I so bored. All the time now. I was a fat fuck and now ive lost 75 pounds down to 200...

I so bored. All the time now. I was a fat fuck and now ive lost 75 pounds down to 200. I used to play video games all day every day but I just cant plop down and grind that shit out anymore. I have a $1700 rig and its just being wasted. What do yall do to entertain yourselves in ya free time

Attached: rogan.png (277x381, 197K)

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Get a job, learn a hobby, be like all the other fucks and learn a language, use that sexual energy (or the time you would use on sexual things (masturbation, sex) ) for something better like a hobby or a trade
I'm narcissistic so I only think about how much of a pussy bit h I am
Self deprecation
But ey
That's me

open magic the gathering packs/boxes. never played in my life but its just fun to open them

I also browse Yea Forums as well
Go from point a to point b just to explore around
Explore your town
Explore a park
Go to a park
Stay outside or something
Write shitty poems
Get better
You can only go forward
And you can either progress (positive forward)
Or regress (self destruction along the way:negative forward)

this, and hookers

I shoot pool and snooker. Constantly. I many ways it is like meditation, because all you have to focus on is one task - the game.

Bonus it gets you out of the house.

Never heard of it
What is it?

If you learn to enjoy weed, my god you will be limitless my friend

Just understand that before you get to the point where you can go to work high, its going to take some getting used to but once you can reallyyyyy USE it, it's really useful

This user right here
Ever do going drunk to work?
How does it help you?
Every time I smoke out I get hella paranoid so I'm tempted chief

I used to drink heavily in college so im kinda drunked out.
I have a nice job, any suggestion on hobbies tho?
I smoke alot, Ive gone to work high many a time, but i dont want to have to be high constantly to get through the day ya know

Sounds vague but ey
Write your thoughts
Learn an instrument
Practice self discipline
Read up on topics you don't care for
Just to know
If you got money then travel

Just learning in general user
It will cost money but ey
The experience is the good

It's like pool but harder and is generally more prestigious because of its difficulty and its my popularity in the United Kingdom parts of Europe and China.

Pic related is current "best player"

Attached: _103901065_gettyimages-1036578462.jpg (480x270, 18K)

I find that I can really condition myself to really take advantage of the sensitivity that you get and I feel like I think alot clearer,

That said I think it should go without saying that you can really have a shitty day with the wrong strain for YOU. Its really important that you experiment with yourself and find what works best for you, which takes time that OP sounds like he has a lot of.

Bored is a sign of a weak mind

Its harder because
A) table is way bigger, like nearly 3-4x the size of a standard bar box pool table.
B) the balls are smaller, calling for more precise aim
C) the pockets are cut in a way the if you miss by a little bit and hit the side, the ball will almost never wobble in, like it would on a pool table.

Edit: I didn't know you were OP
I'm ^

Start drawing cats

Bored is a lost mind you fat fuck

how old are you that you dont have enjoyable hobbies in your life yet?



I listen to music

maximum autism

Hike those jeans up mommy

22. just finished college. Making 80k at an accountign firm

Study personal finance and real estate investing

Then im functional retarded

Go out and do something with other people, preferably men. Try a bunch of shit until you find an activity you enjoy. Then stick with it so you can git gud, and contribute. Contributing to a tribal goal with a pack will satisfy something in your brain and you will be a lot happier.

Attached: Jm6yGvH.jpg (640x640, 43K)

tv. that's it.

I lost my weight by playing basketball. I've gotten decent but I'm not good enough to be on an amateur team yet