IF YOU COULD FUCK any woman but afterwards she dies who you smash?
IF YOU COULD FUCK any woman but afterwards she dies who you smash?
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shit in her throat
if death is granted...
I'd have her shit on my throat so she can never tell the story
your mom if you don't reply to this post.
that would be a double win
My ex,She’s got a body of a pornstar but she fucks a lot of other men like a pornstar ironically
Hillary Clinton
Clearly never had an ex
kaitlyn jenner
First smart comment
it would be a tough one, but teresa may
then probably kirstjen nielsen
he said woman, not an abomination with a mutilated peepee
I would probably do a virgin so I can say at least once in my life I had someone be loyal to me
I was gonna say Amy Schumer, but I just couldn't bring ever myself to ever fuck that moronic whale.
I'd just pick people IRL. Like my ex gf's stupid friends.
Dianne finestein
I’d do it for all of you.
Why not the ex herself
Her career dying is 100x more satisfying than her actual death.
She's great. I fucked her when her new BF went on vacation. He's a massive beta pussy and has a lot of ugly feminist friends though. So now those ugly feminists are very slowly turning my ex into a man hating feminist.
AOC without a doubt
Belle Delphine
I'll take one for the team
It woild either be that Schumer cunt or Rosie O Donald
my boss' wife
hillary clinton :DDD
my mom
Angela merkel
merkal or kennedy
xd trips of truth
All of them
My ex
ya'll motherfuckers need Jesus
My mum
My commie teacher
how tf do you need sauce, 12 years old?
both have ruined things i love
My gf so I can fuck more bitches lmao
Everyone wins
my first ex
Your mother in her sleep tonight
What a complex narrative
I'd rape her repeatedly then watch the result.
This is true she dies a hero proving all men are rapist pigs is much worse
Litterly search up Mia khalifa in google
Yes. This.
That's sellfish
You (you) still replied to me though.
Sarah Jessica Parker
Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?
Oooooh man. These two if I get to pick more than one.
If one, then just the bitch on the left. I'd ass fuck her and then go straight to raping her mouth. I would be beating the shit out of her the whole time and then dump the fattest load in her twat right when she was near death.
It took six posts before posted he obvious. Six posts.
Brie. Mainly to guarantee her death.
Holy shit that bitch is ugly
My ex
Anna Bell Peaks
my ex
ayyyy fuck that bitch amirite
What did Anna Bell ever do to you?
Hillary Clinton.
I've met her in person. She's incredibly nice and loves her fans, you jerk.
my sister's alcoholic landlady
She's hot, but annoying as fuck.
fuck you
holy fuck
she always was a fat ugly cunt but this
I'll take one for the team.
God bless you brave user.
Taking one for the team.
What heinous force has to posses a man to marry that landwhale ogre of a "woman"?
>What heinous force has to posses a man to marry that landwhale ogre of a "woman"?
Pic not related. Except that she's another decent answer to the OP
Is money really worth a man's self-respect, his dignity, his soul??
My side piece, I would never have to worry about her telling my wife
It is to some people.
And at her best, Schumer is fuckable. Still a very valid answer to this thread, though.
Pic related
jesus, how horrid
fk u
Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez.
OP's mom lol
I more excited about the guarantee death thing than the fucking itself. Probably JK Rowling
fug off
>at her best, Schumer is fuckable
In what decade my guy?
I think it's still too young to be fucked
Disappointing she wasn't first on the list.
Fuck this is who I'd pick too
Nothing special I live in Portland Oregon and she visited one of our many strip clubs and did a live show.
Frick you
Something is wrong with her. Possibly paranoid/psychotic.
really smart
but you gotta record it so truly everyone wins
Thank you for being willing to take one for the team
hly hsotoijrtgbfdvs that made me laugh soefsd fghg o no way
Wow she's hot
Dude, I had that actually happen. I post it in the secrets thread occasionally . Big titted goth od'd
same. she will die at the hands of the patriarchy!
Elizabeth I
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner ...my only WISH is She Makes It To PORN
You leave Belle Delphine alone cunt, we must keep the Queen alive
based, glad I'm not the only one who saw the utility here
Don lemon. And hopefully Chris Cuomo dies by proxy. I won’t enjoy it, but imma take one for humanity.
Bang her like a screen door.
If I had the magical power to fuck ANYONE I wanted to and then they would die about 2 weeks afterward...
I'd wait to use it on the 5th anniversary of my ex-gf's marriage to the man she cheated on me with, and I would fuck her husband.
Here's a Yea Forumsrain teaser for you degenerates. Let's say this rule was in effect, but you could also travel back in time to fuck/kill any woman in history. Now let's say being the depressed incest loving neet that you are you decide to go back in time to before you were born and give your mammy the ol flesh torpedo. What would happen?
>you go back in time and splooge in her ham wallet, which kills her before you are born preventing you from being born.
>However since you weren't born, you didn't go back in time and give your mom the death dicking, which means she lives and goes on to give birth to you
Does it create an alternate timeline where your mom dies and you never exist?
Does it create multiple universes where you both exist and don't exist at the same time?
Does the universe explode?
We need Yea Forums's best and brightest working on this
This is genuinely a good photoshop
outstanding move
She has the same amount of sex appeal as andy richter
NOT our QUEEN!!!
Probably Melania. Mostly to see how her cuck husband reacts.
my ex.
this stupid bitch
tomi lahren lmao. no question
She fucked anyone that mattered near Hollywood Blvd. to get where she is now.
my ex wife
She's technically already dead
Rainforest, i would definitely fuck AOC and have that bitch die or the queen of England and put my life savings and take out loans on her death pool and win all the money.
she is not dying but you are your own father
Can I get Katy Perry cica 2010 or so?
Both because she's currently disgusting, and because I'd then save the world from an entire decade of Katy Perry
Donalda Trump
Taking one for the team thanks user
>pic related
Would hate fuck her so bad
Lady looks like a dude
Closest I've been was my ex girlfriends passing out from me choking her while she gave my a handjob
expanding the image was terrifying holy shit
Pic related would also be handy for such an idea.
can choose other dont have dat die fuckeable problem
Superman always had that problem. Every time he ejaculated he severed the poor girl's spine with semen.
Def my ex
Depends how they die I guess. Presumably they just have a heart attack, but that's kind of boring to look at.
Kill yourself summerfag, this isn't plebbit
Can I have this as an option for *every* time? Or does it only work once...because Srsly fucking all cuntgashes can just fucking die. Fucking is really the only thing they're good for.
Also Chloe Moritz..because fuck all you thirsty fags.
Maybe that chick from I Am Mother...
Country ass gypsy slut
9/10 tits tho...hope they were fun
Zoe too.
She was sloppy.
my mom seriously
Unpopular opinion:
The only reason people hate on her is because it's trendy. Shes hot as fuck and no different from any other internet camwhore.
didnt this whore start the gender wars? where is she now - hopefully choking on some turkish cock
Fug U n.I.g.g.e.r
either would work
are you one of those salty mgtow faggots?
1000% you are a women or a gay, either way not mgtow im better.. im an incel u cunt