What if there were a chanlike site where being nice is an actual rule? But no one tells you about it...

What if there were a chanlike site where being nice is an actual rule? But no one tells you about it. The only way to find out nice is a rule is to show toxicity, and then you get rangebanned.

Furthermore, the site doesn't advertise any name, doesn't allow itself to be indexed by search engines (proliferates solely by posting links elsewhere), and regularly makes heavy automated changes to its URL, stylesheet, and IP address, such that there's no obvious identifying information for anyone to go complain about the site elsewhere.

The idea is that if no one has any way of finding out they have to be nice to participate, no one will be able to enter a mental state where they would bother trying to circumvent that rule. That is, if it's impossible for you to know ahead of time you'll get banned for not being nice, fake niceness to avoid being banned will be impossible, and everyone remaining will be nice for real.

Could it work?

Attached: 1563676316788.gif (205x274, 16K)


though if u didn't also ban for lewd it would eventually just be a bunch of trannys sharing dick pics

yes i love authoritarian dictatorships they always stay the same as they started forever power never corrupts retard


trips confirm

people would figure it out in spite of all your attempts to prevent it and the site would never get off the ground in the first place
trips confirm



Better corrupted by power than corrupted by the will of the people. If the webmaster turns rude -- or, a more likely form of corruption, simply stops moderating out of laziness -- then the website decoheres and fails to suit its purpose, true. But it's only one website. The users can then go somewhere else, and when they do, they'll be nice there, because they are nice users. Whereas the webmaster COULD go be mean or lazy somewhere else, but he'd only be one person.

you could just stay on Yea Forums and ignore everyone you think is """rude""" idiot you'll have the perfect hugbox

Then how is it any different from Yea Forums?

i think the point is we need to make 1 billion 4chans

then it would be called 1billionchan

The idea is that there would be some period during which the power doesn't corrupt. Doesn't matter if it corrupts eventually, as long as it stays effective long enough for some people to have a nice space for a little while

let me be honest with you, just make some irl friends and stop being a faggot.

you could just make a discord and add people you like there

But the idea is it should be accessible to people in general who want to be nice, not just people the webmaster happens to personally run across.

a) who determines what is nice? the webmaster
b) how do you find the site? the webmaster shows it to you

you know you can spam discord links here right? you could just link it and say "JOIN IF YOU'RE NICE ONLY HURR DURR"

>b) how do you find the site? the webmaster shows it to you
Someone shows it to you, doesn't necessarily have to be the webmaster.
>a) who determines what is nice? the webmaster
This, however, I concede, but I submit that a good webmaster will moderate according to a good and agreeable definition of what's nice. If the webmaster isn't good, and their definition of what's nice isn't suitable to the userbase, all that means is that the experiment needs to be tried again with a better webmaster. I would only consider the experiment a total failure if people generally agreed the webmaster for any particular iteration were very good and yet the website climate still weren't nice.

>Someone shows it to you, doesn't necessarily have to be the webmaster.
same thing with a discord
>but I submit that a good webmaster will moderate according to a good and agreeable definition of what's nice
doesn't really exist, also it's the same thing with a discord owner

just make a discord dude why would you put in the effort for a site that people will be scared to go to because they could get their ip stolen


>doesn't really exist
That has yet to be decided
>just make a discord dude why would you put in the effort for a site that people will be scared to go to because they could get their ip stolen
First of all, discord is botnet.
Secondly, you can't do shit with an IP, all you can do is try to attack someone's router and inevitably fail.
Finally, that same argument could be used to say [s4s] is just as pointless.
(Oh wait, no one on [s4s] would contest that anyway.)

>discord is botnet
lol and if i see "nicechan.org" i'm going to assume that's NOT a botnet?
>you can't do shit with an IP
post your ip then

>post your ip then
No, I don't want you DDOSing my router. That's the most you can do with my IP, and it's not the biggest tragedy there ever was; that's my point. However, I have nothing to gain by risking it -- as opposed to someone who wants to know what's on a website -- so there's no point in taking the risk.

Nice is anything that isn't rude. Rude is something everyone knows when they see it, and everyone knows it differently, but there are a variety of behaviors people can generally agree are rude, such that anyone who doesn't agree is an outlier. The webmaster's perspective on what's rude would have to represent well the set of things people generally agree are rude.

if it's such a big problem for you guys i can be the one who decides who's nice or not

just saying bro you're probably the outlier
if there was a generally agreed upon definition of "nice" then the political spectrum would cease to exist

i don't always check dubs when i'm lurking because i can't be bothered to type it out
rude or nice?

>just saying bro you're probably the outlier
Then clearly I wouldn't be a suitable webmaster. Which doesn't matter since I wasn't stepping to the plate.
>if there was a generally agreed upon definition of "nice" then the political spectrum would cease to exist
The political spectrum concerns matters that are too complex to occupy the set of things people can generally agree are rude. There IS a generally agreed upon definition of rude, it's just nebulous and not all-encompassing.

what sort of things can EVERYONE agree is rude? give some examples

I never said there are things everyone can agree are rude. I said there are things people can generally agree are rude. So I'll assume that's what you meant.

Here's something people can generally agree is rude: sticking your leg out to trip a stranger as they pass by.

picking your nose on the bus while people sit next to you -. rude or nice??

if you reply to a post with dubs but don't check them it's rude
if you reply to a post with dubs and check them it's nice
if you don't reply to a post with dubs it's neutral

what sort of things can people generally agree is rude? give some examples
>sticking your leg out to trip a stranger as they pass by
a) doesn't apply to a website b) depends on the situation
i wouldn't give a shit, personally

could be turned into a joke if you have charisma 7+

>b) depends on the situation
It's implied they didn't do anything to you.

saying nigger is okay though right

That's another one of those things not encompassed in the set of things people can generally agree upon

so if you were the webmaster would you approve "nigger"?

Personally, no. But as discussed, I wouldn't be the webmaster.

so it wouldn't just be things people generally agree upon it would just be an authoritarian dictatorship? got it have fun in your hugbox

>so it wouldn't just be things people generally agree upon it would just be an authoritarian dictatorship?
No, it would be things people generally agree upon, because the webmaster would be someone whose opinions on what's rude mirror what people generally agree upon.

where would you find this person

also do you believe your beliefs stay static forever and you'll always be infallible
i think you need a reality check buddy, and maybe a nice shower
you've been staying in your mothers basement for far too long

oh wait i know who this is haha
mfw also known as the fake suebi

dunno, but they could be found


Is this the new meme?
He got real mad last time you mentioned him in a thread, said he'd dox you and send you pizza or something. Might want to hang back