user, Why don't you have a daughter yet?
User, Why don't you have a daughter yet?
You know damn well
Cause i dont have a gf
Because my ex-wife got me to agree to her having full custody with no visitation when she caught me fucking our daughter. Fucking, not raping, she was into it.
But look at that cute face.
Don't you think its worth it?
I do, but she went on vacation to Japan with my wife for the summer. So, for the next 45 days or thereabouts, I'm a free man.
I feel you bro. I never got caught. But my wife is no problem. You should do as I did: Single father
Sounds a little moronic to not enjoy quality time with your family (specially your daughter)
I do.
I wannnaaaa
Im working on it and I have designs to turn her into my little girlfriend
Kill yourself
I do. Took her last week and when I went to the park
We got into riskier and riskier places to screw. That eventually backfired when we did it in her garage in her car's back seat.
Good to hear about that user.
What do you have in mind?
How did you seduce her or whatever?
It looks like you are a noob loli lover user.
Little girls are naturaly seductive. They naturally try to get your attention and affection. You don't seduce them they seduce you.
I'm not really sure where it started. Before my wife and I got divorced, she would do her best to catch us having sex. When the wife left, we had shared custody. When puberty hit her, she had a thing for me. The only bad dad thing I did was let it progress. She was already into incest porn via the internet and her catching us (her parents) screw a lot.
Sounds like someone is childless. I have three, and they can be a fucking nightmare sometimes. It's nice to have time to myself every once in a while.
Pic of daughter? Age then and now?
Assuming someone is childless... I expected more from you.
I can never let go an opportunity to be with my kids and I have 3 as the same as you.
Only in America.God damm.I love this country.*sips beer*
She's still underage and she's on social media. I don't want a bunch of Yea Forumstards raiding her facebook.
She does tease people on one of those things... I forget what it's called, it lets you talk to strangers. She shows off her boobs and stuff.
you might think it'd be cute to have a daughter, care about her, etc, but you'll end up realizing just how low class she is. she'll be something you wish could blossom into something cool but they are such trashy animals as they grow up. sometimes cute, but so lame.
with boys, there's always disappointment for a father, but girls are far worse in terms of depressing you, and i've barely had to sort of babysit young girls and they're just lame as fuck.
I have 3 too guys and they're all top of their class and identical triplets and they play sports and their first album drops on bandcamp next week and the oldest one is about to graduate with honors from Yale and I just absolutely fucking can not get enough time with them
So how old was she when you started?
You can always crop the pic that way is nearly impossible to track down. Nevertheless you should be careful with the metadata
You sound like a boring loser. Hey Ned Flanders, are you sure you're on the right board?
Touching and stuff when she got nuked with puberty at age 11, actual sex when she was almost 12. If you didn't know her age, you would have suspected she was a full grown woman.