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Jon really shouldn't throw around lit matches inside his house

how does cat know what alcol is


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i knew a kid who went blind after drinking rubbing alcohol sad story

There are lot of plot-holes in theis garf story

I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you
And every gasp of breath I grabbed at just to find you
I climbed up every hills to get, to you
I wondered ancient lands to hold, just you
And every single step of the way, I paaaaaaay
Every single night and daaaaaaay
I searched for you
Through sandstorms and hazy dawns I reached for you

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Nice palindrome. It isn't often...

and yet they often go unchecked.

Your fortune: Good Luck

thank you for your hard work and attention

wouldn't that sting like shit from the flea bites lole

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is it bad that i do this to stray cats on purpose

yeah it's kind of bad

oh i will stop doing it then thank u

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good double

goddam i luv broccolis

i love tits

just igmagined Mario saying this. could you imagine? hahahahaha

god-a-damn-a i sure-a do love-a the brococoli
like that kinda?

Hey, it's-a me, Broccoli!

I am Doctor Broccoli, I need to check those broccolis

broccoli dubs!!!
what does this mean?

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The first criticism I have is with the size of the dog's neck. He seems more like a giraffe than any breed of dog I'm familiar with. I know it's a stylized to look like a cartoon, but even other cartoon dogs are still drawn to scale. When a show like Clifford the Big Red Dog makes its debut, its so out of the ordinary they make the show about that. Garfield needs a spinoff called "Big Necked Ode" to make up for this stunning omission. Secondly it bothers me that Jon has so many liquid tonics, when those only existed in the 30's and before that, but Jim Davis wants to make him out to be some Vaudeville like character who has all his props at his disposal whenever he needs them, even though he uses them for nothing if ever. Why alcohol would do the trick for fleas is an absurdity, and it's a mystery why a cat that doesn't like to get wet would feel "MUCH BETTER" after using this, especially given that it wouldn't have any effect. I assume this strip was written in the 2000s so it's all the more a surprise why Jon would be smoking a leisurely pipe now, unless Jim Davis is just appealing to his meta-crowd which surprises me. Might as well just give me his money. A small kindle or a burst of flames would suffice more than an explosion at the meeting of a match. Jon's giant fucking shin bones are a joke, much like the cartoons you used to write before you knew how to draw humans to scale. It's like the groovy 70s forever.

See this is why you don't make fun of cartoons. It's unfunny and nobody takes you seriously. LONG LIVE GARFIELD COMIX LEAVE JIM ALONE

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this is genuinely one of the funniest ive seen
