Prove to me you were around for Internet 1.0
Prove to me you were around for Internet 1.0
Other urls found in this thread:
DOS war dialers, telnet, IRC, groupnet,
AOHell, DaChronic, CC generators
How bout that Prodigy David Eddings themed role playing chat? Right?
I wasn't i'm not an old man
Porn took mins to download a pic. Videos? The fuck outta here
Warez gangs
Ah, the days of no advertising.
Fucking Warez
MUDs, Mass E-mail porn/warez, Fate X, HaVoK
>be me
>Look for porn
Does compuserve count?
I pity the fool who don't like BALLS!
Does receiving an AOL CD in the mail count?
>not being from the era before interweb babysitting programs
>click on juicypussy.bmp
>go make a hot pocket
>pour some sunny d
>check the answering machine messages
>go back and only half the 500kb pic is loaded
You mean a free 750kb of removable storage?
Earliest I was on computer internet was AOL 6.0 I use to go and crack a bunch of noobs pw you’ll be surprised how many people’s password was just password back then. Good times.
I used to go on chat and ask people their security questions. They had no idea.
I once left my computer switched on all morning while I was at school, downloading all of the fifty megabytes of a King of Fighters 96 ROM on a 28k modem.
It's a speed nigger over here
(which the emulator would take about ten minutes to load on my pentium II)
While I did have a prodigy account and still remember my prodigy ID. My friend and I soon found out we could use our 2400 baud modems for so much more and began dialing into local BBS's. That opened up a huge world. Which then led to a world of wardialers, field phreaking, running our own BBS's out of our bedrooms. Then buying some student IDs of college students and using that for dialin internet access and using telnet, gopher, usenet and archie to just expand.
My favorite era of my computing life.
I had an internal 28.8K modem. NEC tower. Something like 50 mhz.
Do you even remember when AOL mailed floppy disks instead of CDs?
>lol they weren't even 1.44mb until just before switching to CDs
Shit I was on long before tcpip. I knew these guys when I was a kid, they used to give me free shit on 5 1/4 floppy and cassette for my vic 20. That's where I first got Lord British first Ultima and infocom shit that I loved. All that old school freaking late night fucknutting was going down in my backyard and I didn't even realize "who" they were at the time.
No, i was introduced to the internet in 1995. I thought it was stupid(the internet) until i learned you can talk to people from around the world.
My God damned username was something like GB3699TY78 and I got charged by the hour. Then came AOL to save the day. You can create YOUR OWN username, and could surf all day every day for a flat rate.
Also, cruising newsgroups like with NewsRover at a whopping 56k.
also that phone number is wrong, i know because at times i could dial into it. the number's right but the area code is wrong. back in the day there was no 631 area code, it was all 516. though now the area is considered 631. just for historical accuracy fyi
I had an internal 14.4k winmodem (Google it) in a cyrix powered 286 with a whopping 2Gb Maxtor diamond drive and like 8mb or ram or something.
First net-ready computer. Too bad winmodems were universally garbage.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\dSQy3D3
Thanks user, good memories
Yeah, the floppies were more useful at least. I still have a bunch of those aol, earthlink, and Juno CDs that I use as coasters. Those AOL tins were also perfect for weed......
Still running Windows 95 and Nutscrape Navigator
Hey get off the damn computer I'm trying to make a phone call
I remember my Prodigy login. z5x4z6wm
Is me using world wide web an idea or...?
I'm leaving this thread.
Any old leey AOL hackers remember island88? It was a private chat room tons of hackers just hacking. Lol good times.
I miss the old sound of dial-up, but not getting kicked off if you got a phone call, especially when you've been waiting 5 minutes for the webpage to load
get a second line, you bone.
Dude I remember begging my parents not to pick up the phone for 12 hours to download some shit game called gun bound.
It was a fax line
> Internet 1.0
Usenet man. /bin
go back to IRC
Lmao so true
know any good bbq sauces?
I started with my dads 1200 baud.
Helped a friend on his BBS run a FidoNet node. Shit just was so magical to connect.
I wasn't. Nothing really wrong with that. Don't know why you oldfags keep bragging about being old. Fucking faggots. Get off this site and go take care of your children or something.
>I'm not even old enough to understand the deal with getting old: the post.
I am the firestarter
Remember back then when everything was slow and you looked forward to advances in technology because you could only imagine how blazing fast everything will be as hardware keeps improving but then not long after broadband became a thing (and you'd have killed for your own personal T1) flash also became a thing and the new bloat just made it all feel the same even with superior hardware and you wonder if thats just a flash phase but as time marches on and hardware gets faster everything else bogs it down to 2002 levels
My nigga
Please wait until your balls drop to post here junior.
At least my balls don't hang like that of a sheep, old man
Norton Utilities
Hunt the Wumpus
I remember. OH Accounts, Spaming, good times
Mozilla browser and gopher wais on apple Macintosh LCII back when Google was still in beta
full collection of boot magazine