Do you ever feel like you're just wasting time?

do you ever feel like you're just wasting time?

like, you should be doing something better than this, but you're not? i'm just burning my days. wake up, work, dick around on the internet, go to bed. so few days are significant.

my body is aging, and my time on the earth is finite, and opportunities pass me by every single day, but it's still 2:30 am, and i'm in my underwear, writing this.

maybe i don't want to change, but this can't be all there is to life. this sucks. it's a chore. i don't enjoy it. but i'm not doing anything about it.

i don't know what answer i'm looking for. i just hope i change. i feel like i'm just treading water. my past self wouldn't be proud of where i am now, and i doubt my future self would be either.

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It is really hard to break out of these patterns.
I always make plans to change my life right before I go to sleep and in the morning dont do any of it.
Don't you have pressure to do something? No need to get money?

For what? None of it matters anymore.

Your l8fe suck and your unwilling to change. And so you deserve the pain of mundanity as you bring it on yourself. Simple is simple as

Try working 14 hours per day 6 days a week. You won't have time to think about any of that.

Not a bad answer really. If you really feel like doing nothing is a waste then you could do something, anything, for now. Then if you do find motivation, you'll have the funds and perhaps the social network to achieve a goal.

i don't spend a lot. my costs of living are pretty low. outside of essentials, i'll only buy "fun things" every so often. i'll go on trips with friends, like to a concert or festival a few times a year. i live within my means. i've got a job that isn't particularly intense and it pays well enough. i've got plenty of excess money because i don't have many expenses. i put a lot of my disposable income into stocks.

i just don't know what to do differently though. my parents, for example, have said "just go somewhere. take a year off. go to europe and travel."

but i don't really know how to do that, or if i even really want to. i don't know what i want to do. so i just fall back into "this". it's comfortable, but i don't really like it.

Don't work or study right now. In a few months it will be a year of this lifestyle. I thought I could use this as an opportunity to better myself- I wanted to start working out, get a job, self teach myself a few things, meet people and get other shit in order. Instead I've spent all of this time alone, playing vidya. I can never go through with my plans, and even when I can, I can't make them a habit. I always end up quitting two weeks in

Are you, me?

14 hours a day, 6 days a week.
>10/10 would kill myself

Becoming an adult doesn't come with a manual. You are already at a position higher than most people in the world will ever achieve. So that's a big plus.
I suggest starting out with simple, achievable goals and broadening your experience. Take up your parents advice, surely they know you well and wish you the best. Plan out a vacation in the near future. Somewhere different, but tourist friendly. Talk to some locals, see the sights, etc. I'm sure if you do some research you'll find a lot of advice on traveling.

Depends on the work really. For instance, plenty of small business owners work hours like this for quite some time and they are fine with it.

stop bitching about your pampered existence you boring cunt.

you know, in my mind i thought it was kind of retarded. "go travel. go to europe. take a year off." i thought it was some sort of retarded shit like people saying "wear sunscreen" or "look both ways before crossing the street".

like a nice thing people say, a general thing. i interpreted it as "while you're young, you might as well enjoy life," and not literally pack up and fly away.

i've never really done that. I've not left the US. i don't really know how other people live. I mean, i've seen films and TV, but i've not been there. maybe it is a good idea. maybe it would help reframe my outlook. at least, it's something different.

it makes me uncomfortable, but maybe it would be a healthy thing to do. i guess in the worst case, it's a good story to tell.

even now though, as i type these words out, i'm not really confident i'll make a change.

it almost feels like i'm a bystander to my own life. my body just sort of does things, and i'm here observing it. it's like i lack agency.

obviously not in a literal sense. i could shave my head or buy a plane ticket right now or whatever, but i'm not. i don't know why i feel this way. i'm not ignorant that i've got a good deal. i lucked out with my education and managed to secure a good job in a good country. but i'm just sort of squandering it.

i get that there's nothing you or anyone can do. i get that i'm the one that has to make the change. i get that unless i do something different, i'm going to keep doing the same shit every day, and i'm the only one that has to suffer the consequences.

i'm just sort of exhausted with myself. i know that i'm the one that has to fix it. it's just a fucking chore. it's this sisyphean task of constantly fighting myself and it sucks. i just want to yell into the void. i already know the answer.

thank you for your response.

>do you ever feel like you're just wasting time?
nope, if i enjoy it i don;t... the only time i feel like its wasted its at work, but thats only 10-20h/week

diff user, would also off myself...

i hear this all the time from people.... and its the most depressing thing i hear every time i hear it but at the same time kinda funny kek

do it pussy

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i don't live to work lol.... i actually like my life while i work the bare min

Yeah bruh life so hard #doomer #gothboiclique
smoke weed to numb the pain gang shit this life is meaningless............

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I thought that too until I peeled back the smegma on my greasy cock and assumed the position to clean it.

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ex gf thank me later

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You may be experiencing dissociation. It's possible you've experienced a childhood trauma that has damaged you or it could be a chemical imbalance of the brain. If you've had these symptoms for a while I suggest you seek professional help. In the meantime set some very small goals for yourself and follow through. You will find purpose and get out of your slump as long as you move forward and accept help.

cool man, my wife cleans my dick but you do what you do kek

Yeah something like that.

One night I left my window open and the soft breeze was like speaking to me. It was so weird.

My dad came into my room though and throat raped me.

I wish I could turn back time....

>implying you cant do something better than a chick
looking pretty feminine right now bro.

maybe that's a good idea. i talked to a therapist once a month for a year in college. it was pretty helpful. i don't really know why i stopped. i just did.

that's certainly an easier step to take than just chasing fleeting moments of enjoyment. thanks for your input.

No problem man. I've been there and most people have you're not alone. If professional help fails there is always the rope though. I think you should try the rope first though.

You'll be fine user.

This, except it's almost 3 years now...

Let's talk about wasting time what are you making while wasting time. You are making carbon emissions, you are creating hazardous waste and bacteria, you are also causing a foul smell, an exclusion of important enviromental additions vital to the ecosystem for which you are also ruining by over eating and under nurturing yourself, essentially you are a RAT in a box filling it with tiny shits and laying it with your self in a cesspool of pueblo droned shit like many many other rats in a giant hive of feces. You are not really alone just en masse and void of a rael network other than fear and psycho-logical turmoil you each impress upon each other so that in some way you gain a little over your own populace, that will only cause you to recieve attention you crave yet inevitably cause your downfall as they depose themselves of the conceptual threat you become. A cancer. You are a cancer that you fear and hate and in the same sense your only saving grace when the terrible doom of your spread out filth takes over who you are, all your dreams and ambitions crashing down around you but sheer structural decay of your giant rat world, where bodies of you and those created out of the fear of you will rain down upon the earth in some terrible cacophony that will plague us into killing ourselves in some way that redeems you in the afterworld. So that the chaos of cancer once again causes your incarnation to reign over the planet in a wave of terror, for that is exactly what you are and that is one ray of light out of existence we will all have to prepare for. Youre not wrong. And maybe someone will remember you for it, maybe you will look back on all this and shed a tear of regret for all those you trampled over in your conquest for superiority and become chosen to a prophecy told throughout time. Your shitty efforts made golden by lack of any other substitute. Ultimately again clashing with the worlds very nucleus into some other twisted visage more suiting to your selection.

just stop overthinking it and do it, no matter what, stop negotiating with yourself
suffering and pain are a great chance to actually learn for real


its pretty much a meme by now but check out Jordan Peterson.
It has helped me a tremendous amout regarding getting my shit together.