Should I grow shrooms myself or buy them dried? I don't go to college for a while and live with my parents until then...

Should I grow shrooms myself or buy them dried? I don't go to college for a while and live with my parents until then. I don't have access to a lot of shrooms in my area.

Attached: psilocybe_cubensis_ecuador.jpg (640x480, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

buy spores

Should I get a grow kit or make my own substrate?

unless you have an old/slightly moldy house. you'll get contam

make your own

Make your own, easy as piss

very easy to grow, get a growbag, you just innoculate and its done, I got 14G from like 40$ of supplies

Ok. What strain should I start with? This would be my first psychedelic.

golden teacher

cubensis is the classic