Can we just take a second to appreciate how much of a failure the yellow invasion was?
Can we just take a second to appreciate how much of a failure the yellow invasion was?
I bet it was just one guy using multiple ip addresses
It's cute how people think they can come into Yea Forums woth the idea of changing it through force. As if it wasn't an unstoppable always plummeting shitmissile of degeneracy.
Lasted longer than I expected but they were destined for failure
Fuck pornhub advertisers that make threads here for free.
Fuck racist fags that make threads here for free to fuel their retarded agenda.
An specially, fuck OP for being a retarded porn fag.
>yellow invasion
Lol. That was just spam, the same as the porn spam and andy spam. $20 all 3 come from the same source.
they posted like 150 threads
well said
But why did they dropped the ball so easily? Porn is indeed a Yea Forums issue. Couldnt they go without a day without fapping to porn?
andy spam stopped yellow spam started. i like this theory
May not be the same source but they're all related somehow
There was 7 tribute threads at once when the yellow spam started
>raaa racism!
I come here to laugh at you.
only reason you're getting a (You) is that you have a really good point about porn advertisement
how's it feel being a failure?
sent from my pornhub account
when was this?
Can we all stop and think about the real enemy here?
Jewgle makes 0.005 rupees off every captcha you fill. And collects browser info and trend data. We all are literally working (slaving) to jewgle for free. They should be PAYING us for our investments. Theres almost a TB of text shitposts on this site. Do you all have any idea how much free labor that amou ts to?!
This is conspiracy level shit.
The yellow invasion on Yea Forums is a total failure!
They tried so hard! But in the end they got rekt..hehehee
/b is really lost. i only come here now to create and bump the gayest / stupidest bullshit ever. then i laugh.
i also posted Yea messages at gay community sites/racist statements mentioning /b on black-power / white power sites.
i hope this place goes up in flames!
yella yella dirty fella
cut your balls & go strait ta hella!!
hahahah yellos btfo
enjoy your victory while it lasts this for real?
yello is the color of coward fags.
the yello menace will be eliminated
all those fuckers defending facebook picture posters
I don't know about the money but Google uses the CAPTCHA to train it's AI to detect whatever it's looking for (mostly self-driving stuff and finding businesses). So websites use captcha to get rid of robots which in turn trains robots to not run you over.
That's why I always do them wrongly
I blame pepe and wojack posters. There's never any new memes to view, so porn is the next best thing. Every time a new meme gets traction, if it's good it gets wojacked or pepe'ed or if it's a mediocre meme it gets called forced because it doesn't look smug enough compared to smug pepe. Yea Forums doesn't create new memes anymore, Yea Forums is nothing but green and white images and porn.
cry more and look at what i brought your way
expect more! because i like to laugh
selecft all squares with NIGGERS
Maybe you could change it then?
You have the power to change history
>I believe in you
>0,05 shekels are sent to your bank account. And remember, the survival of Israel is important for the safety of all the world
hey man you think your top dawg but you aren't no cunnyspammer
what this thread is for?
your mom
fucking hell. fuck google and fuck hirosimoot
ITT spammerfags get REKT