Why don't you own a bunch of guns to protect your family, home and country Yea Forums?
>pic related, what every able-bodied white male should own to be free
Why don't you own a bunch of guns to protect your family, home and country Yea Forums?
>pic related, what every able-bodied white male should own to be free
Other urls found in this thread:
cause guns cost money and i can't afford gun number 47 atm, but im working on getting a bunch
Because I know that the most likely person to be shot is the gun owner or family member.
A) I don’t have an inadequate penis size
B) I am not fascinated with war weapons
i have that vector
Because you only really need one
1. In my country cops are competent.
2. We have a professional army.
3. There are no gun retard fans.
4. No school shootings.
5. I have a BIG penis
You gunfags won't need to pay for guns anymore with WW3 around the corner, you can get all the gun you'll ever need and you could use them on real live human targets too
Some nigger is going to rape your mother in front of you.
That's shit tier guns, go away with this kind of manure !
And also :
>Can't legally own gun (Key word being legally)
>I put bear trap around my house
>I can acid attack any nigger who dare enter my house
>I already have a boomstick
Correlation does not imply causation.
One is none, two is one.
>you are now aware you really need two of each gun
>shit tier
wew lads
Are you fucking retarded?
Only redneck white supremacists own guns.
Why does vector have that design? I mean, the area between the magazine and the trigger, what's in there? Is that empty space or a place to hold extra mags?
>>I put bear trap around my house
>>I can acid attack any nigger who dare enter my house
Was it too much ? Those guns are for the more fortunate people. I mean if you have enough money to stop caring about it it's okay. But for a standard household a random shotgun or an AR 15 can do the job for less money
nice b8 /pol/cel
The acid is for research purpose of course but I guess it will sting a bit at 12mol/L
get a hobby that won't harm you or others, user.
didnt know shit tier meant things you cant afford
wew lads
Decent choices. I prefer an intermediate rifle caliber for self-defense myself. A 5.56 rifle with expanding softpoints is my go-to. Good power without unnecessary overpenetration.
>don't agree with someone
>must mean they go to /pol/
>never even browsed there
Are you?
One minimum for each family member. Never enough magazines.
Eh, don't worry I never used it. But one day I got one of those stinky thieves in the bear trap. Shame I didn't attached it to a chain at the time.
/k/ have taken its toll on me.
>Never enough magazines.
Truer words have never been spoken
Does storing ammo inside magazines like that wear/warp the springs in the mags out where it might cause a misfeed?
Once the civil war starts, how many people are you handing gats and mags to?
No, not with quality magazines with good springs. Good springs only wear out with repeated compression/release cycles. I've had magazines that I've left loaded for 5+ years that still work fine when I test them. Loaded mag fatigue is mostly a myth nowadays.
I got guns.
I don't live in fear, due to my country not being a glorified shitstain.
>bunch of guns
There's no need for a "bunch" of guns. One or two is plenty.
That's retarded.
I own an EVO 3 S1 carbine and a CZ805 pistol.
well I.. ehh...
I meant think about it. Does your car suspension wear out just by the weight of the car compressing them when your car is parked? (hint: no they don't).
don't talk to me or my car ever again
Technically you'll still get creep, but it'll be pretty negligible.
> what every able-bodied white male should own to be free
If you're truly able bodied, you shouldn't need a small arsenal of fire arms to ensure/prove/protect your freedom, you fat sack of shit.
>being this butthurt over a Constitutional right
I bet you think the police will protect you huh? kekkekekek
Fun fact: being fit does not make you bullet-proof.
Well, I don't live in an upside down police state that's been run by one retard after another since the Kennedy years, so I feel pretty safe.
this is so dumb im not even sure where to begin
Neither does owning a gun.
Correct, but owning a gun enables you to shoot before you get shot.
You realize cops aren't called until after the crime is already commited right
>able-bodied white male...
Are implying because I'm in a wheelchair and a black woman I shouldn't own a gun?
Because I live in America where we have a significant military and police presence. Also I live in a safe and quiet neighborhood, and my family are two pitbulls.
Now pitbulls are what really need to be banned.
>Because I live in America
* Average police response time: 8+ minutes
* Police aren't legally required to protect you (see Warren v. District of Columbia)
* Pitbulls
Oh, so you're white trash or a nigger and don't understand Constitutional precedent? Yeah I'm not surprised.
Are you going to protect your country with a gun m8?
>please mr raper dont shoot until cops get here
legally own a gun. we know you have 6 felonies
I have a hunting rifle but that's for hunting
Like I said, I live in a good neighborhood and my dogs are intimidating enough
take the cock out yer mouth you cum-bedripped fucktard
nah fags like u
>let's be honest
>dogs are intimidating
Two dogs, two bullets.
yeah some guy is going to come in my house to rape me, a middle-aged guy
I see what your problem is, you're a fantasizing faggot dreaming of cock in your ass
You'd waste your entire clip and probably shoot your small cock off and that's it
Move to a better neighborhood.
being middle aged one would assume youd be smarter than this but the more you talk the more it swings in the opposite direction
No, I'd use two rounds from my magazine and both dogs would be dead.
don't have any gun money
two dog treats
All these faggots making excuses...their families will be raped and murdered with ease by niggers or immigrants
If they were good dogs like golden retrievers or something, sure, but fuck pitbulls.
The KSG is kinda shit. A basic bitch Remington 870 is far superior.
>i left all my windows and doors unlocked hoping someone would come rape me
yeah you need a ksg
ill take a 15shot ksg over a 5 shot basic bitch 870 anyday
yeah i'm sure. ignore the stats on how guns in the house make you less safe and most people aren't raped or murdered. i might as well keep a pitbull in the house to protect myself while ignoring it's more likely to eat a baby's face than a robber's
It's funny because I know you haven't shot a KSG before. They're terrible. Good ammo capacity but the ejection sucks, racking the pump is gritty as fuck, they bind up easily, they're basically a range toy. Not a serious defensive option.
I'll take a dozen of them!
not sure what youre implying here. i dont think armed rapers knock on the front door. and i dont watch cartoons so i dont get the pic reference either
because I am not a nigger that makes really awful investments in toys and the false sense of safety they will give me.
oh yeah, military grade shotgun used by current militaries isnt up to your standards. youve convinced me
god i wish that were me
Literally no military uses the KSG. Are you trolling or really this stupid? Remington 870s, Mossberg 500/590, and the Benelli semi autos are the standard issue 12 gauges that militaries use. Not a plastic range toy made in Florida.
what military uses a ksg?
a simple google search would save you time
it could be for low low price of 800$
so in other words you don't have a clue and you're just talking out of your ass.
Pro-tip: this means he has no clue what military uses the KSG, because they don't. And now he's backpedaling hard because he's an idiot.
Just name a single competent military force that uses the KSG. Or post a pic. It's not that hard. Don't be such a faggot.
Im a broke neet. Trust me, I want a pistol. Unfortunately, Id only be able to shoot it once.
again you can google it if youd like. or dont. doesnt bother me at all. all this because someone said theyll take a 2 ksgs lol
not because you're poor, but because you'd be dead, right?
You're the biggest failure I've seen in a while. Can't even answer the question. Pathetic.
thats fine. i know im right, but im not going to spoon feed you just because youre filling your diaper up. you could have had your answer 10 minutes ago
Lol a rustington
Post 2007 Rem is shit but anything made before is awesome. This is a 1990s police 870. I also have a 1960s Wingmaster which is incredibly high quality. Current Remington is shit, agreed, but their old stuff is high, high quality.
go ahead and buy your edgelord school shooter gun if that's what you want, there's no need to justify it.
ok will do. pretty sure it hasnt been in a school shooting but who knows with so many. and i didnt reply to myself in the first place starting an argument
why are you always concerned about your or someone else penis?
you you scale everything you buy or do to equate to a penis size?
because your penis is adequate, do you drive a prius so you dont have to penis shame yourself?
What will you do with 12 of them? Re-sell them for a small profit?
Or be like Reaper from overwatch and just fire once and drop it, pulling out 2 new ones. But I doubt you'd be able to carry more than 1 or 2 due to the fact that gravity exist.
well...heres what turned up....
VAST military use, right?
True. Bit you must agree its easier to get shot if you live with a gun. A lot of gun owners have this mindset of. "Everyone but me is a retard with guns. I am tol bright to have an accident."
now that wasnt so hard was it?
So basically no one. Complete opposite of what you claim
And I’m not even your user. I came out of the woodwork to show your faggotry
A hundred years of firearms and they can't even make a working shotgun.
b/c I live in Europe
i said its military grade used by current militaries. what claim did you read? next youre going to say sk and france elite teams arent competent?
>Bit you must agree its easier to get shot if you live with a gun.
No. I don't agree with this at all.
I’ll take a rem or even a moss, anyway over keltek. Shit is the hipoint of shotguns but with a premium price
>one battalion in sk
>one team in France
>limited use in us
>limited use
Militaries also use Duracell batteries. Maybe they should claim themselves as military grade
So why is the Benelli’s used world wide over the keltec? There must be a reason they’re being stupid and keep using them over keltek
not an amerimutt
im not sure what youre argument is here. yes the military uses military grade weapons. maybe if that one elite battalion was called seal team 6 maybe thatd make more sense to you
I didn’t see that in the google search... maybe enlighten us
Does it matter what kind of shotgun model shoots best?
Don't they all shoot the same kind of ammo with little to no effect on how it shoots?
If I shoot standard walmart pump action shot gun, won't it be the same as firing a shotgun like in OP's pic?
Does it affect range? Does it make it shoot faster? Does it have more power in the pellets?
Don't know if lucky or not, but I live in a gun free country.
Upside is I won't be killed by a weapon, downside is I won't kill with a weapon.
Cause all load, feed, and eject the same?
No. They don’t.
you do realize i never said one was better than the other? i said id rather have a ksg for 15 shots. i dont write the military checks or know why they give contracts to different companies. if youre really not the other user, which it sure does sound like you are, you should go back and read everything before trying to jump in
So if I get a shotgun like in OP's pic, it will be more powerful than a winchester shotgun?
Does it matter what car drives best? They all have 4 wheels. Could be a Kia, could be a bmw.
They all drive thensame
Its obvious that all shotguns DO the same thing and shoot the same ammo.
But does each shotgun change the affects of the shot other than faster reload or more capacity?
Does one shotgun fire more accurately than another?
Does one shotgun fire more powerful than another?
Or do they all have the same power and accuracy and its all about style, amount of ammo it can hold, and how fast it reloads, so it doesn't matter what shotgun you pick, they all have the same affect?
I’m not the other user. Effect range for a shotgun is 55yards. Usually within 15 yards. If you need 15 rounds with a shotgun, you 1) need more training 2) probably shouldn’t be in the situation to begin with 3) a pistol would probably be better for you, but again, I’m talking to the guy who things 15 rounds of a shotgun is better
Yep... for example....a long barrel on a shotgun shoots a more accurate centralized shot than a short barrel bull pup design
your argument goes the same way with 5 rounds
Yep. Sorry you think you need an aa12 to be effective
ill take having options over not
Where to you think you’re gonna be to have 15 rounds of 12guage? And what doesn’t matter if the mechanism itself is substandard and less reliable than others?
You only need like 2 to 3 mostly for versatility. Shotgun/hunting riffle, assault riffle and a hand gun.
So I should buy that 700hp car, because options?
Mossberg 590, even has bayonet lug, you believe that shit.
that bitch is bow legged.
How's your rate of home entries and aggravated assault?
It’s a weird bolt design. It actually levers down to compensate for muzzle climb.
If shit ever hits the fan your likely gonna have to leave, you can't all your ammo if so. You can only hold in your homemade Fortress for so long.
The KSG is fine, even nice. The Vector is a huge fucking meme.
where would you need 5? i feel like you watched a video of first gens on youtube, first impressions last
why do you keep talking about cars?
you seem well rounded. Quads confirm.
yes they do retard
What about power?
Obviously the closer you are, the more power. Given that point blank is 100% brain splattering all over the room power. At a distance of 30 yards, does it give each shot more power?
I'm guessing its something like the more pellets that hit the target, the more power it gives you.
But if I load a elephant gun with the same kind of ammo as a pump action shotgun with the same barrel length, will the elephant gun shoot 10 times harder, breaking even through concrete, or will it just have the same amount?
Might be time for some better springs buddy
Cause you have the more is better mentality
Does each rifle have a purpose or do you just like the way they look?
If its just for aesthetics, wouldn't airsoft bb guns be just as good as real ones?
If its for a purpose, you obviously can only use one at a time and carry maybe 1 extra, what does each one do?
I have no need for them.
sure read his reply below, not sure what to say if that doesnt make sense to you
so if you are one of the unlucky people that experiences a home invasion, are you going to defend yourself with your adequate penis? or just roll over and die. do you just simply hope to not be unlucky?
An elephant gun isn’t a shotgun dingus
it could be, but peta
Lame and tossed aside
10m away, a 12 gauge isn’t putting down an elephant. It’s just gonna wound it badly and pissit off
All these guns and your goverment is still walking all over you.
ok? you trying to say a shotgun cant kill an elephant lol
But the question still stands. Will a old western style shotgun have more power than a modern shotgun of the same attributes, i.e. barrel length, number of shell capacity, and reload.
If I buy a cheap shotty for $100, will it be as good as a $1000 shotty?
You’ll need more than your 15 keltec rounds to kill an elephant with a shotgun
ok fair enough i dont really know but you dont either. never seen anyone blast elephants with a shotgun. with persistence i think itd work tho
If you’re effective. So the question is, why do you need 15 rounds?
you cant let it go can you lol
Cause no one blasts elephants with shotguns. Cause it’s not effective. I don’t think anyone should shoot elephants, cause they’re my favorite living thing, but you need a high caliber rifle
You know nothing about guns. Remington turned to trash 20 years ago. And the latest revision of the KSG is actually pretty good for a Kel-Tec.
You keep responding, so ask yourself that?
What are you talking about 15 rounds?
I'm talking about different shotguns affecting the shot being fired.
A steel hammer, versus steel mallet.
A kia verus a porche.
They all use the same kind of input, but does it affect the output in terms of power?
its just funny to me that youre so hung up on this, especially since youre not the original user right? you seep asking why 15, and ill keep saying why 5.
dont you think someone may have tried at one point in time? i would think it worked but pretty messy
Well if you not that user up there, say so.
All rounds aren’t equal. Particularly shotguns which are easily hotloaded.
That being said, if your shotty is your choice, if you can’t get the job done in 3 rounds, you need more training, not more rounds
So you're saying if I load a pellet type ammo into a remington shotgun, it will have little difference if I shoot it from a winchester shotgun?
do you randomly get different rounds than you bought?
2x Vz.58 because I'm Czech and it's our "national firearm"
1x AK74 for IPSC kind of action shooting...
1x L1A1 because 7,62x51mm Battle rifle larping with right arm of free world
1x M590A1 because fun on the range and boomstick meme with magnum loads devastating my shoulder
There are some pistols and BP revolver as well...
If all things are similar, there will be variances, yes.
So is there really a point in buying a fancy $1000 shotgun when a $100 walmart pump shotty will be the same thing?
Range is short
Pepper shot spread
Intimidation factor are the same in all weapons
Why do we even need fancy shotties if a steel pipe with a nail in it from home depot will do the same thing?
The $100 vs. $1k question does not have a consistent answer.
That's exactly the same as asking a sculptor the same question about a $100 chisel vs a $1k chisel.
If you are say a competitive skeet shooter, you're gonna need to spend over $1k, but your skills and the level of performance demanded brings on the pricing.
You can get a battle worthy shotgun for under $500. It just needs to be light, chokeless, tough and dependable in the conditions you intend to use it in. It also must function well for how you prefer to fight.
Most of the time in these debates, I inform those asking they aren't ready to ask the question they are asking, because if they could get any value out of whatever weapon they're inquiring about, they'd already know the answer. In other words, their money would be better spent on training than a weapons purchase. They'd need to make friends with experienced shooters and operators who can patiently train while they explore their fighting style.
Then there's the harsh reality of accepting limits..
Not sure about all that other stuff in the 2nd part of your post, but the first part makes sense.
You realize 1000 is cheap for a shotgun?
>pic related, what every able-bodied white male should own to be free
>tacticool garbage
Son, you need a longrifle, a shotgun, and two handguns
Anything after that is window dressing.
I don't know how much shotguns are worth outside of walmart.
I'm interested in buying one, but not for fancy looking shit like in OP's pic.
Literally explains this whole argument
>See mall ninja running around through my scope from 100 yards away
>(laughs in marksman)
Enjoy your 50 yards tops accuracy weapon you mongrel
Function, reliability under conditions, loading issues.
I had a Mossberg 500 that was stamped it could load 3" magnums. Sure, it could chamber it, but when you fired and the casing rolled out, it couldn't eject the spent round. It had to be cut up and removed. Then I had a gunsmith mill out the ejection port a bit to allow proper ejection of magnums.
There's factory performance and then the insane differences of after market and custom modifications.
But the question you're asking has complex answers. Ballistics wise, same length barrels of equal configuration chokeless is the same. But different brands of shotguns can perform differently in their chokes. You'll see the difference in shot dispersal. A critical difference in performance.
why not?
Don't lie. A decent shotgun for defense can be had for under $500.
why is vector a meme?
Because I don't want someone to break into my house or car to steal it because it looked cool. The fancier the toy, the more someone else will want it.
so can an ak. are we still talking about defense? losing track
how would they know what you buy?
you havent taken anything from this thread besides it looking cool lol. id suggest your own research
You're money would be better spent getting some better trade training and moving out of niggerville.
>But you must agree its easier to get shot if you live with a gun
Why? is the gun going to come home one night from a hard day's work, see an empty stove and a dirty house, and, on its own, going to kill my fucking lazy wife for being an overbearing lazy cunt?
>of course not, that's my job.
>Because you only really need one
LOL, you are retarded. I need a Long Range, Long-Medium Range, Medium Range, Short-Medium Range, Short Range. Shotgun for me and each of my allies, enough ammo for all, and a few extra copies of each gun to cannibalize parts.
it's a spring, not a nigger. ofc it'll still work.
you keep talking about training like the possibility is only 1 person at a time breaking into your shit
You do realize springs are made of metal right? They do deteriorate and over time, maintain their shape or lose their ability to "spring" back.
I noticed you didn't list your country.
You and I both know why.
>I'll take 'missed sarcasm' for $200, Alex.
Trade, as in a line of work so you can earn more money and move out of your obviously shitty area since your neighbors seeing and stealing your shit is so severe you use it as a limiting factor in your consideration in buying a weapon.
Is it because it's every other first world country?
>You're money would be better spent getting some better trade training and moving out of niggerville.
You are money would be better spent on education past the 5th grade.
oh ok. i read it wrong, not that same guy scared to buy a gun
>white male
you do realize how many white males out their are left wing supporters? they'd rather take the guns away,not own them
>prove me right
>in my country
oh,so what your really trying to say is
>in my liberal country,we cant own guns.so the muslims just rape our women and destroy our country because we are left defenseless because we are to stupid to know better
Ahhh... nothing like complacency. Maybe someone will come along and change your mind. Rape your wife, hurt your children, your dogs. Your overconfidence may end up costing you a lot.
wait those aren't handguns
go to summer school, you fuck.
i chuckled
Illegal to have a gun here
riveting tale, chap.
Interesting how you're able to connect genitals and firearm...
Why people (mostly ones without a deeper knowledge of the problem) try to use this as valid argument?
Freud was right, regarding unsecure behavior...
Your life is so limited you bitch about grammar in an anonymous board in the middle of the fucking night.
Virgin cuck faggot punk bitch cunt.
My cock is still wet on the underside against my balls from fucking my wife. I haven't bothered showering because I'm getting a couple of more nuts in before knocking out. I'll shower when one of us has had enough.
Fuck youre gramma. And fuck you.
atleast take an wet wipe to those dad balls. also post wife
That's just because suicide. People all around the world do just fine offing themselves without guns. Don't think you're doing yourself any favors.
>also post wife
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
wifes are real my mom had one
Fake news statistic
inb4 terrorist attacks and refugees taking over ur country lol eurofag
you're assuming dude is married... seems he has enough brain cells to improperly use a can opener
My logic says criminal behavior is not a reason to remove another person's rights. One of the biggest threats to life in the US today is distracted driving. In fact, the CDC cites this as the LARGEST cause of death in teens 15-19 years old. Why are we not removing cellphones from everyone? Because it's irrational. Gun control is pseudo moral rally cry behind the guise of helping children from a group of people who have no problem killing babies. The logic literally hurts my brain
what he said made sense though
samefag detected
>fake news
just because its negative about your president,doesnt make it fake news.this is why you crying morons lost your party the house majority.and why you will lose 2020,stop the bitching about the news media and mexicans.then maybe republicans who were bush era republicans will bother with you manchildren
says the trumpshit,who thinks the mexicans are taking over your country.even though they arent,and illegals are staying in america because of visa's and not because of the southern border
go away, Ivan. Nobody likes (You) .
i have proof,when i fucked your mother.she introduced to me to her.i called her a fag and then raped your mother's asshole
>says the trump supporter,who doesnt realize most of the country hate him and his president
But you own those and remain a slave.
>i said as i swished my own cum through my mouth
haha see i can larp too
Fuck off nigger
Unlike crybaby safe space liberals, conservatives can hear a different opinion and not break down in years. What makes it fake news is that's it's an entirely made incorrect statement. Now go to bed, you have a long day of Call of Duty tomorrow
why do people feel the need to bring politics into everything
I know right?
I’m saying overall 1000 is cheap. I have a moss 500 under the bed, and I sawed it off. I think I spent like 650 on it. No reason to have a huge barrel in my tight ass home
whatd you do with the rest of the barrel