for the first time between june and september
>hurr wut iz western morality
Syncretic belief system that combines mesopotamian and egyptian myth, greco-roman religion, Judaism, Christianity and enlightenment ideals.
>buht dose r difrunt
If you cant see a continuity of thought throughout all of these belief systems you are retarded.

>triggered trumptard because he realizes "western morality" isn't a real thing and is unable to provide any clear examples of it

cuckoldry is literally the epitome of all western morality, culture and philosophy

Western/Eastern Morality is the difference between a Father/Master not having the right to execute their child/student at their own discretion, and it not being anyone else's businesses why, and not having a Mastet/Student relation in a similar capacity at all.
China had a idiom "Teacher for a day, Father for a lifetime." that highlights this difference in mentality. A modern westerner could never imagine a tradesman revering their teacher like that.

Western morality is:
- Violence is morally acceptable to show in media but sex isn't
- Even though sex isn't morally acceptable to show in media, western societies revolve around sex
- Money doesn't defines you but how you spend it does
- You must accept everyone for what they are unless they are what you don't want them to be
- You must do your best to change history while at the same time never letting go of it. Keep in mind to never learn from it as well
That's western culture in general to be honest.

To be fair, western is full of tyrants going around destroying the world for fun. The West was a mistake.

Western morality is about diversity. The highest value in Western society is being a homosexual or a transsexual.

trannies should killed

trannies deserve to die you are freaks

Tons of hot females and porn in this discord server(also giftard giveaways).
