I'm hungover bros what do?

I'm hungover bros what do?

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Resume drinking

Things to do: Eat nutritious food (not greasy, fatty food), drink water or electrolyte liquid, get some more rest, drink coffee/tea

Things not to do: Drink more

Drink lots of water. Also have a Gatorade and a banana to rebalance your electrolytes.
Then consider your life choices which brought to you to this point, and make changes towards a more positive lifestyle.

Alternatively, kill yourself.

Fag confirmed

Breakfast burrito time. Stat.


kek, I'm a pretty bad degenerate fucking alcoholic, but one thing is I've never felt the urge to drink in the morning

Suck it the fuck up.

Nobody forced the drinks down your throat

You arent an alcoholic then, drinking when you get up takes away the hangover and every real drinker knows this


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What did you drink

Beer and vodka I had 5 beer and 375ml of vodka

start drinking again and uber eats 40 steak tacos you'll be fine champ

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what made you hit the vodka, user? beer wasn't doing it for you?

Greasy breakfast with biscuits and potatoes wasj it down down with screwdriver or beer you drank last night, and shut the fuck up, you sound lesser

Be hungover with me, OP.

Chocolate milkshake from McDonald's. Water. Ice pack on neck. Quit fucking drinking

My friend gave me a 375ml bottle after I ran out of beers

smoke a joint and eat a bacon sandwich. Maybe a gatorade

Eat scrambled eggs for the cysteine, which helps fight toxins from drinking.
Drink lots of water.
Drink some pedialite (not Gatorade or a sports drink). Or eat a pedialite popsicle.
If you're nauseated, smell rubbing alcohol (it's weird, but it helps).

>If you're nauseated, smell rubbing alcohol
I've never heard of this before, but I'd imagine if I were severely hung over, it'd just make me puke.

That's what I was thinking too

Initiate a 5% dextrose iv and breathe in some medical oxygen while that's going

Start the day with a glass of water. If you can keep that down, consider some Alkaseltzer Plus or if you've planned for this event, a Blowfish packet.

After 2-3 hours of toughing it out and sipping water, Grease. It'll settle your stomach and bring your head back into the game. You're still going to feel like shit, but...you did this to yourself.

Next meal - Salad. Vinaigrette dressing. Make sure it's just not hacked up iceberg lettuce...get some of that romaine shit in there. Protein isn't a bad idea either, but getting that good-green back in you will keep you from feeling like this tomorrow.

and if you've made it this far - a Multi after your salad.

It never bothers me,


Smoke some crack, throw your life away.... get more beer and some pot. Then do some heroin and call a whore or two. Drink more smoke more and shoot more.....

Or just drink some water and take naps

Hungover here as well. We both need pizza and another beer, clear us right up.


Grease does nothing for a hangover, and might actually make your stomach feel worse. It's an old wives tale and has a placebo effect at best.

Have a wank and show us

>found the incel faggot making and posting in circlejerk and celeb threads

If only placebo, the effect is still noted and the inside of my stomach, coated.

While hungover as balls, I can still get a traditional Irish breakfast down the hatch. I can't say the same of a chicken breast and the green stuff.

While lean protein, greens and fruit actuallly have nutrients (vitamins and minerals) which will help your hangover, greasy pig slop pretty much only has calories, salt and protein which will make you feel better momentarily but ultimately worse.


Get bronchitis/ strep to ruin your 4 day weekend and then call out of work like me except i cant call out cuz im an amazon cuck and will get fired if i miss two days this month


Join the Malort Club!

Drink your own puke so that you do not lose any important nutrients.

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