Filipina Sluts
Filipina Sluts
Girls I've been with dump
More of this one
Let’s see without the emoji
The faces....I just cant
Super cute. Let's see some cleavage
WWYD to Karine?
Awesome body. Worth a fap for sure. Show the tits
Does anyone have a link to vifeo where phillipenis girl says on camera "filipina woman are cheap and pleantyful"
Oh, I been a bunch of times there. it's really poor.
This bitch
Fuck yes, more of her
Any more?
I'd like more please.
I've got tons
What do you want to see?
What was your kik buddy
Thoughts on this babe?
Just tell your gf to give it to you? Not going though terrible shops for that
More nipple piercing through cloths and face? Spread pussy?
Tiddies tiddies tiddies
So hot
What the fuck are you trying to say
You're just hurting her? Sure I'm gone, you don't think shell have to undergo I'm investigations then once you're brought to light all of it comes down on you and she'll be lucky shes not implicationed in my death.
Flips are the the worst. I actually fucked a newly married Flip imported by her husband. He loves the shit of her. She fucked me for 2 years while waiting out the immigration process. Then found another more successful guy and started the divorce process days after being granted her permanent residency. I loved seeing the true inner slut that she really is.
Worst part is that her husband worked like a dog to provide for her and her child.
And she'll fuck over her new man too. Like a hermit crab, she'll find a better situation.
Do you even need me for this conversation?
Nice try
Nice try what?
Why is this thread full of retards right now
Moar bud!
Please keep going. Any really slutty clothes?
Do you have a mega link?
Post as much as you can please
favorite thread
Kik your sexy gf to me at farbloggins
What do you guys think?
Such a hot slut
Any more?
i use to webcam (still do) a ton with fillipina sluts. thicc short ones were my favorite.
She your gf?
Can you just share the attractive ones? Not whales, old women, or ugly ones basically
They are attractive. some people like skeletons such as yourself, others like short thicc whales.
Any more in slutty clothes?
Obesity is not attractive it’s a sign of bad genetics or not taking care of yourself.
neither is being a skeleton, funny how you ignore that tho.
but just to appease you, here you go.
You say that yet you are attracted to the least attractive of all the asian ethnic groups.
Fucking love chubby bitches with nice feet
Wow sexy
yeah she has perfect feet and she gets her toenails done on the reg. she squirts like a geyser too when she is horny.
Nice fat ass
You think that is a fat ass? Yikes.
Yikes is right
Man the harpoons for that thing
Id fuck the hell out of "that thing". you idiots have no idea how fun BBWs and SSBBWs are to fuck. its so insanely comfy you have no idea!
More for you bud
More clothed?
Agreed, i dont get how anyone can fuck an ass where all you feel is bone. The best comparison is a nice memory foam mattress vs a stone or wooden mattress. worlds of difference.
user that is not an ass. Its flat.
my gf is from Philippine .
now we engaged for 2 years .
I don't know if all Philippine girls is like mine. but she is 22 ,super submissive,cute and innocent...I really love her ..
>not posting a picture of her
we dont believe you and we dont care. take your waifu fantasies somewhere else.
alot of you retards are posting Thais and Cambodiains, not pinays. Idiots lol
Give up user
Landwhales aren't "curvy" or "thick"
They're fat and disgusting.
>not curvy or thick
ya ok.
how fat are you that you think she is unhealthily underweight?
I dont post pic of her cuz in a board full of psychopat,incels,basement dwellers and chronic fappers..u dont believe? that's no my problem..have fun crying and fapping alone in your shitty home
What makes you think she is healthy?
I'll be here until you don't want to post her anymore
then dont post about your ugly ass waifu, we dont care. we care about pictures retardo.
Yeah you're not convincing me.
Her stomach is probably all blown out and covered in stretch marks
I am sure she's riddled with every std known to humans, but being a "skeleton" isn't one of her problems.
if you say so buddy.
fat = flavor. do you eat a steak that isnt marbled? ya i thought so.
it actually is, i know her personally. she is underweight and docs say she needs to gain a little.
this is chubby not fat, and she's fucken hot
Like Cheetos and diet soda?
The girl in your post isn't even fat lel
What are you trying to prove?
she is overwheight by 50-60 lbs for her size and height and sex. therefore she is fat and unhealthy. fuck off kid and stop cherry picking.
>she not fat she chubby!
fucking clowns lol, we all know its the same meaning.
the point of my post is not posting hertlv but was if all fucking Philippe girls are submissive as fuck.
but as I can see you are a fucking idiot.
She is fat. and soda and cheetos are perfectly fine to eat as long as you dont live on the shit and over eat it.
Thats a retarded question in general, as if you only had 1 gf in your entire life. ALL women are submissive idiot.
Are you insane? 50-60lbs? Post body
What do you define as "fat"? being overweight is being overweight and all is equally unhealthy by your logic lmao. Stop cherry picking.
how much do you think this fat girl weighs?
keep going !
Well I can't exactly weigh her right now can I?
She looks average.
She's not a skeleton, but she isn't fat.
She looks like she's around her BMI.
How am I cherry picking?
No where near as fat as theother specimens in this thread but no where near 50-60lbs overweight
Doesnt matter retard. Fatter or not, she is still unhealthy and overweight by your logic. so you dont get to fuck her, now go fuck yourself.
She is fat. You changing the naming to "chubby" is cherry picking the word fat to make it look less bad. Hypocrite.
lol wtf is wrong with you?
Who gives a more Flips
Show me where I said the word "chubby".
I'll wait.
Trips of Truth
Discussion over, get back to pinays
So you think she is actually over weight and not overweight? you are trying to cherry pick again retard LOL!
any more?
Show me where I said she was over weight.
I'll wait.
Its on efukt
you said she looks average. that is factually incorrect. she is overweight you fucking bafoon.
post body
Oh so I didn't call her cubby?
I didn't call her overweight?
I believe I even said
>The girl in your post isn't even fat
Go be fucking retarded somewhere else
If it's factual, certainly there is a way to prove it.
Do so now.
Is that supposed to be proof that she's fat?
Does being that retarded hurt? Or do you not notice it
how much did she cost and what part or back alley of the phillipines did you find her?
listen kid, if you cant see that massive belly on the 3 pictures ive already posted then you can not be helped. ive given up yon you already, i feel sorry for your parents giving birth to someone so hopelessly retarded.
You can only see her front in two of the pictures
And she has her legs pulled away up and is basically folded in half, so yeah, she's going to get rolls.
You need to get out more.
The queen from yesterday.
Post all you got
that logic is next level. I honestly didnt think you could get anymore stupid.
Just to give you benefit of the doubt im going to assume you are just begging for more pics or some sauce of her and not actually this monumentally stupid.
stop samefagging these generic whores.
What, that bending over or lifting your legs up over your head doesn't cause your stomach to bunch up?
Fuck dude.
I'm impressed you even turned your computer on today.
Stop assuming fuck boy
What got posted yesterday?
Drop some
The 24YO half Filipino and all her “hand bra” pics
Got em saved?
Okay so are you going to post any?
I think the guy who was posting earlier left
My gf
God I love this body type on Filipina women, I have no idea why.
>Ex looked similar
That's probably why.
This isn’t me. But no I don’t save sadly
Does anyone have the pics he's talking about?
Do you have kik? We can trade privately?
They are such whores!
I love this slut
The same thing everyone else does to her, plaster her face with cum and take a picture
So hot
Fuck me, more of those tits
I like her
Fuck, she’s hot
Her face was made for cum
Fucking good whore
Do you have any other pictures of her?
She got posted yesterday apparently
I wish I should have saved her
Who's this? Sauce!
This thread is still up? I posted here 4 hours ago and assumed this was long gone by now
People love them filipinas
Yeah I do as well, just wish peeps would have given feedback on the one I posted
This threads still alive?
Well damn
Kik? Moar
Is she your GF?
Nice! Does she know you post her for us to enjoy?
Didn't know Laura was pilipina
Yeah, she's into it
Lol you get her off the albums?
Yeah. I'm the same guy as last time. Lmao
Don't you post new original pics in this thread ?
Ha that's funny
I try to not repost too much, but it happens.
Most of these weren't in the albums, but I probably posted some of them on Yea Forums in the past
How could we get in touch. I'd share something with you
Would love to bang her bruh. She looks amazing
My filipina wife
What a cumdumpster. Carry on
IPNOMW on kik
You want to see more cumshots? Also wwyd to my cumslut wife?
Nasty. There's never enough traffic accidents to go around.
Post your kik
Show her twat pls
Post your kik
Which one?
That’s so fucking hot
She looks so filthy and willing, i’d love to see her get properly fucked
She has a really hot face
I'm waiting for her to send me that vid from the last pic. She has a really tight cunt
Wow, she does look super tight
Yeah but she usually blurs it out if it's a naughty pic/vid. She must have been lazy on that one lol
She won't even do anal cuz her pussy is tight as is
I’m grateful :)
The ring looks good on her, congrats :)
Stop being fags.
I'll tell her what you guys think of her when she wakes up, it's like 7:15 AM where she is