Wtf is wrong with my dick guys?

Wtf is wrong with my dick guys?
Pic related and there's also a smell and the foreskin is a little itchy

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You have penile cancer, cut that shit off.

Go to the doctors you moronic fuck

Wash it more often and put lotion on it so it doesn't dry out. May just be a rash but could also be a slight fungal infection, both can be treated this way to a certain extend. If it doesn't get better after like a week you'll have to see a doc about it and they'll probably give you a pill or a similar treatment.

Try leaving it alone for a few days. It looks worn out.

You have thrush, wash your dick with non-scented soap.

Your welcome

Looks like maybe it's still growing. Lol wtf are you,14?

I'm gonna go pick up some thrush cream today and see if that helps
been having too much sex recently
google says sometimes it can irritate the penis and leave it red and itchy without actually having anything wrong with it

it's just cold

How does you getting plonked in the shitter make your dick look small and chewed up?

Looks like balanitis

No goosebumps anywhere.

Don't wash your dick with soap. Soap dries out your dick. Just wash it with water and get an anti-fungal lotion, like daktacort with miconazol in it.

You're welcome.

Worn it out, use lube.. more if you are already doing so.

That's a yeast infection. Did you recently have sex for the first time in a while?

It would appear the answer is yes you did have sex recently. Yeast infections are pretty common and will typically go away on their own after a little while. I'm not a doctor so if it doesn't go away after a week or gets worse you should see one.


serious answer: it's balanitis. if it's caused by a fungus, you'll need anti-fungal cream or an oral anti-fungal. if it's caused by bacteria, you'll need antibiotics. go to the doctor and see which it is.


I fucked a dog once and my dick looked the same.

This user knows better. Do this OP.

probably aids or something

some sort of yeastie thing. that's what you get for not getting circumcised and not washing your dick properly you filthy Yuropoor

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Its herpes.

Fungal infection! Try jock itch spray or be a smart guy and show a doctor.

It's teeny

Why would you ask these idiots on this board medical questions? These fucks haven't been out in the fresh air in years