Women have rights

Women have rights
You fags keep posting porn
That's someone's daughter
Stop living in medieval times and understand women are people too

Attached: Benedict_cumberbatch_is_a_feminist_and_you_should_be_too-e1463075272796.jpg (650x366, 29K)

why do so many women make porn of themselves and post it online for free or nearly no money then

Shut your fucking mouth, faggot.

Because you guys make them do it. You trap them into a systemic world and they're forced into it. You masturbating has killed the human race.

shut the fuck up faggot

>because you guys make them do it
shit logic
plenty of women enjoy showing themselves off, from modeling to porn, but they're not made to do it, it's their choice

Women are beautiful and do not deserve being subjugated to white men jerking to them online. Fucking pervs

And who's in charge of the porn industry? Yeah stfu

men in charge of the porn industry wouldn't have any work if there weren't young women who wanted the money and titillation of performing in porn.

Besides, look at how many girls take nudes for free

>into a systemic world and they're forced into it.

Nope. There are low paying jobs for every woman out there. They choose porn instead. The system doesn't fuck women or men or left or right. It fucks the weak.

Only because of the demand from you men.


Those are personal pictures sent to loved ones but you guys leak them online because you're fucking pervs

They still want to do it, it's not like someone tied them up and forced them to.


>Women have rights

yep. including the right to not do porn or take naked pics of themselves and put it on the web

>You fags keep posting porn

well duh.

>That's someone's daughter

that agreed to do porn on her own volition.

>Stop living in medieval times and understand women are people too

but the porn is so much better now.

Nice bait

I don't even know why I bother with you men. Get a gf and know what they're like instead of jacking it to porn you creeps

you know some pornstars are feminists right?

some men prefer jacking it to porn than dealing with a bitchy gf

Hey! You're forgetting a woman's right to choose

to do porn.
Get a life, faggot.

Probably just trying to spread the word

Maybe you should try and make a gf happy instead?

Touch a nerve incels? Lol
Have sex stop watching porn

I didn't say what I prefer, I just said some men prefer that. And knowing plenty of people, there are some men who would rather do that, and some women who are never happy in a relationship, no matter the guy, so in the end, maybe it's better for both who fall into those categories

Benedict is so fucking hot

I literally can't stop getting stoned out of my mind and edging myself to Doctor Strange

Fapped to him in that movie literally dozens of times

I fantasize about him opening a portal into my pants so he can lovingly fuck me from anywhere in the universe

Seriously, this is how you kill a human race. Stop watching porn. It warps your view of woman. Get to know one, she might be kinky but she is the best companion you will ever get to know

>kill a human race
well, not sure about that, but abortion and porn will take care of the first world countries at least. The third world seems to reproduce fine.
