Imagine being a grown ass man and thinking that driving a loud shitty bike is (((cool))) and (((manly)))

Imagine being a grown ass man and thinking that driving a loud shitty bike is (((cool))) and (((manly)))

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Why are you so triggered?

Nigger behaviour

It is especially at 3am in the suburbs

I think you meant to say why are we laughing, not triggered

i just got my GV250 working today. Its a "quiet bike". im a 24yr old woman.bikes arent just for old men

Post tiddies with timestamp or gtfo

>he doesnt ride a motorcycle

laughing at u incel

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>Its a "quiet bike"
>im a 24yr old woman
>bikes arent just for old men
Yeah, something's not adding up here

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They don't do it because of what you think, they do it because they love it. Stop caring so much you autistic nigger.

harley davidson is absolute shitter tier

Post a picture with just your road boots on and nothing else

>300lb fat piece of shit Harley rider with diabetes detected
Kill yourself cuck

laughing at how mad u getting

Inaccurate, also I don't ride. Try again with less buttfrustration

>riding the typical squidcycle
I bet you lane split with white sunglasses too

they're pretty loud
and dangerous
and they can't carry enough junk for me to want one enough

though nobody can deny how cool they are aesthetically, you will never find a decent human being that drives a motorcycle

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>I don’t ride
Oh so you’re a pussy

Stupid cagers. Loud pipes save lives while you text and drive. I can't wait until autonomous cars take away your licenses.


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Exactly. Imagine being that douche that says "roll tide" while doing it, and thinks he's hot shit in Fakebook groups.

>im a 24yr old woman

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You seem awful mad that someone dares like something that you don't

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>beta detected

blopping around in a bit older bikes is a feeling you'll never understand

Loud pipes save lives and none of you pay attention anyway. Nothing like being in the wind. Only incel faggots on b don't know that.

If you like

are you really touring with a gixxer?

I usually lane split in my Shoei.

That said, I ride hawgs too B)

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I used to. It's sure hard on the back.

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A Real Motorcycle In A Sea OF SHIT

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The feeling of being a faggot? You're right I wouldn't know what that's like

>a real motorcycle

yeah would have guessed so. I am currently doing my license and am really exited to ride soon

What a fucking stupid fairing, user. Take that shit off

your sexual preference is your problem, or not, but the freedom and escape from being a vageslave is something I figure you'll never understand

Jesus how old is that thing? Are you poor?

y u mad bro, get a life

is the helmet locked to the bike?

Congratulations user. Do you have a first bike in mind?

>muh budget ducati
Please, lol

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lol this thread is like a bunch of kids from Akira talking

>24yr old woman

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Lmao this pic has white trash written all over it

If you have any doubt that a harley driver is the most degenerate nigger there is, then you're the most degenerate nigger there is.

Maybe they just think it's fun. Like riding your mom


No, I'd have to remove the bags on the back to lock it in. It was just chillin there. I was just taking a 5 minute break though. Didn't leave it unattended

You are not wrong, user

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>I need to drive a loud and faggy bike to feel free

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cringe is when all these fat ass yuppie faggots stand around a parking lot in their new costume chaps and do rags thinking theyre tough and constantly blap the throttle. Its re assuring knowing that eventually theyre going to crash and hopefully die

>I can't wait until autonomous cars take away your licenses.

Autonomous cars aren't going to take away anyone's license. What I can see happening, though, is that it'll become damn expensive to get/renew a manual controlled vehicle license as well as paying for way more expensive insurance. The other thing I can see is like what's happening with manual transmissions. Manufacturers will incentivize buying autonomous vehicles by limiting features and options on manually controlled vehicles. Dealerships will gradually stop stocking manually controlled vehicles in favor of autonomous ones so if you want manual controls, you'll have to put in a special order and wait six weeks for delivery.

haha rides a chik bike ...pussy

still don't understand why sexual preference is relevant but alright

I agree with you, but you seem like a real shithead

You're comparing a South Korean 28hp motorcycle to a Harley Davidson.

Trannies are not women, fag

Ahhhhh, the Ford Escort oh Harley’s. Thing barely does 80mph

you mad princess?

Yeah I know capitialism sucks. Thank you for the reminder. We are still better drivers than you because we have to pay attention or we die. Unlike every single car I go by where people stare at their phones.

I'll have you know that 1200 sportster is a fucking death machine. I would never put a female on it. What am I telling you for though? It's not like you ride, lol

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>Ford Escort oh Harley’s

damn how many bikes you got

No, not at all

you not only ride and own junk you assume
that makes you one stupid piece of shit

Not enough user, not enough...

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with the rumble and vibration of the bike you can stick a buttplug in your ass and it's good for your prostate

looks fun. can you burn your legs easily tho?

the license plat and tail light are pathetic
I bet you think its CUSTOM hahahahahaha

I'm sure I'm happier than you, user. lol

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I definitely did not do that to the bike. It came like that and I got it for next to nothing. It also doesn't have a single gauge on it. Like I said, it's a death machine, but it's still fun.

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I too also like to make shit up online

is there an adult there with you son?

Cool I got to dealers and take pics too :)

best bike in this shitty thread

All you little faggots would shit yourselves if one of those old Harley dudes stopped and walked up to you. Fucking little pussys.

>I got it for next to nothing
I hope so I wouldnt be caught dead on a sporty

I hate using the buzzword incel, but you sound like an incel.

is this where you blow 50 yr old boys in the shitter?

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No, but there probably should be.

It's fun, isn't it :)?

Thanks. She's getting the TLC she deserves.

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The only people itt who are mad and butthurt are the faggots who don’t even ride.


Next time you see such a person, why don't you walk up to them and vent these feelings to them. Instead your pussy ass faggotry has you doing this on the internet!

passed msf last week, ended up getting a bolt 950 and i just got my first biker wave today.

>me spend my life at gym
>therefore me better

gtfo, autistic nigger

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You guys are such "great drivers", that's why you crash and die everywhere you go

>I wouldnt be caught dead on a sporty

You've definitely never riden one. They're a lot of fun. 1200cc V-twin in a little bike that weighs next to nothing.

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Finally someone with a cool bike

Yeah I really like the Tiger 800 XCX or a tracer 900. I am a pretty tall guy so I will go for something travel enduro like

there you go assuming again BOY

That thing will take your fucking nuts off

anything under 1500 is for basically faggots

Yes, I would shit myself from laughing so fucking hard

I dunno. Looks pretty cool and manly to me. Plus I like his Stars and Bars decal.

sportster has no back seat for a reason
no bitch would be seen riding bitch on a bitch bike

So you think standard transmission are being phased out because dealerships don't want you to drive one and make it more expansive. Lol. God your a dumb cuck. Go to EU. Everyone drives manual. Automatic options on any car is more expensive. North America is phasing it out cause amerifats are too dumb and they don't want them so they don't sell. Don't believe me? When you drop your nuts and try to buy a car from a dealer, go ahead and ask.

and they always post memes like this

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wheres the long tassles on the bars and a huge duhmerican flag on the back...stupid queers

you know youre white trash when your pos harley is worth more than a broke dick ford pickup
arkansas or missouri you hick?

Yeah, Yamaha IT 125/250/490

Oh Jesus Christ. Stop being 12.

Those are both great bike. I would suggest getting a jap bike though for your first. I only say that because you're definitely going to have some "oopsies" moments and fuck your bike up. You don't want to do that with a nice bike.

Yeah, you're definitely a weirdo. Where's your bike at, loser?

Be worth it though.

Go back to fortnite

>he isn't white
I guess we can't all be so lucky

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Fuck yeah, now we're talking.

You can burn your leg on just about anything, user. But to answer your question... Yes.

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Based and bikepilled

Yeah the problem is that the japanese bike is relatively new to the marked, so its still very expensive. Once I have my license I will try out some bikes and maybe I will find something cheaper

I drive a scrambler and have no issues

How many threads are you posting in today? Your stink is all over this place. Do you count how many replies you get each day? What's your personal best and what do you think is a good day?

99% of motorcyclists are faggots. When they go weaving through traffic and splitting lanes I always hope they fucking die.

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I would look at versys or even vstroms just because of how much cheaper they are. But I mean, if you're they're all going to be expensive. Go ahead and get what you want. +1 for the Triumph from me :)

I love those Scramblers. I sat on a few of them at a ducati stealership not too long ago. Am Jelly. Post pics :3

You: stuck in traffic, being a miserable NPC
Bikers: Not stuck in traffic, not being a miserable NPC

I see how this could upset you.

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goddamn summerfag threads have never felt the power of a real iron steed. and loud pipes save lives

So that leaves the 1%'s that you don't dare fuck with, kiddo!

i hope someone kills you before you breed

Since we have to explain it to you, you will never understand. Now, have your mommy change your diaper, you stink like shit!

Started with a triumph. Almost done the mods (doubled the hp, better brakes, suspension). Next one will be a ducati.

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Hey scooter, ya pussy. Oh that's right you have a Jag lmfao

Sorry wrong post

Triggered are ya?

Lmao stay mad I guess