Would you date a woman who was pretty, had good values but just made $10 an hour working at a deli? What sort of career/ ambition does a woman need to be attractive enough?
Would you date a woman who was pretty, had good values but just made $10 an hour working at a deli...
Considering I also work a retail job I wouldn't give a shit if she was too
Can she suck dick well? Can she cook well? Does she clean well? If so, I'd say yes, that's all you need.
Lol she can do those things haha
>acting as if working at a deli is somehow a bad thing
You're just dating her you're not marrying her why the fuck does it matter
What if she wants kids though? And to be a stay at home mom? Wouldn't you consider her a parasite or leech?
She wants to get married and be a stay at home mom though.
No because I'm not insecure or a brainlet
Of course not. I'm not a broke nigger who wants to split bills.
If she straight up told you "i'm only working here till i get married then I'm quitting" then obviously just don't marry her.
well im a NEET so sure why not
>who was pretty
So she's not pretty now huh
OP you're retarded
She is still pretty lol
She only wants to quit work if she gets pregnant.
Why are you acting as if dating her means you HAVE to marry her?
I'd gladly date literally any woman who'd give me a chance. Being 5'2 with a severely deformed face due to neofibrometosis, picky standards are a luxury I cannot afford.
Why would I want to waste her/ my time if her lifestyle didn't fit my standards?
Because for a fleeting moment you can experience the joy and wonder of having a companion despite knowing it isn't going to last?
>Why would I waste her/my time
If neither of you have the same future goals, and you both know you don't have the same long term goals, and this alone is a huge factor for your relationships, why are you even considering going out with this woman?
That's very hedonistic. I'm not that kind of man.
I'm asking other people what THEY would do. Not that I would follow their advice necessarily. I'm just curious about how attractive this kind of female is to others.
>What sort of career/ ambition does a woman need to be attractive
Career aspirations make women less attractive.
Most men aren't homosexuals. They don't want to date another man. They want to date a woman, and that means much more than just 'has a vagina'.
>hey Yea Forums would you date a pretty girl working at a deli?
Why did you think this was somehow a decent topic to discuss? The majority of people here are already saying they would and that should have been obvious from just browsing this place.
that will be the reason she leaves you
Considering she has good values, then her being a stay at home girlfriend shouldn't result in her cheating on me, so yeah, I'd date her.
But if she want's to keep the job, whatever
none..... I am at a point right now where it is preferred that they don't have ambitions other than getting my dick wet.
You do realize stay at home moms take care of the kids when you're not there, and when they don't have school, not to mention all of the cleaning she does for no price whatsoever.
She's not a leech, you gotta change your mindset
But don't you feel like it's parasitic and gold diggerish for a woman to just want to be a stay at home mom? Don't you resent that pressure and people depending on you like burdens?
OP said she has good values, so she won't cheat or anything, and she can clean and cook for you. Doesn't seem parasitic to me. I'm only talking about this hypothetical situation OP has presented
She's just so chill about everything it's hard getting used to. All my exes were very ambitious. My last being an accountant with a master's degree!
Yeah, If probably do a rent split base on her pay, 70-30, 80-20, and totally depends if I think she's worth the trouble
testing WfFU
I'm providing for her to maintain my home and raise my children. I would consider that to be an even exchange.
testing ikhk
What does that mean?
Fair enough.
Post a pic? Sounds interesting. Google showed some intense pictures.
What about your cawk? How's that look? Dimensions? Pics?
I am gonna be making the money anyways. As long as she's home to give me pussy, I will take care of her. Career driven women? FUCK NO
You will get bored with that pussy before you know it. What then?
There's a lot of factors. I want a woman who can take care of herself.
When we moved in together my GF made 60k of year but due to a lot of terrible decisions and idiocy she's made less and less to the point she made less than minimum wage and couldn't pay a single damn bill.
She now makes a lot of money again, but that shit was fucking lame and I could've killed her for all the bullshit.
But I think it wasn't so much the money as it was the retardation.
I make good money. I think I'd be ok with a woman who made a lot less provided it was expected and I didn't build a lifestyle around two high incomes and she had good qualities.
Not who you're replying to but the woman I was talking about in my orginal post, the deli girl, has a personality and hobbies. You don't need a career to be interesting lol.
What about a woman who wanted to have a baby and quit work.
I wasn't implying that. The guy said all he wanted was the pussy being available at all times. The same pussy day after day gets boring. Trust me. Oldfag here.
If you say so. Sounds degenerate to me.
I don't want kids.
But if I did I could afford that.
Better than daycare. I don't know about where you live, but here it's pointless for the stay at home parent to go back to work because typically their income is just paying for the day care. it's hella expensive.
You're right.