what gives you sadness?
>others not texting me back
As Jim Morrison once said
>Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted. People are strange,,
what gives you sadness?
>others not texting me back
As Jim Morrison once said
>Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted. People are strange,,
404 thread most likely cannot be found.
>too spiritual about numbers, math makes me sad 'cause class was always too repetitive and mindless.
Beratement and treating mindlessly of others makes me sad./
is it possible to be shadowbanned on Yea Forums?
>or is it possible people detest me this much....
most likely the latter.
Go outside and run 1 mile.
I believe in your optimism and I have faith that in exercise you're happier too. I just hate construction dust is all, that makes me sad too. (coughs)
>construction dust
quad serious about it
Knowing that I will be raped again in the evening.
defend yourself well. don't let yourself be victimized- have all consequential result of whether you'd to let be or not.
Checked. I am sad when I see animal gore. Often, the animals are not responsible for their deaths, and it is mere wanton cruelty.
>inb4 moralfag
thank you kind stranger
Fap material by snapchat exploit
I can't choose to defend myself. I can't tell anyone. I have to take it as long as I can.
if you're morally questionable about it, is it their life you're concerned about or are you afraid of breaking a couple bones? Get legal or get smart- don't get physical unless necessary. It's called CONSENT for a reason! Communicate that factor or perhaps there's no COOPERATIVE involvement in making the solution available>?
Sexual fixations and gross perverted individuals make me sad. Lack of dignity for others makes me sad.
>What gives you sadness?
Being alive. I'm never consistently happy with myself or my life. I'm always never exactly where I wanted to be. I'm lonely only because I don't like who I am. I can never figure myself out. I wish that I was dead, it would be so much easier. But it's not that easy...
fuck off. no one wants to deal with your shit right now, OP!
You don't strike me as a spiritual person, but i believe being dead might be infinitely harder.
don't kill yourself unless you want to be a shittier life form in the next life
"implying reincarnation won't take place"
>learn to live with your struggles
complaining is worse, worry warts are stupid lets get fruit'ed (eat some fruit damnit)
Spirits are cool, just not the drinking kind- they're gonna fuck your life up (alcohol and drinking)())()()woops
you know the problem with you feeble minded millennial and iGen people? you think life is about always being happy. life isn't about being happy.. its just an experience. life isn't about good or bad. you're not going to be happy most of the time.. THATS LIFE, get over it.
life is going to be watching a mass calamity, you're either going to watch people die or watch yourself die (both will happen)
Most people I love will suffer, if I do. I can't let them down.
I believe the opposite. To be given consciousness is a godsend. We will live and watch other people live (both will happen)
their suffering is not your concern.
there's no sort of reason or explanation, if you're trolling please stop. and if you need help there's a disposal of idiots waiting to give you their finest answers.
You are a gracious and kind soul. I welcome your motion of this insanity ocean.
likewise. do you have a discord server?
it's cancer
>but it's my cancer
>please don't take my haven
>it's where my friends and I reside
>not my internet friends, but my real life ones.
you're a faggot
refer to
yeah i don't give a shit about any of that but i read it
thank you. it might save your life one day, to be kind.
like i told OP, not dealing with your shit right now.
why does everyone on this fucking forum reply to posts in meme-ish copypasta
i've been kind enough in my life and i don't particularly want it saved
you're a faggot this isn't a forum it's a FUCKING IMAGEBOARD and you're an enormous faggot god jesus fucking christ
eh service to self or service to others
I hope you get a community that loves you back, so you can love them to the max.
I'm beginning to think I'm the only human here. you're all spam bots, programmed to have human-like responses to key words and phrases
no absolutely not this is a horrible fucking pit of zoomers and horseshit and it's been ruined and you thinking that you're the only one suffering here is fucking ARROGANT
LET GO of your FUCKING HUBRIS you SOILED CUNT because i sure as fuck am suffering too you goddamnably ENORMOUS faggot
lmao, and why is this forum is full of angsty lil hipsters like you??!
k i l l y o u r s e l f
I don't wanna alarm you, but its possible to be the reincarnation of a reptileien but in the body of a human (shrugs) oh and human crossbreeds (like Jim Morrison).
your aboriginal code needs re-scripting
I will do no such thing, little hipster bot. i love myself too much :)
oh i totally agree, not alarmed at all
eats popcorn, watches movie.gif
you're a wonderful person and you're very important. i'm glad you're strong enough to resist. faggot.
thank you! i am a good important faggot. I am strong enough to know this and I must live to encourage other faggots to do the same :)
harsh words. leave the guy alone
pride is a sin :( you're no bundle of sticks
hey, don't be rude. let him have is opinion.
pride is a sin :( you're no bundle of sticks
I have much pride. I love and enjoy this beautiful life. I encourage everyone here to find their purpose in life and obtrude on darkness with the light we hold inside!
I like your optimism. Your positivity is infectiously great.
Thinking about my dead girlfriend
man, its actually easier than you think. try it sometime
To wake up in the morning
it was a beautiful morning here! :)
not having friends to talk to when my sleep schedule starts sucking ass and I'm up till 5am
ah words don't really have a feeling but the intent behind them do
I don't condone about being beaten, but aye got mental nerves of steel (have ye>?!) it's good to stay calm in the rapids.
Atta'boy! Or to keep it Gender Neutral, Atta'fella! (Fuck genital mutilation though, shit is wack and terrible)
:( mate
I hope you get a real buddy ol' pal
Honestly, fucking everything. Mostly the loneliness. I can’t stand it.
When my sub dosn't call yellow or red, and starts to push me away after a scene. I understand that she's not angry with me but herself. But especially if you just done some horrible shit to another person, for me the reasurance that this was ok, is very important for my own mental health.
Have you tried not being a degenerate
thanks man maybe I just need to make my personality more attractive instead of replacing it with booze
the intent of my words comes from the love and light i hold in my heart.
>what gives you sadness?
Not being able to see Belle Delphine fuck a black dick and have him impregnate her. :(
aye read the phe0nix j0urnals
might be one of the only times I can suggest it
you know what fine i'll tell you even though you're all still faggots
the fact that i will never be able to maintain a real emotional connection with another human being for more than the length of one conversation
what about your parents lad?
what the hell are these journals? never heard of em..
Being forever alone. Knowing I’ll die this way
I've been jobless and a useless dick for 2 years now and nobody wants to hire me anymore.
I don't have to try to archive that.
What ever you think is degenerate about my D/s relationship, I assure you it's consensual.
Her being bipolar just makes it difficult sometimes, but I now know how to handle with her when she has a freakout.
Even though it's fucking hard to go against her will an tears in this moments. But I know I should never let her go home alone in this situations, no matter how much she says she wants to leave. She's always happy and thanks me for not letting her go afterwards.
I think I know what you mean. It might be that you demand to much out of a so called connection. even the word you chose. you will always be a single entity... from time to time you like or love the presence and communication with another being. but it won't hold up. I guess that's just how it works. and itll begin again when said persons is near again. maybe you havent found the right person either?
:'( Compromise, Communicate, Consent, and Cooperation, Creative, Commerce, Can, and Can't
sounds like Stockholm syndrome
i feel sad because i survived a terrorist attack and i don't feel that i deserve it
It's not like she didn't love me beforehand.
And she repeatedly told me that I souldn't let her go in this kind of situation.
Since when would that stop the trolling???
Why did you kill her?
Maybe get some close friends to reassess your relationship from a 3rd person perspective. Sounds to me like you're both toxic for each other, but what do i know.
We are very active in the local bdsm community and talk a lot to other couples. But I appreciate you being honest. I think I know where you come from. To clarify this dosn't happen a lot. Almost all of our scenes do not end with tears. I give her the time alone she needs when she has a breakdown, but make sure we talk about what happend afterwards. We are both relatively new to this (she's more experienced, but mostly online). She's an amazing girl and definetly worth being sad for a moment, we can always learn and grow from the mistakes we make.
And once she opens up and we talk with each other, her mood gets better, too.