Keep this thread alive for 1 month and you'll get a big surprise

Keep this thread alive for 1 month and you'll get a big surprise

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I believe this. Well, I don't believe the surprise is big. I believe there is one.

Surprises are the good thing about the world. I like surprises. They turn life into living. I enjoy living.

I don't even know what dying means.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

double dubs

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Ha ok!

wut if it hit bump limit T-T

i am contrebutign

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supporting but only because interesting digits

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Liability thread

just get le mods to sticky it lole

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wow great numbers anything for you fren
two same number

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

racoon bump


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Your fortune: Good Luck

You did it Mr. Raccoon, you broke the code.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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pweace!! gl evey1!

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I can't even peace with my mitts. I can't hi-five or thumbs up or kancho or anything. I do have a powerful grip though, so I can manage a sort of handshake. I can also fist-bump.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

you'd better sAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAge this thread homie

Hehehe, really?

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The relevance made me a bit woozy. I appreciate the (you)s, but I might need to stop namefigging.

I had to take a lie-down. My spikes are standing on end still.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Yui is trash and so is the whole fucking anime

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Mean word from bad man...

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super surprise bump

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Suprise Suprise Suprise
There'll be nobody home

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nice dubs

Your fortune: Godly Luck

wut if it hit bump limit T-T

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


godly dubs
we do it slowly and carefully