

Attached: Capture.png (340x374, 233K)

Attached: 1550108131140.jpg (640x640, 78K)

: D

Attached: index.jpg (242x209, 5K)


Attached: 41kmP-r4fxL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 6K)

Attached: australian.jpg (300x201, 8K)

( >ω< )

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Is it ok?

Awww sho cute ^_^


good thread


>monitor has displayport only because of some wacky Dell decision
>Raspberry Pi only has HDMI even up to the 4

best thread on /g/ right now

Attached: 61O8VsaS6nL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x1000, 81K)

>Second half of 2019
>not using GODLIKE Odroid instead of Pi kiddie garbage
You can post on this board if you're of age 18 and older.

How do i get a gf like this lads

this thread is turning me on

Attached: hothot.jpg (344x320, 24K)


Attached: 1514730590860.png (698x698, 432K)

I-i don't get it

Get a job as her maid.

Attached: sakuya_hearts.png (217x207, 59K)

user likes female ports

The horizontal line is a dick, and the holes on the left are his 24 balls.

pussy and bush


Attached: 1417303995247.jpg (502x600, 280K)

Fuck off.

Attached: 37431.gif (480x286, 1.71M)

Is this loss?

When you find your sister matter baiting.

Attached: 8EA60F38-7627-4285-8922-45E32AD9D9D5.jpg (1500x1493, 105K)

( >ω< )

It's all so tiresome.

What the fuck

>matter baiting


Meet us on the Odroid forums fajjets.

Attached: DdmJd5uVMAALehh.jpg (500x638, 45K)

cx is superior to xD anyways

stop being british for one "lad"

>Even though the name ODROID is a portmanteau of open + Android, the hardware is not actually open because some parts of the design are retained by the company.
Is this usable as a NAS and how much does it cost?

no u

>Not x3c

Attached: 5.jpg (1280x720, 338K)

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Attached: 1550320093773.jpg (960x619, 101K)

delicious, finally some good fucking thread

>dvi d
boner lost and im angry now

Someone had a great dynamic Android lock screen but it’s pony so can’t post it.

Never understood that one

The c is supposed to be paws

Attached: 126.jpg (180x150, 6K)

Is this suppose be a hairy bush?

Attached: hylksg4zxt601.png (255x255, 76K)



Never understood that one

It represents a post telling you to kys.

Fucking Half-Life scientists.


Attached: 51V+v7ArQTL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 10K)

>this thread is turning me on
And then you ruined it with something that looks like nothing but a dvi port. You have to use A LOT of imagination to pretend it's something else.

Someone should paint the dead one in black

huh, never thought of it like that

umad, itoddler?

it's a DVI-D

Attached: 1273982489379.png (1680x1050, 496K)

Attached: 81xXY5vVt2L._SX466_.jpg (466x375, 38K)

I prefer DVI-l

Attached: DVI-L.png (1280x727, 1.18M)

Attached: 1537856477531.jpg (450x450, 101K)

cross-link it or something, i want to see it

protip: seeing faces in objects is correlated with neuroticism

enjoy being a nervous wreck

Attached: Capture.png (1341x315, 43K)

>72 replies

Attached: fug.jpg (960x536, 65K)


This you fuck

Attached: 1559003960193.jpg (684x320, 22K)

Attached: 111.png (1024x768, 601K)

Lold at this one.

Not identifying obvious pareidolia is correlated with being a brainlet.

is there a problem user?

wait shit

Attached: test.png (654x560, 259K)

This is now a yryl thread

Under rated as fuck


Fucking based

fucking lost

shitposts bestposts

( >ω< )

is this the laughing white girls meme


cat btw ---------> (=^.^=)

It's the guy feeding a watermelon to a monkey meme

Attached: qpGXRzV.png (460x432, 250K)

the #1 reason to not remove the headphone jack

more like sass'y stand

Attached: 1536261985756.png (575x1024, 551K)

Gave me a boner.

Attached: 1437388455111.jpg (604x453, 40K)

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Attached: 1500140240733.png (473x526, 252K)


Attached: lel.jpg (36x41, 1K)

>_< kek

who are you quoting

it was an emote, autist

>using emotes on this site


Attached: shiggydiggyhonkhonk.png (320x238, 183K)

ebin :DD

Attached: 1543178388277.jpg (1836x3264, 401K)

What does this mean?

Keep Yourself Safe

Attached: c1a.png (300x902, 131K)

Kiss Your Sister

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (474x266, 22K)

Attached: 14423236275.jpg (428x280, 49K)

dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
fore! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
trips! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
rare dubs! wooh!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

dubs checking dubs! awoo!

Faggot ass mods need to off themselves

Attached: greasycupboardface.jpg (685x548, 84K)

Well, hello [s4s] I guess

lol which board did this come from


Why the fuck would they move this here?

no fun allowed

but fun isn't allowed here either

this, we are living in an oppressed state

Attached: IMG_20190801_154944.jpg (282x261, 14K)

oh no

yep, they're done for. poor fuckers didn't see it coming

bery good thread :o

Attached: 1561853620965.png (500x441, 251K)

dubs confirm

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: 1562216833013.jpg (568x740, 59K)