Sup Yea Forums. How do you deal with a clingy girlfriend?

Sup Yea Forums. How do you deal with a clingy girlfriend?

My girlfriend is amazing 99% of the time. But there will be times when I'm not in the mood and she is constantly trying to get me to cuddle, kiss, hug, etc and it's just really obnoxious.

I've confronted her about this many times and she just doesn't get it. What do Yea Forums?

Please if you're an incel or a virgin don't bother giving me advice. Thanks.

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If you have been honest and she still is clingy then she won’t ever change either deal with it or move on

talk to her about that

my ex was like her. at least you can try to talk with her but it is very difficult that she will change something. even if she does, it wont last long. it's just her, you can't anything about it

>no incels and virgins pls
>3 replies

you can't suck it up even 1% of your time? you don't even deserve your gf you selfish cuck. Have you asked her, how much % of time she thinks YOU are amazing? Maybe it's 50% but she's still with you. Relationship is about compromises, if you can't handle her 1% of time CUDDLING, not naggying or being a total bitch, then just let her loose and enjoy being lonely

Turn it into rough sex or do things to specifically annoy her

Yes, you want to annoy her. It's essential to annoy her if you want to build a long lasting healthy relationship.

Don't shower for a month, she wont want to cuddle you anymore, problem solved!

Shit in her mouth

I tell her to fuck off.

Tell her you respect her boundaries when she isn't in the mood to cuddle, fuck, etc.
She should respect you enough to give you space when you need it.

Chainsaw her arms off, she wont be able to cuddle


You are in the wrong

Just dont cuddle. When asks why just say you want to cuddle with her but just not right now. Then when she gets upset. Say I'm sorry if this upsets you, but remain calm and collected.

Dont be mean. Reassure her everything is ok. In time maybe she will do it less or at least she will start thinking about how you feel

>My girlfriend


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She won’t change. Dated two attention whores. When they are in attention whore mode, you can’t get anything done

wish i had a clingy gf...

>my girlfriend loves me
i'm sorry OP, you're life most be hell.
tell us more about your problems, did your parents took care of you when you were a kid? do people get you presents when its your birthday?

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its funny because its true.