Daily reminder that donald trump isnt even half as bad as this cuck

daily reminder that donald trump isnt even half as bad as this cuck

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Canadian here

He spends more time golfing than Trump?

isn't this basically the native American version of Blackface?

>Orange man golf

i forgot,golfing instead of actually doing your responsibility as president is only frowned upon when your a white republican

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>canadian man did thing

How many times did Trump Golf in the past 3 years versus Obama's 8?

I'll wait

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>yet if trump did it,id call him a racist.but since canada man is liberal man,that makes it ok

Yes, it's seen as the same thing.

trump has been in the white house doing his job as president more then your nigger boy did.every other week he was at the golf course or on a vacation.but i guess since he was black,you didnt mind it

I never said it was OK for him yo dress like that.

how many times did Trump drink beer, play basketball and hang out with Hollywood celebrities in his 3 years vs Obamas 8? I don't need to wait.


>trump has been in the white house doing his job as president more then your nigger boy did.

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because he was too busy at Mar A lago!

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sure you didnt cuck,i miss the days when you whiney ass kids threatened to move to canada if trump won.i mean,you wont be missed in america.pack your bags and get the fuck out already

basketball is a nigger's sport
trump has already admitted to not drinking alcohol
and hollywood celebritys are liberal anyway,answer this.what exactly did obama do in the 8 years he was president to make the black communitys live's better? ill tell you right now,nothing.yet they sure did love their 'black president" even though they still consider whites the racist ones

at least trump doesnt need a fake birth certificate to prove he's an american.unlike obongo the kenyan did

188 Golf outings. Our President sure loves to golf!

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>Deflecting to Obama

Next you'll ask about Hillary

says the person bringing up celebritys who are 99 percent outspoken extreme liberals.and the ones who arent,get shit for it because they arent extreme liberals(like tim allen and kanye west)

not that i have ever cared what a celebrity's opinion was about anything anyway.americans are fucking retards,your so obsessed with celebritys you made one a president

When Trump leaves office America will pretend like they didn't get conned.

>when trump leaves office

if he leaves office


besides,do you think he willingly is going to leave even if he loses 2020? he'll be like hillary clinton on the night she lost.throwing a tantrum like a manchild

Hillary clinton eventually conceded and moved on. Trump ain't gonna do that. He's gonna cry, and whine, and blame the Democrats and go on a twitter rampage

>cry and whine

alot like what the democrats have been doing with donald trump,how ironic

>Now I should cry about it, too.

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I for one am grateful we have a President who spends more time on Twitter and golfing that actually doing his job

even though barack obama spent more time in hawaii and golfing then actually doing his job(if you could even call it that,since it was mostly just trying to shove executive orders down people's throats when they didnt want things his way)

i would be grateful if americans pulled their heads out of their ass's and were more educated when it comes to voting