Go to bar with girlfriend of 4 years (we live together)

>go to bar with girlfriend of 4 years (we live together)
>have several drinks
>guy starts flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me
>I tell him to stop
>he smirks at me
>my girlfriend asks me, "what's your problem, user?"
>I look at her, like wtf?
>guy grabs my girlfriends waist while standing behind her and kisses her on the check.
>he looks at me with a smile and winks at me
>I drop him like a brick
>his large friend tries to sucker punch me and misses
>we go to the ground
>I end up on top and start pounding him
>someone is kicking me in my ribs
>i look it up to see who it is
>its my girlfriend
>my girlfriend is kicking me
>what in the actual fuck dot onion
>while I'm looking at her in disbelief, I get hit in the back of the head
>I wake up in the back of a cop car
>look out of the window
>my girlfriend is talking to a cop
>the guy who kissed her cheek is standing next to her with a black eye
>cop walks around patrol car and gets in the driver seat. Doesn't say a word.
>my girl and the guy with the black eye turn and face me
>he puts his arm around her and she grabs his hand
>they both smile as the cop drives off with me in the back seat in handcuffs
>my girlfriend waves for a few seconds, then they both turn and go back into the bar

I spent all last night in jail while my girlfriend fucked a stranger in my apartment. (our neighbor bailed me out, told me he heard her getting fucked all night)
I moved out today. I'm staying in a hotel until I find a new pad. How was your day, Yea Forums?

>pic very related, it's her

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Well at least you out of Jail and Rid Of That Bitch...First Round is on ME!

good story user, but why did he kiss her check? Is she a rich girl?

sorry man. gyow

she's an average middle class girl

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more pics

>giving her the apartment
If you're the sole leaseholder, you deserved to get cuckes. Otherwise, waste the motherfuckers. Your life can be worth two, or worth none. Your choice. Your only choice.

You deserve it, since you gave so much to a whore.

>cool story bro

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They set you up you idiot. Learn to control your feelings.

leak her mail, number or give out a name or address

This is copy pasta btw

Go to the Philippines and find yourself a loyal woman.

What kind of assets or income do they expect from a guy there?

Ok there's no turning back now, this is my SLUT cheating ex-gf.. so hello Yea Forums

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Wow you're very creative I guess you'll get a B in your primary school writing classes just tomorrow. So go to bed it's late you need to get up soon.

Well if she ain’t your girl no more, drop her nudes

Another... tell me what u think Yea Forums

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she would look better NAKED...why are you being a Pussy...if it happened to me her Nudes would be all over

She is Fucking this Guy now & you are being a PUSSY!

I want her to be all over the web... she deserves it

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> being in a relationship
> experiencing this type of shit
Play stupid games win stupid prizes

You have good cause to murder both of them. Make it painful.


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Dude she fully looks crazy

Dump em all. Fuck her

Should I keep going?

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Yeah, drop the name and nudes

what he said...FUCK HER...They Set You UP...SHe has Been Fucking Him For some time

You got the better deal....
A woman like that, is worth her weight in shit.

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Post the Good Nudes and stop crying...your LIFE is Better SHe is a Whore

Why do any of you believe this absurd and ridiculous fable?

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>There are people with autism severe enough to analyze the story of porn

ONE Time A Band CAMP...

that is not even the same CHick

one more
yes she is

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then lets see the 100% naked ones...if you don't have any that is why she left you!

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This image was saved from Yea Forums. You forgot to change the filename.

OP is a fag.

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she later got a boob job, ill dump
it's called removing metadata

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why? are you the internet police or something?

also, one more

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Do people actually believe this? Fucking loser.

She was already fucking the other guy user. Mixed race people tend to be crazier BTW.


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Mona Lisa has less paint tahn that whore,

any evidence to suggest so?
(it's not that I don't believe you, its that I want proof)

More nudes or GTFO

FB: donnakmillan
IG: donnamillan

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Thanks for the clarification, but no evidence. I've seen this posted a few times before and OP does not reply. It's also evident that this post follows the same guidelines as cuck threads.

Sorry it went down like that bro. She gave me 50 bucks to try to make you shit briccs and after a few drinks I wanted to fuck. I feel pretty bad about it. No black eye btw.


should I keep dumping?

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dont stop

Post your paperwork.

I know you won't. This is weird shit to lie about. Is there a real story closer to reality you want to reference or what?

Believing this makes you retarded kids.

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That pic was a warning that she is indeed a hoe. The sign was clear but you were an idiot OP

Really , who the Fuck gets a Blow Job With There Boxers ON?

Just by the looks, it’s safe to safe that was inevitable
But still, what a huge cunt

A Yea Forums faggot who got owned by his now ex and her bull

who gives a fuck? she just took my dick out and start sucking

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WHY no 100% Naked Photos

like this?

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you mean whore,and your just a cuck who cares to much about pussy.i would of dumped the bitch and moved on,instead you got the shit beat out of you,got thrown in jail.all while your girlfriend was fucking chad's cock the whole night

Friend tells me to go for a ride with bicycles at 11 in the morning,(i usually wake up after 2:00), i go out and realize that it is summer im Greece which means 36 degrees Celsius, i feel like a boer in South Africa with all that heat, we proceed to talk why south Africa was so successful, we conclude because it had a lot of whites. Then we see a nigger tourist, we stare at him for 15 seconds to make him uncomfortable, my friend shows him his golden dawn tattoo, nigger mistakes Μένανδρος for a swastika because he is a nigger and starts running, i find a big sing in the port of Καλαμαριά which shows our unliberated Hometowns in Pontus (as seen in the image), as Pontiac greeks we talk about how we hate turks, we proceed to go inside the abandoned hospital Αγία Παναγία to hunt for Bulgarians, we confirm that it is occupied with weird people, there were only 3 of us and one had to remain on guard outside so we decide to come back tomorrow with a bigger force, also end up getting sun burnt because Greeks are too white for the climate of Greece

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Yes more please and post boob job too

pic Related?

close up

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nice have her cute Ass hole?

Things that never happened

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Mine did happen

Nigger, you dodged a bullet.Fuck that cunt

WORD...Expose the Fuck Out OF HER!


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All of THEM Bro...FUCK HER She Set YOU UP!

Any videos?

She has a perfect body, fucking whore!

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Fake and gay

Hold up your apartment and you moved out? Next a fight at the bar all your asses are kicked out next all you going to jail until they get this figured out. Stop trying to be a cuck badass.

Keep Them Coming...I will friend her ON FB...

Dude no

nah, just leave her, ill take care of it

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Ever Fuck Her ASS?

cunt ...

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i mean, this didn't happen out of the blue. you probably have a small dick and she was sick of your bullshit for a long time before this happened. now you're being a pussy posting her nudes on Yea Forums because some alpha dude stole your 6/10 chick. lame.

Jesus Christ

of course, dozens of times, and cum inside her. even once in a while she asks me to cum on her bowl of cereal. dude, she liked to rim-job me

shit was cash, and now its gone ... fuck that bitch

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I am an attorney. When I did divorce law I used to hear stories like this once in a while. I think they would be less common if more guys know how to plaese a woman. Sexually.

You Better Off with out her...at least you hit it ...post away

Isn't the purpose of going to a social bar is to get laid? I mean, she wanted a 3 some, but you fucked it up with your jealousy.

you know all women are Whores and like Monkeys...they don't leave until they have there hand on another Branch

my dick is around 6 inches, the sexual thing was not a problem at all, she is just a whore

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Show us More Of The WHORE

No woman is worth it.

sure buddy. you're not at fault even when you're proving you're a little bitch by making this thread.

WWYD If You got Set UP?

She is ugly

Your HIGH...Little Fuck Toy

now, the awful boob job

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more please...i like her perky little tits

Jesus fucking Christ man. Aren't women supposed to like stronger men?

Is that her ?

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you got it

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Everytime I get slightly lonely or think about trying again I read something like this.

she became a whore after the boob job tho and, to be honest, I hated her "new" tits

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so you paid for her boobjob then she left you for another dude and she kicked you while doind it lmao

I Agree...her Perky ones way better...she became an Attention WHore...my friends Wife did the same thing

just look at this mess!

I didn't pay for shit, I never agree on destroying her perfect perky tits tbh

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post addr if serious, will send in the pizza brigade
if you don't post addr you are fake and gay

she went way to Big...

She's a bitch.

that's not gonna happen user

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fake and gay
sage lads, he's a retard

At least You HIT when it WAS SMOKIN'

It’s like a Barbie. Jesus she butchered them!

have any photos of her cute Ass Hole?

Oh look, another cuck is trying to fulfill his weird humiliation fetish by posting retarded shit on Yea Forums.

Come the fuck on OP is using Yea Forums filenames pics. Some investigators you are.

More Photos of her NAKED.. and Her Ass Hole!

Yeah nigga, this. That's so obviously a setup situation. Been there before as a fucking teen, but it's obvious af as an adult. If you're girl is putting off that kind of vibe you just say check please, go to a hotel or friend, and then coordinate moving your shit out. It's crazy how many friends I know who've been through a similar situation. Women are truly horrendous creatures. Best of luck to you op.

Holy God Jesus Christ!

YUP...Words of Wisdom