Why are you a bigot
Why are you a bigot
The end goal of dating is marriage and biological children.
Because that shit is gay as fuck, Men can't give children, its an obvious answer.
Because I want to put my dick inside a real vagina, not a sliced messed up penis, brings me to puke at the very thought
mostly trans people only like to date other trans people. who cares
This is like when incels get mad at women for not fucking them, only they didn't choose to mutilate themselves and fuck up their life. They were unlovable from birth lol.
You can't force someone to love a disgusting freak loser. Be it an incel sperg or a tranny.
Also fat people are on the same tier.
I don't believe there's any scientific evidence to support the claim that a man can become a woman through surgery and hormone blockers, nor can a woman become a man.
Mostly because of the dick..
i wont fuck a trap (which im considering is trans for this) unless shes a 10/10
and itll only last til the wall
Because logic.
And trans have no logic.
How can you know at age 5-18 that you want to suck dicks for the rest of your life? I know 3 guys that were happily married had kids, but eventually came out as gay. Which is fine... but retards now days are like yeah my kid is trans cause they don't fit in, so let's pay for them to get a bunch of surgeries they might regret later.
The biggest problem with bitches is their indecisiveness. Imagine that x1000 with a trans. That's why. No one wants to date crazy.
Fucking christ, a fucking idiot.
Then you're a faggot.
How stupid can people be?
I really don't mind their delusions, but if they think they can actually transition from male to female, they are just stupid, you can cut off your cock, you can dress like a women, talk like a women and with enough practice maybe even walk like a women. But they'll never be a women, and I am straight, I don't fuck guys.
You've apparently never dated.
I've tried once, no matter how she appears in photos you can see clearly that it's a dude, especially from up close
This is a false flagging homo. A fat chick is exponentially better than a fuckin tranny. Go suck a nigger dick.
People who refuse to date trans are basically people who despise people who try to be different. You guys can't even let a person get a chance with you? What a terrible world we live in to be honest..
Because it's a slim market
Women want either a woman, or a penis.
Men want wither a woman, or a penis.
It's a rare kink to want a m2f unic.
More desirable as a crossdresser / sissy / femboy to most people, but then, Hot people are hot regardless of what they do most of the time.
I didn't say no one dates crazy, I said no one WANTS to date crazy. We all end up dating crazy, we just don't know it at first.
Maybe, just maybe the Transgender is not the issue, albeit it's debatable that a thing as Transgenderism can even factually exist, and that it is not a mental illness.
Maybe, just maybe these people have a hard time accepting themselves while expecting everyone else to accept them not accepting themselves.
If you are a decent person and happen to have a penis, I don't care at all. But if you define yourself through this then you're probably more boring than a piece of toast and I don't fancy having my time and braincells robbed by a dude in denial who'll probably decide to end all on a dime due to a generall lack of appreciation and valuation for anything rational in a mans life.
But maybe I am just a big fat bigot, what difference does it make, anyone contesting me is probably already in a worse position trying to win and ultimately fuck me over for life. Being a bigot is sometimes not so bad provided it keeps you from being eaten by someone worse than you, or by your inherent urge for self destruction.
op what are you doing
People don't want to put up with all the crippling narcissism and mental illness trans fags all seem to have.
I wouldn't because I'm straight. Cut off and rearrange the bits all you want, it's still not a chick, it'll always be a dude. Faggot apologists need to fuck off and die
Also this, I met a Trans- women on an BDSM munch. And right from.the beginning I felt just uncomfortable in her/his presence. I knew somesing was odd, but couldn't tell at this point. Later I found out that (s)he was in transition.
simple why would you want to date a disgusting pile of shit...same answer it is disgusting
I'm dating a bipolar masochist, i really don't mind people being different or having mental health issues. It's just personal prefecence, and if the Trans-Community can't accept that... Kek... Not my fault.
Tons of hot females and porn in this discord server(also giftard giveaways).
What? This again?
Didn't we just have this thread?
Anyway, my answer in the last thread was: don't stick your dick in crazy.
Also, accept personal taste.
We're living in a day and age of an "acceptance movement", so stuff like this gets spilled to the surface.
It's new, it's hot and for some people who have nothing it's certainly a possibility to make something of themselves, whatever that something may be.
Transgender in that case.
I'm not seeing that as a problem, where I see the trouble is if you suddenly expect a better price for the contest you've just won. The contest of making a decision of how you live life with and for yourself.
If that is not a price in and of itself for you then surely you put out demands like in OP.
It's like these people require some sort of explanation for why life isn't catering to them anymore as it seemed to do in childhood. You find out you're not special, nobody really cares about you for nothing and in general you have to make an effort.
This whole Transgender movement is probably 1% people who actually feel queer and 99% of people looking for a handout and an easy way, or lack the means of identifying their real problems in life.
Dammit, Gil.
Im not opposed to it. But most trans people i meet are just shitty people, independent of their being trans
Because I'm not a homosexual.
Hah either I found a massive fatass or I found the loser who settled for a fat gf/wife.
Sorry for feeding you the truth instead of a pizza, chubs.
How can freakshows even recover lmao
>if you're a straight guy and you don't want to date a gay guy, you're a homophobe
ayy lmao
This is why
thats hot as fuck. is that a real kawasaki ad?
I will never understand those people that can't understand courtesy, it's like a friend of mine that got all happy after a prostitute said his dick was big
>tfw no fat gf
There's evidence of the contrary, as women don't need to take estrogen pills, and men don't need to take testosterone pills. Take these away from the tranny and watch your 'man' start accumulating fat near the hips and your 'woman' grow facial hair. It isn't normal, its nearing dystopia anymore that we even have to explain or talk about fundamentals of biology. Just cut the tail off a lizard and give it enough hormones and voila, a frog is born!
>who try to be different
So that's their real motive, eh? I knew they didn't really think they were the opposite gender. Thanks for informing me.
>Imagine that 1000x with a trans
>I don't want my penis anymore
>JK I want it back now
>"That isn't possible"
And people wonder about the 40%
don't stick your dick in crazy
The average transexual man is someone who didnt do anything about it until they were ~25 and as a result hormones do nothing except give them bad skin. shemales in porn have been surgically and hormonally fucking with their bodies since kindergarden. For ever 1 of them there are 1000 fat balding men who want to wear dresses because they think its easier than getting a girlfriend.
than* and its not gay, it has a feminine penis
Bullshit. Blaire White didn't start transitioning until his 20s, and I'd fuck the shit out of that guy, weenie and all.
Because I'm not attracted to them. Why are these supposedly tolerant people trying to force people to date people they aren't attracted to?
Men want loyalty more than anything else, and dating a trans "girl" is a guarantee of putting up with promiscuity. With "open" relationships being a thing these days, plus the fact that trannies are only employable as whores, you can bet you'll be sharing a few diseases.
It'd be fine if these "girls" looked cute, swallowed on command, kept quiet, cooked my meals and did my laundry.
They provide none of these things, literally the absolute worst of both male and female behavior.
blaire isnt the average, she actually did it right and i wouldnt pull out of her.
most of them do look like shit and get botched surgery or fuck up the hormones
and it shows, without the fake tits theres little actually feminine about him.
The loyalty thing is probably part of it. You'd be hard pressed to find a tranny that isn't "polyamorous"
But first and foremost, wieners are gross
how is it bullshit? He started HRT at 19 and just happened to be skinny and pathetic looking.
I hate the trans cult but this is the most incel/neckbeard thing I've ever read.
>It'd be fine if these "girls" looked cute, swallowed on command, kept quiet, cooked my meals and did my laundry.
>They provide none of these things, literally the absolute worst of both male and female behavior.
shouldve ended the post without this. you just look like a cock sucklin wife cucklin butt pirate that cant even hook up on tinder
Well getting a good surgeon is definitely part of it. Facial feminization is 100% necessary, and you might just end up looking like Joan Rivers.
Eh, the face is fairly feminine if you ask me. But a big part of that is the makeup.
The part about hormones doing nothing. I know someone personally who transitioned and got decent-sized boobs naturally. And he had zero self-awareness, so he would do stuff like pic related, but with no sports bra.
Imagine glancing over and seeing your buddies tits hanging out of his shirt.
Part of being a normal human being is accepting rejection. Literally nobody appeals to everyone. Believe it or not, not everyone is attracted to Brad Pitt or Claudia Schiffer or whatever. Regardles of biological genitalia, maybe those trans people have a whole bag of issues that are just too big to ignore, just like everyone else. I dated a girl who was attractive enough, but she was an inconsequential bitch who thought only of herself. If she had been a trans it'd ha e made no diference. She was not meant for me and vice versa.
What I don't understand about trans is whether they want to be special or if they want to be a normal part of society. If it is the latter, please, do us all a favor and man up. Your ceaseless whining is even less attractive than your crotch.
bullshit most of his femininity is the makeup and the fake tits
>Imagine glancing over and seeing your buddies tits hanging out of his shirt.
he was hitting on you, probably couldve got the good succ
>Imagine glancing over and seeing your buddies tits hanging out of his shirt.
I wouldnt let my friend fuck up his endocrine system because some mentally ill person on reddit told him to.
>bullshit most of his femininity is the makeup and the fake tits
>implying that isnt what more women do
>boob enhancement surgery is the most common in the world
>make up companies
You're fucking deluded. Sounds like you hang around with a load of transexuals, are you considering it yourself? Thats usually how it happens, like a nest.
HRT after 23-25 is completely fucking pointless. All it will do is triple your chances of getting osteomalagia or perosis.
I don't date insane people.
wheres your sense of adventure?
Never met a cis woman, eh?
whats your point here retard? kek Are you suggesting theres nothing more to looking feminine than tits and makeup? Are you 12?
Why are you a faggot?
>you don't want to date a "woman" with a dick, wow you're a bigot!
killing yourself
my point is thats not all blaire is.
by pointing out that most of the women in the world do the exact same thing ya dingus
Great job making transexuals look mental, actively erasing traits that make women feminine to make it seem more achievable for fat pathetic men.
I've dated two. One right now. Have dated 5 other women(female).
The first one was, and most in general are, holy-fucking-shit tier crazy and terrible human beings. I found out almost immediately that they were a literal Discord tranny and so were pretty much all of their friends except the one that introduced us. Looked okay because they were trying so hard to not look like a guy, but is a tranny solely because they could not make it as a guy. Behaved themselves to an extent in public and the first few times we met, but actually had a mental breakdown every other day. Sex was weird, they had a ton of over-the-top fetishes, wanted me to choke them until they turned blue and draw blood from them. Tried to push threesomes with another dude constantly. Could not hold a job at all, constantly shifting around and getting fired. Actually a pretty terrible person all around. They first professed their undying love and then threatened suicide when I tried to break a month later. Most people experience this and say "never again", rightfully so. I know I did. The dating pool for the entirity of trannies thus tends to become single use.
Then I ended up breaking my own rule and gave it a shot with another after making sure they weren't a walking meme. Together for 2 years. No breakdowns. Has a job (sysadmin). Knows how and likes to cook well, keeps our place spotless. Likes to chill in the couch under some blankets playing vidya or watching Tibetan slideshows, but also likes going out if I propose doing anything instead of being a complete recluse. Well read, not a retard like the last one. Only fetish includes very light bondage, pretty much just tie their hands up and manhandle them. Sex is natural and good. Talked about me wanting children at some point and surrogate kids have been greenlit so for now I don't have a reason to end a good thing.
Less crazy failed males, more like the one I'm with now. That'll help a lot. Most are simply not dating material.
That is though, every other part of his body is masculine as fuck, jaw, hands, arms, shoulders, hips, ass. What the fuck was your point?
I would like to draw a comparison here. There are people in the world that actually, whole-heartedly believe that they should be missing limbs (like an amputee and what not). They are actually uncomfortable with having either their arms or their legs or whatever. Now I ask you: Should you run them to the nearest hospital and have their fucking legs chopped off to make them feel better? To make them more comfortable with the body they're in? Obviously not. They are very clearly mentally ill. So why then would you feed into someone else's mental illness and allow them to mutilate their genitals? Godless insanity.
Frankly I could have gotten the succ years before that, but I'm down for it.
>let him
It's his choice, man. I explained to him how I feel about trannies (mental illness and all). But after that, what am I supposed to do? Follow him around and smack the pills out of his hand?
He's the only one I'm actually friends with. I've met a few though. Literally zero interest. I like muh dick.
how dense are you? people like blaire for her personality and she knows how to work the make up/tits
does your wifes boyfriend pay for your education too?
You sound like the biggest idiot right now faggot
how does that equate to being physically feminine you fucking moron?!
its okay dude, you dont have to hide your Freudian slip. go get that good succ we dont judge
You have some serious flaws in your critical thinking.
jesus christ you soyboy summer got here quick
>be uninteresting male
>cut of my dick
>nobody wants to date or fuck me
>be tomboy female
>get a dick
>everyone only wants to fuck, no dates.
Damn, this thread is still going?
who the fuck cares who likes him, this is about how hrt past a certain age massively limits whats achievable. Read a fucking book idiot.
Trannies should be gassed and lynched faggit
what calling trannies who look like men,manly is soyboy talk now? What are you on, you fucking melt.
A bigot is someone not tolerant of another person having a different opinion.
Not dating a man dressed up as a woman has nothing to do with bigotry.
For the record, the whole 'cutting your dick off' thing is a meme very few fall far these days aside from the like 40 year old balding men who decide to transition during their mid life crisis. Oh, and that mexican whore on the TV with the broken peepee.
This, uh, isn't as wrong as I wish it was.
I don't play the promiscuity game and that makes dating more difficult. Everyone thinks I'll hop right into a poly relationship like it doesn't mean a thing. They give me shit for it, too.
I sit here, not associating with other trannies because I literally don't want AIDS, worry about losing my job on a daily basis, and spend my free time sitting at home wondering why the fuck there is no possibility for me to be happy in life and wonder why the fuck I existed in the first place.
Holy shit dude, have sex.
You'd be surprised how many cis men and women are sterile.
Pretty sure they were talking about fat men, in terms of the dating pool, not women. Just ask a black dude.
Dannibal Dorito.
Limbs are a social construct.
Easy, they're gross.
Because thats fucking gay
>You'd be surprised how many cis men and women are sterile.
I wouldn't date a woman if I knew she was sterile.
I'm not. I have a thing for autism, and the two go hand in hand.
Well, in the case of pretty much every couple who can't conceive, you don't fucking know. I found out I was sterile due to work-related radiation exposure and when I found out, it just kinda made me want to transition more.
Why is this a thing? Not being a gay Is now being a bigot?
Because I only date people I would be willing to marry and I would only marry people I can biologically have children with and which were intended to carry children.
So even if surgery goes bonkers, it remains a nope for me. You do you, I do me.
Who cares about any of that stuff. Most men don't want to be fucking someone and have their cock flouncing all about. That's nasty.
I'm sorry.
Agreed. Only a man could want to become a woman, since a woman is a woman and thus can not want to become a woman. Or the inverse.
>Everyone thinks I'll hop right into a poly relationship
Exactly. They're used to trans people being totally open to that sort of thing. I hope you get a monogamous relationship someday user.
>worry about losing my job
Don't be worried. As long as you can do the work, nobody is going to fire you. Or at least not most people.
>why the fuck I existed
Everyone's trying to figure that one out user. I'd reckon that the more time you spend thinking about it, the longer it'll take to figure out. Focus on what you know you can do. Something that doesn't serve your own wants.
Eh, I'm happier with myself now. I'm just not happy with how everyone else seems to go out of their way to make me feel like shit about it.
I don't even care that people don't like me or think I'm disgusting or whatever. I care that people actively go out of their way to make me feel like shit.
>Don't be worried. As long as you can do the work, nobody is going to fire you. Or at least not most people.
I'm .mil because am fucking retarded in that department, as well.
You're what now?
mentaly ill
Because i'm not a mentally ill fucking homo? KYS, faggots are the worst whether they're the standard shit-eating variety or the mentally ill man in skirt variety. All hateful.
Why would I want to fuck a tranny in the ass. I, as a male am sexually attracted to females, not males that masquerade as one, and poorly so to boot
are you actually serious? ffs you're a Yea Forumstard, please don't have children.
Fucking hate
You'd be surprised how many cis men and women are sterile.
I'm not but people not wanting or being able to have children does not mean that it's one of the end goals of marriage. Everybody has their reasons and I won't judge them, but if your health and economic situation are okay, children are part of the goal.
You don't have a thing in the world to worry about in that department. None of those fucks will reproduce.
So you're gay
Transgender people aren't gay. Gays have rights.
that image is horrible, its designed to cast a wide net of relatability.
Why would I not be serious? And what does using Yea Forums have to do with having children?
>lie about your genitals
>Who won't people date me when I lie to them?
This guy likes to fuck men. He can call them anything he wants. But he's gay.
This has been heavily liquified in photoshop.
Idiot. A man who had his dick chopped off is still a man. He just chopped his dick off because he's mentally ill.
Kill yourself nigger.
If you have to ask.
> can't answer question
> calls bait
sure user
not him but stop being so literal. You fucking autist.
Couldn't have said it better. If your sexuality is the center of your personality, kys
>Maybe, just maybe
Stopped there, go back to r*ddit
>Stopped there
I doubt it.
I dunno... vaginas are pretty fucking gross fake or real.
Post op they're good for a hookup I guess but that's all they are a delusional living sex toy I want to spend as little time as possible around before there questionable mental state gets any worse. used to be claiming you are something physically impossible for you to be would land you in an asylum.
I've never been able to understand why it takes some people so long to know what they like. I've been a homo since I was 9.. I knew immediately and never faltered.
As for your married-in-denial homos.. they lived oppressed lives out of fear of society.
This right here..
Yes it is .
I'll fondle your balls for a tenner bae
>You'd be surprised how many cis men and women are sterile.
Because even if you are bisexual you want someone who is and seems either male or female, not someone who crossdresses and smells weird/has frankenparts. That is fetishistic nonsense
yeah how about i slit your fucking faggot throat and kerb stomp you into a fine faggot paste? KYS shit-eating, mentally ill faggot cunt.
Just the thought
Fucking call him he faggot
Im a straight male and if there's a dick involved in there somewhere whether it's chopped or not im not having any thing to do with it.
uwu onoes senpai you are soooo tsundere
You say that, but the fledgling "trans-abled rights" movement is out there.
Kinda 3x to late for that lol
Because I'm not a degenerate. /thread
Wow what an entitled fucking prick you are.
Because almost all trans people are just homosexuals in denial. They can't deal with the fact they are gay so they switch genders so its now "ok".