Found my 2005 Yea Forums folder burned on a CD a few weeks ago

Found my 2005 Yea Forums folder burned on a CD a few weeks ago.

Attached: batcomputer0.png (599x400, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess this was a thing we used to do back then as I saved a lot of them.

Attached: batcomputer-aquaman.jpg (599x400, 66K)

Attached: batcomputer-btard.jpg (599x400, 61K)

Attached: batcomputer-faggotry.jpg (599x400, 64K)

An ancient artifact, you say... Please, share more.

Attached: batcomputer-furry.jpg (599x400, 67K)

Attached: batcomputer-gokusuper.jpg (599x400, 67K)

Holy fuck. I forgot MegaTokyo was ever a thing.

Attached: batcomputer-mt.jpg (599x400, 67K)

Attached: fred_chan_dream.jpg (585x780, 86K)

This I guess was something else we used to do back then. I saved a shitload of them too,

Attached: crosbycapgangs.jpg (600x400, 34K)

Attached: crosbycrapgangs.jpg (600x400, 38K)


Attached: crosbydamndirtyapgangs.jpg (600x400, 39K)

Attached: crosbydrapegangs.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Attached: crosbyfapgangs.jpg (600x400, 33K)

Attached: crosbyfullsign.jpg (600x400, 38K)

I don't know why I have so many of these saved and not many of the batman ones. I guess I thought this was a funnier meme at the time.

Attached: crosbygrapegang.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Attached: crosbylapgangs.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Attached: crosbyohsnapgangs.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Attached: crosbypapegang.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Attached: crosbyrapgangs.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Oh trust me it's still plenty funny

Attached: crosbysnapegang.jpg (600x400, 39K)

Attached: crosbytapegang.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Holy shit there were a lot of these ones.

Attached: crosbytapeleg.jpg (600x400, 46K)

Attached: crosbytrapgang.jpg (600x400, 34K)

Attached: crosbywapegang.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Finally the end of that meme.

Attached: crosbywhahappen.jpg (600x400, 39K)

It honestly just is

Oh look another meme we used to pass the time with here. And I have the blank for it too.

Attached: thisisjapan.jpg (286x400, 26K)

Attached: thisisjapanangrier.jpg (286x400, 41K)

Attached: thisisjapanass.jpg (286x400, 36K)

Wow it was never good.

oh shit cool man

Attached: thisisjapanbomb.jpg (286x400, 39K)

No kidding eh?

Attached: thisisjapancocksinass.jpg (286x400, 38K)

Oh shit I forgot about this one

Attached: thisisjapannihongo.jpg (286x400, 33K)

Attached: thisisjapanpooper.jpg (286x400, 36K)

these shitty meme pics are shitty. you are fucking lame and they are even more lame. KYS faggot

Attached: opisafagwarn.png (1171x753, 48K)

Okay this one made me laugh

Attached: thisisjapanrocket.jpg (286x400, 38K)

How is there no "Rape Gang" one?

>2005 memes.
feels good bro

go jerk off some more pajeet faggot

It was 15 years ago faggot

this is history

Based thread

because that is the original/the actual sign she had up for the convention

That's just what Yea Forums was back then. Now shut up and let the other kids enjoy the museum tour.

OH SHIT! This one is actually a mash up of two memes. That explains the shape of the speech bubbles.

Attached: thisisjapansandwich.jpg (286x400, 42K)

>15 years ago

yeah, learn to math you fucking underage nigger

shut the fuck up newfag nigger

they were fucking lame back then and they are still lame now bitch

Attached: 35655654654.jpg (1200x859, 250K)

this thread is SHIT

Attached: mcshit.jpg (1024x768, 50K)

you couldn't pay a prostitute to laugh at at any attempt at humor you may try fucking queer

I'm pretty sure given the past history of the character she played on Star Trek that was probably the actual sign she had up at the convention, which makes you wonder what kind of speg thought it was a good idea to wait an hour in line to ask her about what her character's rape experiences were like. More amazing is how many people had to ask before it became a problem that they had to put up a sign. Something tells me it must have been something Yea Forums planned for a convention where they'd all go up to her and ask "so Tasha didn't learn how to avoid the rape gangs until she was 8, huh? So what would that have been like?" and see what the reaction would be.

Oh right 4komo reaction comics were all the rage back then too. I have a couple of variants.

Attached: microloli.jpg (320x960, 27K)

Attached: microloli-fredchan.jpg (320x960, 64K)

Attached: microloli-gaijin.jpg (320x960, 55K)

Attached: microloli-kwerki.jpg (320x960, 87K)

Attached: microloli-pizza.jpg (320x960, 76K)

Attached: microloli-trap.jpg (320x960, 57K)

Attached: microloli-wizard.jpg (320x960, 59K)

Attached: microloli-zuma.jpg (320x960, 54K)

Attached: zuma.jpg (320x960, 32K)

Attached: zuma-adc.jpg (320x960, 79K)

Attached: zuma-creepy.jpg (320x960, 55K)

>15 years ago
where does the time go

Attached: time flies.jpg (545x362, 32K)

I don't remember who Zuma was but Yea Forums made a reaction 4koma out of him.

Attached: zuma-fatchicks.jpg (320x960, 71K)

Attached: zuma-microloli.jpg (320x960, 54K)

Attached: zuma-trap.jpg (320x960, 62K)

Herman Cain's book cover was also a meme back then too.

Attached: bookcover-stl.jpg (330x500, 25K)

Attached: book-gay.jpg (330x500, 47K)

We really liked being meta with our memes back then.

Attached: book-seecat.jpg (330x500, 39K)

Attached: book-stickpooper.jpg (330x500, 43K)

Attached: book-tits.jpg (330x500, 41K)

I guess I didn't save many of those ones but sticking it in her pooper and not sticking it in her pooper were subjects Yea Forums would argue for hours.

Yeah. Yea Forums was never good.

Attached: dpooper1.jpg (238x230, 46K)

Attached: dpooper2.jpg (301x313, 36K)

Attached: dpooper3.jpg (400x365, 30K)

Op can you dump them in mega or something?

god, just how many of these did I think it was necessary to save?

Attached: dpooper4.jpg (320x331, 29K)

It seems I was clearly in the "don't stick it in her pooper camp" back then.

Attached: dpooper5.jpg (371x339, 33K)

Attached: dpoopermt.jpg (221x309, 27K)

Attached: dpooperyoda1.jpg (500x764, 74K)

We thought Clippy was really funny back then too.

Attached: paperclip-bridget.gif (188x221, 8K)

Attached: paperclip-partyvan.gif (188x221, 8K)

Attached: paperclip-quit.jpg (188x221, 10K)

Attached: paperclip-seecat.gif (188x221, 8K)

Can you believe we used to find this funny? Were we ever that young?

Attached: paperclip-shotwebs.gif (188x221, 7K)

Fuck this is shit. This is why you can't trust nostalgia kids.

Attached: paperclip-snakes.gif (188x221, 7K)

These are awesome.

Oh we used to have a thing about lolis and their relationship to pizza.

Attached: lap1.jpg (409x353, 124K)

Attached: lap2.jpg (1024x768, 52K)

Attached: lap3.jpg (600x500, 64K)

It seems the consensus was that lolis haet pizza

Attached: lhp01.jpg (500x292, 45K)

Attached: lhp02.jpg (361x1582, 194K)

Attached: lhp03.jpg (500x1424, 195K)

Attached: lhp04.jpg (246x352, 38K)

Attached: lhp05.jpg (409x353, 61K)

Attached: lhp06.jpg (384x288, 28K)

Attached: lhp07.jpg (600x500, 70K)

Attached: lhp08.jpg (600x500, 67K)

Attached: lhp09.jpg (450x252, 33K)

Attached: lhp10.jpg (207x225, 22K)

OP please upload these to some archive site

Attached: lhp11.jpg (864x476, 63K)

No if you want them now's your chance to get them. I'm almost at the end of the memes I have from then that I saved with file names that made them easy to find. I guess at some point I must have gotten tired of searching for memes so I created a naming methos.

Attached: lhp12.jpg (347x1052, 96K)

Attached: lhp13.jpg (640x482, 78K)

Attached: lhp14.jpg (432x1167, 103K)

Attached: lhp15.jpg (446x334, 41K)

Attached: lhp16.jpg (500x292, 49K)

Wow I saved a lot of these. I must have thought they were funny as shit.

Attached: lhp17.jpg (488x618, 106K)

Attached: lhp18.jpg (336x240, 95K)

Oh shit! Loli-chan. I forgot all about here. I wonder what she's doing now?

Attached: lhp19.jpg (1408x1056, 1.12M)

Attached: lip1.jpg (700x525, 348K)

Attached: lhpasta.jpg (480x320, 28K)

Attached: lemp1.jpg (560x600, 77K)

I guess we must have made CGA graphics card version of porn too.

Attached: cgabridget.gif (334x400, 29K)

Attached: cgaporn.jpg (272x400, 45K)

Woah, I'm back in the 40s

I guess that was a thing.

Attached: cgaporn2.jpg (272x400, 44K)

Attached: cgaporn3.gif (600x450, 12K)

Attached: cgaporn4.gif (600x450, 27K)

I'm starting to get concerned that this might not have been a meme but some fetish I had when I was an underageb&

Attached: cgaporn5.gif (600x470, 14K)

Upload them all on Internet Archive, please

Was this a Yea Forums meme or and I just uncovering a deep and suppressed childhood fetish?

Attached: cgaporn6.gif (600x450, 17K)

You do it.

Attached: cgaporn7.gif (532x453, 12K)

Oh we used to love doing this in threads back then too

Attached: comedownthere.jpg (371x339, 31K)

Attached: comeupthere.jpg (371x339, 32K)

Preferably make an image of your CD, the one that not only copies the files but the disc imperfections too, I forgot the correct name of this

Well this is all that I named in a way that grouped them all together. I have a shitload of other memes from that day but I guess I was an asshole and saved them with no standard naming scheme so they're scattered all over the folder. I'm getting too stoned to be able to find them but if you want I can just upload random stuff from that ancient Yea Forums CD.

Or should we just admit Yea Forums was never good and call it a night?

Attached: connectmeinternet.jpg (800x1195, 275K)

i get it

Dude I'm stoned. I ain't doing all that. You want these pictures just download them from the thread.

It took me awhile

Attached: godsmuggler.jpg (400x588, 72K)

"I'm in your base ..... all your ......."

That was a popular meme back then.

Attached: femdood1.jpg (1024x768, 112K)

Oh shit, that's hysterical.

Attached: databsod.gif (320x240, 1.59M)

I think I might have discovered a forgotten Yea Forums prank. Anyone remember anything about that meme?

Guys I'm starting to get wasted. I had a brownie when I should have had a quarter brownie.

I don't know if I'll be posting much longer but I'm having a hard time searching specific images on this disk so I'm just gonna post some randoms until I fall asleep.

Attached: idunno.gif (640x480, 125K)

Yeah any questions better ask them fast.

Attached: bollywood1.jpg (318x268, 23K)

Attached: bitch life k2r04.jpg (1091x1500, 216K)

These quads tho

Attached: tuskenbase.jpg (600x600, 105K)

So.... what do you think of old Yea Forums?

Attached: animaids.jpg (392x386, 51K)

Yeah but I'm way too stoned.

Attached: biggaijinkoma.jpg (399x3600, 191K)

well i found out that it was equally as bad as it is now

I'm getting to stoned to solve the captcha.

Attached: jesus-shrug.jpg (520x593, 72K)

We were nothing back then if not equal.

Attached: amiweeaboo4.jpg (800x600, 47K)

Attached: 6komavics.jpg (320x1455, 90K)

Attached: apufriend.jpg (421x587, 56K)

Attached: assault.jpg (278x400, 35K)

Attached: dangeralone2.jpg (1035x679, 125K)

I'd be more concerned as to why you're retarded ass can't make a gif, but save it as one

Use Firefox + Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans

Attached: lolipancake.jpg (640x480, 87K)

Oh fuck yeah. Some of us used to save still images as GIFs back then instead of PNGs. I totally forgot there was once a time when GIF was used for still images.

Attached: bkscience.jpg (500x329, 34K)

Attached: flashingstop-stl.jpg (430x534, 30K)

>background post date is 06
>vid related

Attached: civilizing.jpg (600x450, 89K)


Wait, how do you use the downward one?


Attached: hitit-grinch.jpg (400x265, 35K)

Attached: largo-jesus.jpg (520x593, 71K)

You have any screen caps from 05?

traps have come along way in the last 14 years

not really. the majority of the faggot asses you see in modern trap threads are probably attached to faces like this. you just refuse to believe it

Attached: stby1.jpg (535x800, 95K)

I don't know. I'm starting to have lots of problems with the posting. I got stuff. Im just posting rronsdomes now.

Attached: camwhorerules.png (1000x1305, 254K)

Attached: rapenanasawa.gif (650x975, 162K)

im done guys too stones

Attached: cbkg1.jpg (400x284, 33K)

Lurking tough in this thread

It's pretty neat.

Time flies when your a faggot

How many are there?

Wow b is so much better now. This is the dumbest shit imaginable.

But back then you weren't as jaded and being in a wacko online community was exciting and comfy.
I think people don't miss old Yea Forums as much as they miss their old themselves.

Oh god, Strongbad. This is indeed genuine 2004 material.

Ding ding ding motherfucker

This actually wasn't uncommon back in the laaate 80s to the mid 90s when dial-up bulletin board systems were a thing. You would find porn images that were all of 8 or 16 colors because that's what a lot of peoples' systems displayed. And you spent 30 fucking minutes downloading it without seeing a thumbnail first.

Tasha Yar aged liked milk

what was even the difference between kermit and xkermit? there was always a list of download protocols to pick from but those are the only ones i remember.

Oh you're making me think back...
Certain protocols only supported bit transfer up to certain if you were on like, 9600 baud then you were too slow for Zmodem and had to use a slower protocol, but if you were on like 33.6k baud and using a slower protocol then you weren't downloading as fast as you could.
>Press ESC twice to log on


Attached: trippy.gif (500x500, 5K)

wow bump

bump im raring the thread now
should i cap or just upload the pics?

well pics are here if anybody wants them. dunno how to upload to internet archive, but at least they're not dead. I just ripped everything from the thread.