I’m 22 and my partner will not fuck me

I’m 22 and my partner will not fuck me...

I’m at 2 months no sex. I try and be all cute, it’s a no, I try to be sexy, it’s a no, She doesn’t even masturbate. She does nothing,

I’ve asked why to no prevail and she will yell “just leave me then, find someone else” and she’ll cry when she does that, she will not tell me what is wrong and won’t give me anything to go with on the subject.

I’m incapable of fapping, porn and imagination, I feel like dying when I do.

I feel like killing myself at times because I wonder if it’s because I’m ugly.

I could never cheat because I have no attractions to anyone else in the word.

Fucking kill me /b, I search up “why won’t my girlfriend fuck me” at least once daily...

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You've got to DESTROY HER user... SEXUALLY! Oh my goddddddd stick it in there and UNF UNF de la UNF UNF de la UNF UNF! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off thinking about her Opie! Yes indeedle-de-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins! I'm high as FUCK!!

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Your GF sounds like she might be asexual

Obviously she thinks you want her only for the pussy which you probably do so make her think it was her idea for sex

Who molested her?

Jesus Christ dude, you should be fucking like rabbits at 22, I know I was. If she isnt putting out now it's probably cause she did the dirty on you and feels guilty. Get rid of her even if she isnt because no fucking now will only cause problems down the line.

Have you thought that maybe you're a waste of flesh and resources and that everyone, your "girlfriend" included, would be better off without you?

Emotional problems would prolly explain it. Wimmin are like that.

Try waiting until she hits puberty. That might help.

Kill yourself faggot

>cuddle with her for a little to ease the mood
>look down at her and say "You can tell me why you won't have sex with me. I'm not going to leave you for some chastity promise or whatever. Plus if the relationship is going to stay strong we need to be honest with each other."
>if she still refuses consider breaking up

Can't guarantee sex but at least you'll probably get an answer.

Fucking grow a pair you pussy

Deadbedroom at 22. Jesus just get out user, you will never be sexually satisfied with that waste of time. Just move on.

She is cheating. Kick the cunt out, get fit, dress nice and get out to meet and fuck as many women as possible. 22 is too young to not be getting your end away.

socializing is what destroys you

You're in a bad relationship. Dump her

It's not too late to kill yourself, faggot!

If she's on antidepressants, a lot of those kill libido, especially SSRIs.

OP is not responding. He probably confronted her about cheating on him, she came clean and he beat her close to death.

this is solid advice, OP should follow

this, and who molested you, OP?

Im in the same boat. She will kiss me goodbye and shit but she claims her post partum depression makes her not wanna fuck

No such thing in humans