Retired professional rapist here, ask me anything i guess

Retired professional rapist here, ask me anything i guess

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You got paid for it?

Are you a trans?

No I'm a cis male

How many rapes you have under your belt?

Why did you retire?

Haha I lost count a long time ago, but I'm certain i crossed the 1k threshold during my time in the Rhodesian bush

most favorite method?
Most reliable method?

Between social security, 401k, and my roth ira i was able to hang up the rope and boner pills so to speek

Who paid you?

Who would pay you? Those being "raped" or those wanting you to rape someone else. You ever get paid to rape a man?

Also post media

>Favorite method
Definitely the Sam Fister - it's when you spread your limbs out and suspend yourself like pic related and wait for the hole to pass beneath you

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Andy sixx mostly

is drinking whiskey for breakfast a sign for future troubles?

What's the deal with airline food?

>Sam fister

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Consuming liquor first thing in the morning is a fairly certain sign that something's not right. May want to reevaluate your relationship with booze

You can get paid to be a rapist!? I'm getting ripped off!

Yes but i can assure you it's not what it used to be. Smartphones and their cameras really fucked up the biz

have you had sex? whats it like?

Would you rape me?

Never had consentual sex besides one time in my youth with a puerto rican stable boy named Juan. He turned my anus to guacamole

No, people who ask for it are asking for a jugalo or prostitute to LARP... Nobody would willingly subject themselvws to my services

But i wanna be brutally raped
I sweaaar!!!
Like i wish i was abused and rape
I mean an it
I have tried it

I think he means fisher.

How should i go about doing so?
And any places where i could start that's easy?

So basicly people pay you to rape other people they hate?