Is my black bf ugly?

Is my black bf ugly?

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all black people are ugly.

no black person is ugly

Your bf is pretty cute, now I'll just sit here and wait for the /pol/tards to come here and say otherwise.

This boy is way ugly.. even for a black guy..where you did this mess up? the dump?

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Sunshine, Sunshine, lookin for the sunshine
No black person is ugly dont say it one time

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I resent this. I’m racist as fuck and he’s adorable

If he was white, he would be considered a doughy neckbeard. But since half the country is in the cult of the kike, he's accepted by them.

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No one cares about negro faces, post his cock and I'll tell you if its worth it

Low end of mediocre?

Eh, all shitskins look alike. how can you stand getting fucked by something that looks like a turd and probably reeks like one as well?

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>Eh, all shitskins look alike. how can you stand getting fucked by something that looks like a turd and probably reeks like one as well?

Seethe harder

All niggers are ugly

he isnt ugly, hes just black. oh wait thats basically the same thing sorry faggot your bf is ugly

Low self-worth? Why else would someone stoop so low? Maybe fetishism

Lol rude but ok

Ill concede you that shitskin is a good insult but tbh at the end of the day, brown skin does look better. White people look best tan and paleness is disgusting, it just looks healthy, theres nothing good about being white aesthetics wise. Brown is also a vital, earthy color, it looks alive. Pale skin looks like a fucking corpse. Also white people look alike to me and smell bad, not to mention they're world class degenerates as evidenced by this website where you fantasize about fucking your sisters and animals and children.

Anyways, he's not unsalvageable he's just fat. Why are you dating him if youre asking if hes ugly. His hair looks like a 80s black sitcom mom. But his face is fine, hes not like doomed to ugliness, he just needs to work on himself.

I do not fantasize about fucking animals and I don't have sisters so take that back please.
If I did have sisters I would fantasize about fucking them though. Doubly so if they were children.

Yeah I mean he is black they all are

On second thought if I had sisters I would fantasize about seeing them get fucked by animals so I'm not sure if that counts but I suppose you have nothing to apologize for. (Again, doubly so if they were children).

niggers are ugly

All insults leveled at subhumans are good because they deserve it, they are bad to have around nearly 100% of the time. They are so bad, you are using an image of one and a fictional scenario to troll, right now. You think you're a clever lefty racist that hates white people, but you're just a regular one that is brainwashed by jews.

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>All insults levelled at subhumans are good because they deserve it
I agree, thats why I insulted you, you pale bastard. You look like a maggot. You're a writhing parasite on the human race. Also jews are white, retard, no non white cares to differentiate you. Also what image, I'm not OP retard. Get skin cancer, caucasoid, even the sun hates you.

Something else twisted leftists don't understand, white people may get pissed when you and your kike Orcs shit on us, but we don't actually care. The brown sponges that flood our countries, have always hated us and that some whites have been brainwashed to be traitors, makes little difference. You're just wasting your energy on pointless hot air.