Met this older woman on a hook up site. She's 48.23. She's definitely down to fuck but I am a bit intimidated by an older woman and I don't have the biggest dick. We've been exchanging pictures and some dirty talk and she's ready to go maybe this week. What do you think b, would you smash?
Met this older woman on a hook up site. She's 48.23...
Fuck her hard and film it. Older woman are the best, good luck
Do it pussy
Any woman older than 30 is disguting.
Thanks Darwin.
Obvious answer is give her my number because you're obviously too much of a fucking Beta.
Enjoy your herpes and HPV
I'd smashed that any time, day or night. I like her cunt.
Currently also hooking up with random stranger, she is 41, but looks older than yours.
Do you have any other pics, face, boobs, body shape?
How old are you?
In all honesty she looks loose af. I'd still fuck her ofc
Just do it and quit being a bitch
>>She's 48.23
Are we doing ages in decimals now?
Ask her who took that pic of her pussy. Probably the guy gonna be hiding in the closet to murder your ass when you go over.
That's a good point
That pussy looks like the inside of a snapping turtles mouth.
Looks like my kind of trashy whore.
Once or twice, but younger women are nicer.
would be your first time having sex ?
Well, she is a mature woman, average body shape for her age.
If you want to fuck her, do it, use protection
There is literally a big gaping sore on the bottom of her pussy. Good lucky with the HPV nigger.
Where are you located?
Please respond
Serial killer detected
Nicely spotted. TBH it's a hell of messy looking vagina.
I'm in Arkansas.....cousin capital of the world
You've been catfished.....enjoy your rectum being raped
Looks like my mother in law. Im going to save it for that reason. I really dont want to cheat on my very committed relationship but I really want to give mother in law something to remember.
Dude, an older woman would probably teach you some things and be prepared for anal and swallowing your load. Unfortunately there appears to be a sore on her cunt as someone else pointed out. That pussy has been devastated.
I wouldn't go for it, you can definitely see some weird sore near the top, also messy. Or do it for some sloppy pig sex and get herpes
If makes me cringe hard when some obvious little faggot thinks he's cool calling people niggers. kek.
Just wear a rubber OP. Id be all over that