Why are downers always fat? Could obesity indeed be a genetics thing?
Also why are even downers getting in shape and you fatties are too lazy?
Why are downers always fat? Could obesity indeed be a genetics thing?
Yes. Obesity is genetic. There is a myriad of genes involved and the more you have or don’t have depending on which gene, the more likely you are to be obese.
I don't care nearly enough about getting in shape to actually make the effort
Must be an American only gene
imagine getting beat up by a downy
I seem to remember reading something about how having down's syndrome meant it was harder to build muscle tone too which is why they are all flabby. Something like that.
They simply have less opportunity to do sport or activities outside. But yeah, of course genetics doesn't help either, but if they have the chance to have someone to guide them, they can do great things.
I always wanted to see fights with different types of retards. Not just mongloids, but extreme autists who can barely function versus stuttering cripples . Put them in a ring and have them go at each other- zap them with a stun gun to get them enraged or rub cocaine on their gums as they do to horses in rodeos. I'd like to see wheelchair retards vs half men who have to scoot along the ring on their knuckles. I doubt it will be ever be organised though due to the current climate of political correctness. One day maybe...and i'd like extreme fatties versus anorexics.
I'll finish this by also adding a sexual component which would attract audiences. It would go like this, the top female mma stars versus deranged rapists. The rapists has to be in the same weight catagory and has a little training- say a month to get in shape. If he bests the female MMA fighter he rapes her on the spot- with the crowd cheering or jeering depending on the individual mood. Can you imagine Gina Carano running around the ring blood from her mouth , trying to climb up the ring fence to escape the rapists opponent who by now has pulled her shorts off, his hard on for all to see. The referee refusing to open the cage, soon she will tire and have to submit to the rape. She gets her fees, plus a trauma bonus to cover therapy and what not . The rapist is placed back in jail with some increased priveliges and of course his motivation to take part is that he gets a chance to rape.
Holy shit I've never seen a slim-ish downer. Looks like death
You know how sometimes you get in a slump after a break up and might gain a few pounds cause you bummed? Imagine looking forward to nothing in your life because you're a fucking retard and you find your answer.
jesus christ what the actual fuck
Fatty vs skelly is pretty unfair tho. The skelly can't even counter with agility because they can barely function
I normally don't post, just lurk. I've been given the task at my job of helping a group of special Ed students gain work experience at my church. No I don't go to church, I'm a janitor. I got some stories if anyone is interested.
I'm hard rn
I am intrigued by your idea of tard fights and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
you go to church to work, don't you?
Id like to never have to read another one of your unfunny long form posts again
Even after getting fit he has an odd physique
True. I just thought if anyone wants to hear some of my tales or tard wrangling I'm willing to share. I hate my soul crushing job :-\
Weird flexing thing. Left looks actually good tho. And no, it's a different downer. They all look alike ffs
Forgot pic
downers like pussy too.