Hunger Games first 24 are in

Hunger Games first 24 are in.

How to Play: Post a picture and a name and watch them fight it out in an RNG simulator.

Attached: d7hxpxc-b2df7118-746e-4f1f-8303-a5c3c912d780.png (789x647, 560K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\CEmErv


Attached: beri smol 16bit hedenia.png (16x16, 299)

Token Black Guy

Attached: 20190622_202644.jpg (1364x1502, 745K)

A Helling Lovecat

Attached: 154.jpg (1000x868, 127K)


Attached: 1492487071835.png (400x640, 204K)

Maroon Hat

Attached: 7_Crowbar_Caliborn_session.png (220x416, 3K)

also code is war, I like war.

The Hippies

Attached: 9-rarezas-que-te-sorprenderan-de-los-hippies-disfraces.jpg (590x536, 86K)

>i like war

Attached: ascended.jpg (488x482, 12K)


Attached: 7K9rD9qobrhB_m.jpg (400x301, 13K)


Attached: c.jpg (465x465, 25K)


Attached: 47.png (180x249, 25K)


Attached: 1463106126792.png (484x487, 508K)

Divine Cat

Attached: 1554299215516.jpg (576x768, 127K)

Ducke detective(s)

Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 58K)

Pigs feet

Attached: kim kardashian.jpg (547x521, 73K)


Attached: beri smol 8bit rigs.png (16x16, 300)

Maki Turra

Attached: 654 (10).jpg (239x239, 12K)


Attached: anusworth.png (310x373, 139K)

Dr phil

Attached: med_1545351480_image.jpg (503x500, 42K)


Attached: images (3).jpg (200x200, 8K)


Attached: 1448604802885.jpg (800x645, 83K)

Cum sock

Attached: 1489460830491.jpg (750x737, 77K)


Attached: C8DBFA0B-3579-410C-9B2B-55A041BB32F9.png (374x585, 390K)

A freak

Attached: loG0ZlB.jpg (741x752, 38K)

Hat Goomba

Attached: Bandana Dee render.jpg (2000x1176, 394K)

The Tard father

Attached: 1559349211676.jpg (620x827, 159K)

alright one sec


Attached: 1474873178341.jpg (552x589, 83K)


Attached: dns.jpg (445x290, 119K)

Any changes need to be made?

Attached: 1.png (1298x990, 499K)

Ü‚Goodluck Megumi!
Distric 2 got this

Attached: 115.png (1261x814, 1.15M)

Hat Goomba got this.

Attached: bandana ritual.jpg (990x1200, 118K)

Lets roll
If it aint too late swap and

Attached: hedenia and flower.png (910x502, 160K)

Tard mafia gonna destroy yo ass

ni a palo amigo...

Attached: 654 (1).jpg (184x184, 7K)

Without any further delay, lets go to war boys. A bit off center, i'll figure it out as I go.

my b

Attached: 2.png (1298x3292, 593K)


Looks fine to me

Attached: Crowbar idle.gif (650x650, 31K)

Good luck

Attached: 1420674007532.gif (500x281, 1.07M)

np, ill win this for the DNS then

Attached: 1802343121455.png (400x400, 43K)

Chinese loli OP, and the waifus come out swinging.

Freak you already were dressed like one

Attached: 3.png (1298x2672, 560K)

and apparently cant read, sorry bout that.

Attached: 4.png (1298x990, 83K)

Rigs isnt chinese

Attached: drinking w the lass.png (500x500, 18K)

stop that, get some help cat.

Attached: 5.png (1298x2231, 521K)

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv


Cat commits seppukku on caturday
How sad

The kitchen life was much harder then I thought, sorry lieutenant.

between this and the token black guy event we live in the strangest timeline.

Attached: 6.png (1298x2084, 492K)

a catnap

Attached: 7.png (1298x990, 76K)

Attached: 8.png (1298x2231, 502K)

Maroon Hat just wants some weed

war is about killing each other tributes, get with the program.

Attached: 9.png (1298x2084, 474K)

Not everyone get what they want.

The air raid siren goes off and the clouds start speaking Japanese

Attached: 10.png (1298x2704, 498K)

fucking hippies

F Hat Goomba.

Attached: sbd.png (367x385, 26K)

very big F

Attached: 11.png (1298x1596, 194K)

RIP District 2

Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

the hippies are not to be fucked with.

Attached: 12.png (1298x1643, 337K)

RIP us

Attached: 135.jpg (850x991, 135K)

The tard father is great dude

Tard power

Twas a good death

Attached: yotsubafase-1.gif (298x406, 48K)

>no one said anything about the black guy camouflaging with shit

Narrowing down the field

Attached: 13.png (1298x990, 281K)

Smaller F

Attached: 14.png (1298x990, 96K)

we were waiting for you to do it

one hell of a duo puts down sonic

Attached: 15.png (1298x1202, 275K)

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv



that tacticool gear couldnt save you from that Ains

Attached: 16.png (1298x990, 254K)

Tardfather putting out the hits

Attached: 17.png (1298x990, 199K)


Attached: 18.png (1298x992, 134K)

Ducks dont even have hands to hold it???

Attached: hedeniabrowsingb.png (850x700, 245K)

Commentators curse, my bad.

DNS sheds a tear.

Attached: 19.png (1298x990, 174K)

Attached: 20.png (1298x990, 139K)

Stupid tree-huggers


Attached: 21.png (1298x990, 96K)

Guess it wasnt a Dead nigger storage, but rather a Dead vampire storage all along

Attached: hedeniabattlepose.png (921x1249, 1.31M)

1 day of no kills, skipped to an arena event with no kills.

Attached: 22.png (1298x990, 144K)


The ducks will win

Attached: 79.png (211x293, 74K)

3 posts later...

Attached: rigsbrowsingb.png (251x221, 8K)

Your medal of honor recipient everybody!!

oh no no no

Attached: 23.png (1298x990, 115K)


Attached: whatthefuckdidyoujusttellrigs.jpg (191x201, 17K)

expected nigger move

the real oh no no no would be uploading things outta order

Attached: 24.png (1298x990, 142K)


Attached: 26.png (172x201, 33K)

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: bandana night.png (1024x814, 763K)

Thanks for the game birb, glad to see youre still kicking

Attached: rigsfwnukedniggers.png (633x657, 167K)

yeah swap these two in the timeline
Your winner, 2 time medal of honor award winner. Token Black Guy

Attached: 25.png (1298x993, 96K)

Thanks for hosting. I almost made it quack :(

Is it reverse day today?

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

GG, sad that I went out so early but a fun game nonetheless. Thanks for the host.

Attached: 109.png (167x245, 30K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 06937.gif (650x450, 63K)

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 246K)

Grats Token Black Guy, thanks for the game amd welcome back Birb-Sama.

Attached: 207.jpg (526x640, 208K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 6a0.jpg (480x241, 34K)

thanks for playing.

feels weird to host after a break

Attached: birb.jpg (1024x888, 64K)

thank you for playing!

Attached: Lovebirds-GettyImages-510427100-58d005853df78c3c4f3b36e3.jpg (450x300, 18K)

with window

Now the eagle has landed nigga, now someone can finally take the monopoly from (((her)))

Attached: owocuterigs.jpg (435x560, 50K)

[] []

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv



because trying new things scares me