Womens rights was a self destructive mistake...

womens rights was a self destructive mistake, prove me wrong through logic and reason instead of calling me an incel for insulting the false deity you worship

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Tons of hot females and porn in this discord server(also giftard giveaways).


Women's rights isn't the issue. The issue is that people think that things will be completely equal and there'll be no difference between anyone after we pass the right laws. When this doesn't come true you get harpies and man children trying to chase that nonexistent dream, making the world a worse place for everyone.

Agreed. The issue at hand is that people think women's "equality" eliminates the significant differences between them and men. We need to appreciate and respect our differences logically.

>The issue is that people think that things will be completely equal and there'll be no difference between anyone after we pass the right laws

thats literally the way women think genius

No, that's how hippie college girls think. You have professors giving shitty research about equality and how the students are victims, then you tell them that they deserve the world and it's a crime they aren't being given it. At this point the students are too inexperienced to realize that they don't want the whole world and not every opportunity is for them.

Talk to girls outside of the college bubble and they're fine.

There's not really anything to counter it.

They want to fucking kill us.

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I've done a liberal course in college. The people who act like that are weirdos. The problem is that they and the teachers are more than happy look for signatures, and the less initiated normal people will sign it because it "seems OK." The teachers also give high marks for opinions similar their own, cementing crazy ideas in academia.

women's biological imperative IS to want the world and more dude, its like you have never been in a relationship with a woman before

Not in the way they're being taught in uni. Your average woman wants you to do things for her because that's sweet and it means you might like her.

The college indoctrinated tramp people see so much of thinks that the world is made of interwoven systems that exist to empower groups. This ties in with the belief that they belong to these groups and the only way to fix this is to establish dominance or destroy everything.

Quality Thread.

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I really hope that someone made that as a joke, or to trick incels.

Please point out what is wrong about it. Use sources.

wow... so... youre kinda very naive, i do hope that you wont have to learn the lesson the hard way but i cant really help you...

what really irks me is how women value themselves on how they can birth but at the same time celebrate abortion. like then wtf is the point of your existence?

Zero point at all.

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Feminists out here fighting for a better society for all whilst you MRAs and Incels blame all your problems on women and shoot up schools.

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Feminists beat ISIS's ass.

Incels shot up a school and then killed themselves accomplishing nothing.

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>Use sources
Keked. You first I guess?
It just comes off as something you'd write if your only interaction with women was seeing them in le liberalist feminist takedown vid. You'd have to actually not have talked to a girl to believe that stuff. It looks like incel bait.

t. Triggered femcel.

You aren't fighting for anyone but yourselves.

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Jesus fucking christ,
Im not even OP but these are the shittiest arguments ever
no wonder feminism is loosing.

All women are like that, they just don't openly show it.

No, No they dont.
They just want to piss men off enough to rape them.
They do however want to kill off all inferior men.
Thats what nature designed them for.
And you know how nature molded their evolutionary phycology to determine this?
whether or not you rape them when pissed off.

Never happen. All women hate each other.

See, only the most basement anime fan would say something that silly. I'm gonna assume you're just trying to fuck with me.

OP here, id argue that feminism is winning and western society is going down the toilet because of it

hes not dude, once you get with enough women you start to see how they function and you become disgusted

It's in their voting record.

I can take some solace in the fact that the people ITT can't do anything besides bitch about feminism.


So look at those countries that suppress their women. Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.
They'll always be inferior shitholes unable to compete in the world.
Look at those that have their women in the sciences, engineering, etc. Most powerful countries on earth.

ye of little faith in "heavy spring cleaning."

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not a feminist. She's a misandrist. We have our fair share of misogynists.

Misogyny is the rational response to women's hatred towards us.

islamic countries revolve around religious fascism and due to shortsightedness, they suck at war.
however they have an amazing replacement rate because their women dont have a word in anything.

the west has an abysmal replacement rate and are quicklygoing extinct. this is why your leaders are for illegal immigration and open borders.

They were already before they let women into the sciences. Or vote.

Except those countries don't have half the problems the declining West has. Giving women power was a massive mistake and will end with them fulfilling the goal of killing 90% of us.

>They suck at war
Not really.


I'm, not him but ya they do.

How what? How will they kill us?

In a pointless war that they started for that purpose. You'll know when it's about to happen because two major superpowers will be under women's control.

Afghanistan? They destroyed Soviet Union and they were literally just untrained tribesmen. Muslims will not give up their land at any costs.

Lol I was with you until this. Don't turn women into an illuminati plz

Please be trolling.


Conventional armies are glacially slow to change. The US have had their hands full with guerrilla tactics as well. I'm looking at wars they've started amongst themselves. They suck. Worst leadership in the world, abysmal loyalty, idiotic coordination, pride, etc etc


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There's not a straight man alive who doesn't wish it was still 1855 or some shit. Women should be property.

Nah fuck tradcon bullshit let's go to 2119 and replace them with machines

When men decide to stop this it will stop. Women are far too stupid to be this globally nefarious. They are being useful idiots right now for someone else pulling the strings.

Keep in mind, black people have pulled this off to a certain extent as well, but that doesn't prove the existence of Wakanda

i wouldn't go as far as saying property, but they sure as shit should not get a say in anything especially politics


You don't get to hate people like and then be exactly like them

I didnt post that

I didnt say kill them I said replace them. They can live without the attention and provision of men (who they hate so much)

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I'm not an MRA or red piller incel but I do agree with this. Leftist policies are rooted in demoralization and women have pushed this wave far beyond its containment barrier and sent the tsunami straight into all the good shit we used to have. Now nobody believes in anything anymore and we have to tear down all the structures that we built in order to build our great societies all because some leftist has a problem with how they perceive it was done.

Here's the truth though. When they are finally done tearing down everything that made the West great, they won't replace it with a goddamn thing. Because this is not an ideology that creates, it just consumes and destroys.

Lol touche with the screenshot

If you want 1855, you don't want to take power over your women, you want society to give it to you. Build strength and take what you want, don't wait for it to be handed to you.

"Fucking feminazis" are the cause of half the real problems you list


in the sense of 'reducing morale' or in the sense of 'eliminating morality'

porque no los dos?

Reducing morale. It's a war of mentality. They want to break us.

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this degeneracy is fucked

But also like lowering morale. Breaking a people.

Women can now get better paying jobs so more ugly women can afford plastic surgery and cosmetic products so theres more decent looking but emotionally insecure girls out there for fucking. Also now average women subconsciously compare themselves to super strong successful women leading to more insecurities and divisions in female social groups

That post isn't real. It's a meme/copypasta.

But yeah, there are people women broke that much.

If you don't want to grant women rights, why should anyone want to grant _you_ rights?

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Yeah, they're trying to break us.

Men and women consistently score the same on IQ tests. I just can't buy that men and women are somehow intellectually different.

Rights are taken, not granted

Because they don't deserve them.

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Well, again, I do think we are being broken but I don't think this is a masterplan from women... Women have convinced themselves all of their bullshit is true. Useful idiots. Something else is definitely trying to break us and is giving power to all minorities or perceived victims and getting them worked into a frenzy. The west has no natural antibodies to ward off guilt, especially an onslaught of it. We are cowed. It takes a sick mind indeed to take western liberal values and weaponize them.

But who else is there?

Don't say Jews.

because im willing to fight for my rights. women wont fight for theirs, just bitch till men give it to them. men are the ones who shed blood for their rights, women when faced down the barrel of a gun will spread their legs for mercy

Nazi war brides come to mind.

No I think it might be state level

i was thinking the boku haram thing where the muslims went and culled the villages and took the women and when the Obama administration tried getting them back, they were perfectly content living with their new husbands

simps don't understand how women work, they will gladly lay over your corpse while the guy who slaughtered you fucks her

I wonder who's pulling strings to destabilize society?

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I've seen many couples post stuff similar to that and even met some. They are all extremely leftist/feminist.

nothing in here surprises me at all.

It's not Israel or the Jews. I don't believe in collectives. There may be some Jews but it's silly to look at Jews as the source. They are a people group like anything else, and even if they banded together to look after their own interests it'd be weird to get butthurt about them doing what we're all sitting around lamenting what the West should do to preserve our heritage.

We're already seeing some pretty seismic shifts in the geopolitical order. Russia, China, jew-hating Iran and the non-Israel Middle East have the most to gain from any of this, especially the jew-hating Iran

Or at least, the Sunni world USED to have a lot to gain except for the fact that they are now staring down the barrel of a violent Shia overthrow. This is one of the reasons Kashoggi was melted down. He was a pro-Iran shill journalist trying to destabilize Saudi Arabian Sunni pre-eminence. And don't think through all this Turkey isn't eying taking back chunks of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey will eventually align with Iran because if they do not, Russia will take Istanbul.

Jews make up half of all billionaires. They make up the majority of media. What you believe doesn't matter.

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so much this. i get that the jews help their own but blaming them for how women are breaking society down instead of solving the problem is unproductive

Until you find that most feminsts are jewish. Must just be a coincidence! Jews are also making laws that will make it illegal to criticize them, ever. Another coincidence! You are literally hitler if you point it out!

Jews are not a hivemind. There are far right and far left Jews. And centrist Jews. You are mad at them for being successful. You do not understand how much Jews fight with each other, even Zionists. If you put three Zionists in a room they will form four political parties.

Stop trying to find meaning in patterns that aren't relevant.

Jews will likely be present in a lot of these positions yes because many Jews strive towards education and setting lofty goals. It's cultural. That doesn't mean that BECAUSE they are Jews they will vote in predictable ways. Some of the most vociferous anti-Israel voices are Jewish voices.

what about the antisemitism in the womans March? unless that was just some bullshit the jew controlled media pulled to play a narrative?

fact of the matter is idgaf what you guys wanna do with the jews, stop letting women have a say in politics first

Also "most feminists are Jewish" fuck off.... Seriously.

>Through logic and reason
By default you're wrong, until you provide proof to support your assertion.

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Most jews are on the same page as seeing non-jews as inferior and basically a slave race put there by god to serve them. This is why they seek to cheat and fuck over as many non-jews as they can, and sow as much discontent in societies as long as it doesn't affect Israel. They're mad that their homeland was taken long ago and they seek revenge on the world. It's why they're kicked out of pretty much everywhere but now they play up the WW2 sympathy so you can't criticize them for anything. They will continue to grab power and control more and more until they are the sole dominant force, which is actually almost true. Being able to speak freely on the internet is one thing it's harder for them to control, but they're passing laws to change that too.

You should be concerned when one tiny group wants to make it illegal to even discuss what they're doing. That it doesn't frighten you boggles my mind.

Can't handle the truth?

literally evolution

Lol literally none of this is true. It's just an antisemitic screed. A looooot of mind-reading going on here. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know any Jews and have not been to Israel.

You sound like a massive twat btw.

/pol/... Not even once.

Like 1/100 women i would say are "fine" like well put together mentally. No. Women are not fine you retard. They are all attention seeking shit stirring retards.

well there are some women who are down too earth but they are almost always some amount of autistic