How do you personally feel about niggers?

How do you personally feel about niggers?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dSQy3D3

I'm one and I think were pretty alright

Married one. We're happy.

im looking for OBJECTIVE opinions, thanks.

Niggers gonna nig

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In the state I live in now, they are pretty normal. One just shot up a house party close by though. 11 shot, 1 dead, his target. Of course that wasn't in the news. Where I was born, they are animals.

Gross, desu.

I think most races are more physically attractive than them, but I don't mind them as long as they are normal, law abiding citizens.
I have no loyalty to race personally, and I'd rather hang out with a black guy who has the same beliefs as me and has the same hobbies as me than a white guy who I disagree with and have nothing in common with.

Some "black culture" stuff is interesting, some is obnoxious, but all around "white culture" is way more interesting.

I'm genuinely impressed by the physique and athletics of the black guys at my gym.

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Etika was a nigger but now hes dead so im back to hating them

Tons of hot males/females and memes in this discord?\invite\dSQy3D3



Niggers or blacks? Blacks can be cool, fun to chill with. Niggers are scum. Whites shun & look down on rednecks, niggers are the rednecks of black people & are embraced and emulated.


Good team players

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Don't like them.
Don't want to be around or near them.

Dislike hispanics more though. Blacks might be responsible for most of the violent crime in the country despite being only 13% of the population, but its the fucking spics flooding the country overrunning it with demographic replacement.

this is the only correct opinion

Close enough to truth.

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I don't think there are nearly enough white people to offset all the shitskins in the world. Look at what all the rest of the world has accomplished (including Chinese and japanese) next to the white man. They are all shitty and worthless and wait around for the white man to invent new technology to steal and call their own. Fuck all the world's shit skins

"Muh dick" sums up niggers perfectly

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China, Korea, Japan, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Italy, Britain, US, Spain, France, each have had their own turn carrying a torch in global history, to great effect

Africa, unfortunately, has only carried the primitive era's torch, albeit for millions of years

In the modern society theoretically any race can have its own niggers, blacks were just the ones that gave them a name.

Stop spamming the same thread fag

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What is all this gay bs ITT?
Niggers either have to be enslaved or removed in some way.
Having niggers as citizens is a sign of an ill society.


I don't pay that much attention to race because I'm not a pawn. My gf is black tho, and Jimi Hendrix was black, so I suppose I don't dislike them

lol dirty mudslime detected.. paki history is less than 100 yrs old

I have never posted this before, stop spamming the same reddit tier meme you fucking nigger.

Pakistan is the country that came to mind, couldn't be fucked to google it. Arabic astronomy was fairly important to the field, as well as some architectural and mercantile feats in the Middle East, so more so that general area than just there

In my experience, they're awful people. Offened easy, complain nonstop, get upset when they have to behave in public, trash wherever they call home, and get violent frequently. Met good black people, but never a good nigger.

Carried torches until the white man invented flash lights you goddamn nigger

ancient paki history is just indian history

Pure gold

African Americans are just like any other group of people. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. I grew up in a 50% black school, and I'd say my positive experiences outweighed the negative ones by a decent bit. The smartest kid in school was black, and I respected him a lot, he was an intelligent person who went on to accomplish a lot of noteworthy things.

Note that I'm able to acknowledge that without feeling inferior or jealous. It's ok for people to be different and have unique traits, sometimes they're better than you and you handle it with grace, sometimes they're clearly worse than you and at that point what do you gain by hatred? If you truly believe you're better isn't that satisfaction enough? Without the need to belittle and demean them?

I am loathe to give India credit for much considering how they have violently floundered as a nation ever since their overthrowal of the brits, but I did mention them

Go shit in the street and create 0, literally.

My counselor is black. But she shares views of the right wing. She thinks this leftist shit is overrated. Kek. She was raised by white people. Go figure . Also, shes around my age, and is short and cute af, and fit. ......... uhh

>Korea, Japan
and gooks dont have a very impressive history

Did you consider that where you were born you may have just been around impoverished people who happen to be black?

I am white and grew up in a trailer park and now I live in an affluent area. I could easily describe the white people I've lived with exactly like you described those black people. The poor white folks were often "animals", and the more affluent ones are "pretty normal" although there are some animals mixed in here and there of course.

It's no wonder a race that was only able to start establishing generational wealth in the late 60's, early 70's, would have more poor people, and thus more people likely to commit crimes due to either lack of education, lack of access to money, or growing up in an area surrounded by people who have the aforementioned traits.

The sooner we, as a society, start thinking in terms of class instead of race, the sooner we'll be able to actually solve problems.

>3 slit eyed countries mentioned(even forgot mongolia)
>only 4 european countries mentioned
what a fucking weeb holy shit...

Here is an improved list.
Britian, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Lithuana, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Byzantinum, Persia, Carthage, India, Mongolia, China, Egypt qnd maybe Japan if you really want it....

Its a european world.

gotta give Japan credit where it's due, tiny fucker that wedged its way into history by simply not fucking off

We gave their shitty country back to them, no "overthrowal" mang.


I have to leave, if the thread is alive in 3 hours I will give a 1 word summary for every country

Not enough trees.

>Everything posted on this site is all in jest, only an idiot would take it seriously.

West, East, and North Africa all has empires, books, and culture. Like ethiopia, mali, songhai, Egyptian, etc. It's only central and south Africa that had no culture.
No one really knows about what went on in South Africa though. There were some statues and stuff there but no one knows who made them or why

Imagine thinking this is an actual substitute for a response. Like just throwing the word cuck around is enough to win an argument.

Looks to me like the sign of someone who hates, wants to keep hating, and doesn't care what his hatred is actually based on, as long as it allows him to feed his superiority complex.

Credit goes to hitler for fucking up the jews britshit empire

Are you a guy or a grill?


>2010 census.
>11.5 million blacks living in poverty.

>2010 census.
>15.5 million whites living in poverty.

Rebuttal? (???)

Ya I didn't think so.

not retarded ones are cool, but that goes for any race really

Black politicians have been having meetings this week on reparations and how they need to be paid. Every family that makes less than 100,000 a year get extra money. OUR fucking tax dollars. FUCK OFF NIGGERS

Good point, comrade

egypt is in africa retard

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What's the difference between a black and a nigger?

I don't hate blacks or anything, but it does seem that every time they're given the resources to run a country they do a horrific job of it. Corruption runs more rampant and blatant in African politics than anywhere else, most of the government officials are barely literate, the infrastructure is barely existent, and foreign aid is ALWAYS wasted or misappropriated. I think western nations should close their borders to african immigration, cut all foreign aid, and let Africans get their own shit in order or perish in their own stupidity.
American blacks on the other hand seem a really mixed bag. American Black culture seems to glorify stupidity, criminality, self victimization, and early death. But I've also known plenty of good folks who also happened to be black. One of my best friends from high school is Mulatto, an acquaintance from the UK who does comedy and used to work at a grocery store with my girlfriend is black and a funny motherfucker, and there are plenty of good black musicians. they just have to climb out of the mire of shit that is black culture.

I'm really of two minds on blacks. I think every individual deserves a chance, but I also think that blacks as a group have been given every possible chance and managed to fuck everything up.

Black people are okay.
I hate niggers, though.

They have nice tight pussies but I prefer Asian. Married me a young Indonesian girl, best mut I ever had. Australian women look like dogs, all of 'em

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yeah, sure, finland fucking fucks herring..

niggers are the ones you find in ghettos and are the majority. Blacks are civlized ones such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

uh percentage of black vs whites is disproportionate you absolute fuck

I don't see how this is a counter-argument.

The person I responded to said he used to live around "animals" now he lives around "pretty normal" black people.

Judging by your numbers it looks like there are 11.5 million "animals" so he easily could've lived in a community of them, and moved away to one where they are successful.

Also, consider your numbers as a percentage of each race's population in this country. 11.5 million black people is a significantly larger proportion of the black population than 15.5 million white people is of the white population.

If anything I feel those numbers lend credence to my point.

I've had cool black friends, and then I've had black friends that think with their dicks and sell people I know laced drugs because they think it's funny. If the aforementioned person is doing their damndest to be my nigga and not some nigger, we'll probably get along.

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Every politician uses wedge issues like that to try to stir up their base. They know the reparations bill will never actually pass, it's just something to get people to the polls. The same way Republicans know that nobody actually gives a shit about, say, North Korea or Iran, they can't do shit to us militarily, but they get people riled up and ready to vote.

So all this shit is classism but no racism

Your daughter will fuck a nigger or a cockroach.. My grandparents smile at me.. Can you say the same jew? Viva Peron!

It's gotta be a hard spot to be in.
You're expected to fail most of the time, and they know that like from childhood on. So it's either fight an uphill battle for your entire life, or give in and go chimp out.

But it's our duty as proper whites to work with proper blacks to keep all niggers at Bay.

Peron? Are you argentine?

to me yes. there are some good blacks but most are crap

lol 1912 "science"

they are disgusting

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No, si soy chileno..

only for idiots. tyson is the same self-loving idiot who thinks he's cute. the only thing he's missing is a need to prove himself on the street like a fucking alpha male gorilla.

gorillas are horrifying creatures. young gorillas see the big gorillas pounding their chests to demonstrate that they're king, and the young ones do it and the big ones will FUCK THEM UP HARDCORE. they're lucky if they survive. there's a video of a little 3-yr old girl told to pound her chest at a zoo where it's big heavy glass and the gorilla is like 100 ft away. she pounds her chest, being 2 feet tall and weighing 35 lbs, and the gorilla gets pissed. it lumbers up at 30 mph and SLAMS against the glass, ALMOST smashing through, totally cracking it. they take NO shit.

it's the same in blacks in the hood. that cutey tyson doesn't need to do that... he can just smile and think he's cute and that's all he needs at his level but he's the same idiot in a dream. you have to recognize the "dream" they live in.

I like the women and trannies. I hate the cis males.

Consider the history of colonization of the African continent has left it a very destabilized region. Europe plundered their resources for centuries, and on the grand scale they've had very little time to try to pick up the pieces and rebuild.

Hell, why would many of them be "barely literate"? Could it be because they were denied access to a quality education for decades?

Also, many African countries still manage to be successful. Cameroon and Nigeria manage to do well. Botswana is leading the pack:

"As well as posting a relatively high per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $15,176, Botswana also fared well in terms of governance, education and personal freedom. As the country spends 8% of its GDP on education, it is among the biggest proportional spenders in the world according to the World Bank. This is the third year in a row that Botswana has topped the index."

You can point to plenty of successful African regimes if you take the time to look for them.

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Exactly. Class is the true dividing factor in our nation. Race is one of a number of wedge issues used to divide us so we argue amongst ourselves instead of realizing that the tippy top of the upper class are the ones robbing us blind and causing many of our societal problems either directly or (usually) indirectly.

Every time someone like OP makes a post like this a billionaire smiles because he's not the one being targeted even though his wealth hoarding has a deleterious effect on the rest of us.

Why the Peron comment? Is Peron popular in Chile?

After being a relatively uniformly white country, we are now flooded with Haitians, Colombians and now Venezuelan hordes, so my opinion on niggers has downgraded from "subhuman" to plainly "wild beasts".

And don't get me started on their fucking tropical "music"

I don't find black women attractive and they generally come across as more flamboyant and ill mannered as a race. BUT, one of my best friends are black because I'm not a 4chung degenerate

are you serious? don't thought you anything in the kibbutz?

from where are you?

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Soy argentino, salame, trato de bardear a estos pajeros que creen que porque tenemos mapuches somos negros, siendo que los originarios de acá (que no fueron exterminados por Roca), se adaptaron bastante, son nuestros médicos, abogados, ingenieros, etc.. Algunos son también nuestros negros, pero hacen lo que pueden.

Nobody cares or gives a fuck about Peron here in Chile.
I dunno why a Chilean would even mention him

some of the nicest and honest people I ever met are black, especially this one qt that invites me to go out everytime shes in town. I made a move on her but I think she rejected me, shes way above my league I guess..

name 10 white people you've met that were not nice and truly dishonest.

were the nice and honest black people in any position to manipulate or cheat you? does it really count if they're just a walmart stocker helping you find something because they know the store? can you imagine them NOT being nice and honest? what examples do you have? are you just a martyr cherry picking angels?

Por eso están así, les falta nacionalismo, el único dictador que tuvieron se murió en Inglaterra.

Seguí chupando la concha seca de la reina, chileno traidor.

Go on sucking on the queen's mummified pussy, chilean traitor.

And it's funny, chileans here are your haitians..

>name 10 white people you've met that were not nice and truly dishonest.

my whole family.

Fucking beautiful. I'm happy for you.

percentage of whites in the US vs percentage of blacks total. compare it with that you absolute retard.

this. the first actually correct statement I have ever seen on this god forsaken website. thank you. you just proved to me that humanity has some sliver of kindness and intelligence left. have a nude of my slutty gf as thanks.

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Most credible post, /thread

But regardless of your tantrum, we can go freely to the Falklands, and we don't have to endure the eternal 4-3-12 Argentinean Loop (4 years of relatively decent standard of living before any of your Presidents steals the whole country/3 years of deep African misery/12 years of poverty before recovering and repeating the loop)

That said, the Mapuche are a decent and civilized Nation, unlike those nigger animals, and remember that, before helping our British friends in the Falklands Was, you Argentinians were on the brink to attack us despite all treaties and diplomacy, just out of your childish nationalism.
So, we are not the traitors here.
And see the pityful state in which you are now in everything, from economy to military, and think if that childish Peronist nationalism has served your country other than turning it into an African country.

Los serviles como ustedes son los que viven jodiendo Latinoamérica, la venden por un departamento en Miami. Lo único bueno que tuvieron fue Allende y lo mataron. Quedate tranqui de aquel lado, no vuelvas a matarte el hambre acá, con Evo te mandamos un besito, chileno traidor.

better than sand niggers

Ah.. Me olvidaba.. ¿No tenés ganas de llevarte a los miles de chilenos que estudian acá? Na, mejor no te los lleves, la mayoría se queda para poder vivir en un país (no una colonia).

the richest black neighborhood in america has a higher crime rate than the poorest white neighborhood

physical attraction is subjective. i'll give you an example i used to impress my sociology teacher. i worked in a factory once as a temp. there was a slimy older lady that seemed to be hitting on me, but also enjoyed a supervisor kid coming up to GROPE her, like it was their thing, right in front of me. she made a comment once that i didn't have the hands of a "man"--i was 20 and smoked weed all day, of course i didn't have rough, fucked up hands--so i wasn't a turn on.

think about it. hint: it has to do with genetics that are deeper than obvious physical traits. one's genetics will be subconciously attracting them to what they want to breed with and keep around and care for.

another example... a chick that spent the age of 20-30 in prison for second degree murder happened to feel that even the horrendously fucked up looking mickey rourke in "spun" was a "hot" "real man". really.

No worse than fuckin Christians.

this thread is disgusting, fucking go to sleep you racist cunts.

I really wish I knew what the hell you guys were talking about

No better or worse than cumskin crackers, yellow skin chings, towelhead arabs, streetshitting punjabis, or half-nigger spicks

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>making excuses for ghetto nigger culture
For being so impoverished, they sure had the cash for gold grills, BMWs, guns and jewelry. They regularly did hoodrat shootings, fell upon tourists in some national outrage tier rapes and killings, not a one of them spoke intelligible English and absolutely no one got anywhere near their 'hoods'... Fuck yourself, cultist.

Go learn another language, fatfuck, Deutsch ist gut, o portugues é bom, etc.


It's domestic shit in their countries.

Fuck em

Send em to the moon

I see you're a South Indian Street shitter since you mock Punjabi's but not Indians as a whole

yeah but we study to, at least, read in various other languages.

This... This is what I've been trying to explain for so long, but I couldn't find the words

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It's fun how I was talking about the current state of the African continent, which is distinctly different from the (horribly stereotyped) African American culture that you're ranting about, but go off, playa.

Hate em, simple as

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i feel the same way i feel about you there just fucking humans are you retarded or smt

I hate them because they're humans. I hate humans.

I have no reason to learn another language. I was born speaking English in a English speaking country next closest country also speaks English and everyone who speaks other languages learns my language because we are the wealthiest country.
Soooo... What the hell is the point?
Economically speaking it actually contributes the least amount of increase in pay compared to literally every other skill. Learning guitar would actually benefit me more then another language

What do you think?

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Fairest response in the thread tbh

im not retarded, but it seems like 95% of the niggers I meet are, so that begs the question if they count as human?

So... black guy says the kind of shit white people are saying all throughout this thread, and somehow he's at fault?

Seems like this dude would get along great with you guys. What with him being a prick who generalizes entire races with hateful speech.

Ah, misquote. That was meant for This thread is filled with reddit spaced blogs.

I fucked a black chick and she was the best lay ever. Perky tits and a fat ass and moans that made me diamonds, and the sweetest tightest pussy. 10/10 would bang again

Nothing wrong with them. Like every other race. Except Indians, I fucking hate those street-shitters

>Among the disproportionate number of men who perished — largely due to the ship’s “women and children first” emergency protocol — only two are said to be black: Joseph Laroche, 26, a Haitian-born, French-educated engineer who was moving back to Haiti because he could not find work in his profession; and Victor Giglio, the son of an Italian father and Egyptian mother, and personal secretary to U.S. industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim.
They were allowed, there just wasn't many traveling from the UK to the US at that time. This is why you idiots are always so fucked up in the head. IDpol is CANCER.

I look at modern day blacks in America in he was almost spot on.

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So what do you think is the difference between them and the "good ones" who were encountered later?

You know broke people can still acquire stuff too. I know tons of peasants who came across nice things only to have them repo'd within a couple of months. Just because some guy got a cheapass "gold" grill doesn't mean he actually has the revenue stream needed to help break the cycle of poverty.

Consider that the effects of redlining are felt to this day, and black people are often clustered together in their towns. Schools are funded by property taxes. Black portions of the community usually are considered "ghetto" and have correspondingly low property values. As a result they end up with shitty schools that don't give them the tools to get out of that community. Thus perpetuating a cycle of people being stuck in a geographic area with low incomes, the low incomes keeping the property values low, the low property values keeping the schools shitty, the shitty schools keeping the kids stupid, the stupid kids not knowing how to manage finances, etc. etc. etc. etc.

actually i hate them

I find black hot, in a forbidden bestiality kind of way. Nothing quite as kinky and submissive as being fucked and owned by such a lesser creature.

I'm half. But here that is the superior. So it's aight.

They are different here because they are country, christian and rather conservative. Their neighborhoods are clean, quiet and accessible, They don't deathglare at white people driving by. They don't strictly stick to their racial in-group and move in large packs. Ghetto culture comes from blacks being in large numbers and being around only eachother. There's no magic way to just shift blame and call it a day.

I dunno i think its pretty easy to shift the blame and call it a day

Yes, you certainly do.

We are all animal influenced by our enviroment. Black people and white people in the same area could be extremely different from each other just because their neighborhood is one block away. I don't have anything against them naturally, but I wish they could be more educated. This opinion come from a foreigner.

As I said before: we don't give a tuck about your tantrums.

We are now the strongest military power in Latin America (what do you have? 3 second-hand subsonic bombers and 3....oh, sorry, 2 submarines because one if them got sunk because your military and politicians stole the money to buy proper equipment and maintenance), even more than Brazil (our friends too, just like the Brits), so we just laugh at Evo and his Marxist attempt to have a funny little country which we could subdue anytime between a late breakfast and lunch.
And every time I go to the Falklands I think: "I can do this at will anytime I want, but those poor Argies are hearded like inmates when they finally get a few hours permission to visit those British islands"
I've been some 20-25 times to Port Stanley, and always wonder if your dictators were stoned or what to attempt to steal that British territory from their owners, and the answer is always the same: "Something worse than being drugged: warlordism and childish nationalism (a typical Argentinean trait)"
BTW, our expat students can remain there to learn how is to live in a fail state and not even think to copy your childish nonsense.
In exchange, Argentineans can still come here to be treated for free for serious illnesses since your medical system is nonfunctional, either because of lack of funds, or properly trained personnel, or massive theft, or all of that combined, so we are even.
Argentina could have been a great nation, and it was almost a century ago, but now it is just a fail state where everybody steals what they can, so nobody is interested in starting anything productive in the medium or long term: just look at your airlines, and how they are stripped to almost nothing, or went bankrupt before even starting to operate (I'm talking about Avianca Argentina)
You trade off discipline for believing in that stupid warlordism in a religious fashion.
I'll laugh about this when on Monday I fly to the Falklands again

all i can read is harambe so fuck you

I find them aragonite and abrasive for absolutely no reason. I love living in a almost 80% white suburb other percent is asian and they are really friendly and polite and i never have any problems with them. If you want to live away from blacks its simple just get a degree that actually can make you money and leave the lower middle class.

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to be clear, that guy you replied to just now wasn't me, the guy you'd probably call a leddit libcuck or w/e who's been typing up these paragraphs

anyways, I gotta bounce, it's been nice debating you, I hope we can at least consider one another's stances, and grow our perspectives.

have a nice day.

your stance is homosexual

I've found them to be hyper emotional, except a few who seem like really smart kids trapped by "black culture". It's supper sad to talk to them, because you can tell how conflicted they are by this super ignorant culture being forced on them, when all they want to do is be free intellectuals. Ah well, can't save everyone I guess..

I'm more concerned with actions than race.

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I don't buy this, it's not completely the rest of the worlds fault that Africa did not industrialize at all (i.e. build a fucking boat), and were the most exploitable. Shit blame Portugal if you must and have any concept of history at all.

Don't trust them.

Race can be a direct causation in action.

I'm pretty sure if a nigger had the kind of money to go on that ship at the time he could, he just wouldn't be respected, money make a difference.

you're a scared little bitch if you dont text/email to talk shit because i am calling you what you are , a scared faggot that chokes on nigger dicks

pic related

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Most I've met have been just ordinary decent people. No better, no worse than any whites, asians or latinos.

Forwarded to my buddies at the fbi

how do you feel about hippos? they're just big fat things, right? they're kinda funny looking, big round features, sorta silly. hippos are one of the most dangerous, horrible creatures on earth. they will FUCK YOU UP. watch videos on youtube. they're alien monsters.

i bet you've never met enough hippos to know how awful they can be. we all seem to think they can be sweet. for that to have occurred in our culture, they'd have to have been approached to some degree and considered potentially nice. there is, however, plenty of video footage that proves otherwise.

Hate them

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Wee waaazz kiiingzzz and shiiiitt

"i'm not racist one of my friends is black" everyone is racist despite politically correct dogma trying to brainwash you otherwise

Don't care as long as they don't fuck with me

next you'll say it's hate speech. what you see now in this thread is the cause of an effect. the damage is done so now you get roasted and shot up for being stupid niggers doing stupid nigga shit. why are you even here shouldn't you be someone else asking "where da white woman at" or are you looking for sum fuck from us faggets?

"i am not racist, I am black" is just as bad

nice dubs but youre'e still a faggot thats too scraed to text me

Yes you are right.

That is why I dont hate black people, I hate poor people

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They should die in a fucking hole. Natural selection isn't just genetic - it's how we eliminate threats. by killing them, we kill off a bunch of questions anyone might have

I have no problem with them generally. I have a few nigger friends and they are one of the friendlist and most hard working people I know

>not a white supremacist, explain yourself
you see, throughout my 27 years of life, i've encountered countless people who were fucking gay as fuck of the faggoty gay fag variety, in other words assholes, and since I live in a white country, surprise surprise, most of these fags were white. Make no mistake, I have encountered quite a few niggers who were fags aswell. But what this life lesson has taught me, is that, well, some people are just fags, and it's all across the board and is totally independent of skin color. That's why I only judge people based on their personalities, not the color of their skin or where they are born etc. Because i'd rather surround myself with 1000 niggers who are pretty chill, then 1 white dude who happens to be a cunt.

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NICe trips but y'all are fuckin idiots


don't hurt yourself thinking too hard, smoothbrain

Don't like that they have gained sentience

Which ones?
There are buff niggers, deaf niggers, white niggers, asian niggers, racist niggers... etc.

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There's like 10 niggers in my 100k European town. There's probably more, but I've never seen more anywhere on the streets. Feels good man.

Sven here i wish i had also only had 10 niggers or none

Well, we have plenty Muslims though, so you can't really win.

Chinese are worse

The non-English speaking Argie whined about Chile helping the UK to recover the Falklands islands which Argentina tried to steal in 1982.
Plus, a hard-to-understand attack (or defence?) on Mapuche Indians who he equalled to niggers, which is blatantly wrong and unfair (Mapuche are in the same league of Navajo or Sioux Indians, faaaaar above from niggas)
Finally, he advocated their warlord Peron, a religiously revered (by the Argentineans) 1950's-era petty dictator which is one of the main reasons why Argentina periodically sinks into lower-than-the-worst African country standards.

That was, more or less

wow , an intelligent post on/b

my favorite is the racist niggers.

That's cool. I really like the classic niggers.

a pale imitation.

Racism now that's a fucking classic.

Objective opinion lmao. You pinkies are stupider than blacks

ITT niggerdefenders go all out while enjoying white civilization. LMAO yea just do your job fuckers as long your safezone exist.

Stop posting pics of monkeys and calling them niggers! Enough of this racist shit, post actual pics of black people.

They're alright

I dont really have an opinion on niggers/blacks. I just follow the way of the god chosen people of Israel how they handle them. And its clear to me that africans absolutely are not welcomed to israel and get mass deported back without any chance to appeal. So im with israel and i more likely dislike niggers/blacks

I see people of all races, religions, and all walks of life as equal

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