Aaaaaah yes, birds are chirping, dogs are barking...

Aaaaaah yes, birds are chirping, dogs are barking, sexual assault allegations are just now popping up and books are being sold.
Election season is in the air Yea Forums.

Do they realize that even if this was true, nobody would believe them at this point?
Thoughts on on far this will go Yea Forums?

Attached: it's afraid.jpg (1280x720, 433K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dSQy3D3\invite\CEmErv

thats the only sexual assault allegation i wouldn't have doubts about.

answer the question, don't just drop crappy bait and run

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>nobody would believe them at this point?
Standing by a guy who been accused BEFORE he ran for president, and is on tape describing being sexually aggressive with women, is partisan hackery.
It's absurd to assume everyone has been lying about Trump for decades, and by this metric it's impossible to actually examine the evidence, you're just handwaving everything you don't like.

exactly lmao

>is on tape describing being sexually aggressive with women

followed and recorded in a men's locker room where he thought it was private.

There fixed it for you.

Also not everybody. I'd give a chance to listen to anybody that's not working for the msm smear merchant machine, they however, lost all credibility a long time ago

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> recorded in a men's locker room
It was on a bus.
>where he thought it was private.
So what?
Do you think Trump would speak that freely publicly?

and that makes it better, probably his own personal bus, even more private.

Because people are allowed to be their own human selves in private you mong.

Probably not anymore with the alt left msm constantly after him.

no matter if its true or not everyone has f'd up. now this would be a big f'up but the chick looked ugly.. doubt you would risk w/ ugly.. anyway. do you think Trump is for the US or not. if Yes, then you must disregard the news since its against due to Trump anti war / obama spying..

>department store
Why do sincerely DOUBT this happened?

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>Why do sincerely DOUBT this happened?
>Why do sincerely
>Why do

I'm Trumped out. After three years of this stupid shit, I pretty much no longer care.

Trump has help from Putin.

And so far it's working. Again.

yah that was another mistake of the alt left msm

We're lucky in Canada, only four more months and this artard is gone.

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here buddy, you dropped this.
If you were lucky you wouldn't have had to have him in the first place.
But when he leaves peoplekind will be better off for it.

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>cries over a missing "I" typo
That all you have?

except for the oil thing he's all right

go stick your dick in some hot poutine

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\dSQy3D3


>Because people are allowed to be their own human selves in private
That's irrelevant to his views on women and how he treats them.
He thinks because he's rich, women let him do anything, and he keeps tic tacs to make an opening for a kiss.He "doesn't even wait.".
That lends more credibility to the accusations, which include descriptions of exactly those two things, and makes it less probable that Trump is innocent...of the things he said he does.
>Probably not anymore with the alt left msm constantly after him.
No one forced him to run for office.
He's an adult, and is to be held accountable for his past.

The Mueller report confirmed Russian interference in our elections. And records also show that Trump was approached by Putin in the early 2000s because of heavy debts. Trump is Russia's bitch user.

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It confirmed DNC interference for certain, as well as Russians paid by them.

No it didn't trumpshit. Your President "won" because of Putin.

He won because of the electoral college and roughly half of America's voters. COPE.

There was indeed Russian influence. Where do you think Christopher Steele got the alleged info for his false dossier?
Pro tip: he already admitted

is not him keep that in mind

I don't like to entertain ideas of the mentally ill tin foil hat types.

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No trumpshit. He won because of states where wood and rocks voted instead of people.
>half the country
41% of the country still supports that shithead including you

you should be slapped

>Pro tip: he already admitted

It's really amusing watching shills like you try to discredit the "Russia angle" as you call it.
Fucking tools lol

Are you just starting to use the Internet? This info is 2 years old.

You posited a claim, I'm checking whether you have anything to back it up.

Check it then. The Steele Dossier is legitmate.

>There was indeed Russian influence
It was viral marketing. even CNN admitted it early on, but the story got no traction so they started calling it 'hacking'. Anyone that wants to market anything, can use viral marketing. The posters of Trump threads here are likely paid viral marketers and it's perfectly legal, no matter the country of origin. On top of that, you have to consider Russia an enemy state, to even try to make it sound bad, which they are not and haven't been for decades.

> The Steele Dossier is legitimate.
As in it exists? Yes.
Did Steele present it as gospel, no.
He's a spy, and the world of rumors they're involved in can be unreliable.
Which is why he himself said the information he gathered was maybe 60% accurate.

>so they started calling it 'hacking'.
It was both.
Unless you think Mueller fabricated everything about the DNC hacks.

At least the wood and rocks are American, unlike the illegals that voted for the left.

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Reminder that Flynn and Manafort are gonna be free men again and John McTraitor is still dead.

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There was no hacking of the actual vote, which is what was implied. Email hacking happens all the time, I even had Chinese get intro one of my old ones once, since it was so old I gave it a weak password. They had it spamming emails in China, so I kept getting return emails from China and they reactivated my GW2 account and made it into a farm bot. Shit just happens.

pure projection
reminder that trumpfags unironically believe that a giant pedophile ring is operating under a "trendy" hipster pizza establishment. imagine being that retarded and not even being aware of your retardation

no u.

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>which is what was implied.

what has socialism to do with pizza fagboi

The entire spectrum of left leaning corporate media.

Checkin those digits

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>The entire spectrum of left leaning corporate media
Show me where they claimed the actual votes were hacked.
As it would turn out, it was revealed a couple months ago that Russia did in fact try to hack the machines in Florida, but were unsuccessful.

Were you born yesterday?

Are you just claiming what you think the msm said, or have you verified it?

Not the same user. I'm just curious how you can watch any liberal media and trust their word when they literally parrot the same catchphrases on all networks without a shred of proof or chain of evidence.

>I'm just curious how you can watch any liberal media and trust their word
I tend to avoid any big partisan brands unless it's a particularly large breaking story.
Generally, I use neutral outlets like reuters, but there's nothing wrong with other stuff so long as you cross reference and fact them.
Based on my experience, Fox and CNN are far too biased to be trusted, but I enjoy some of their individual commentators, like Chris Wallace or Anderson Cooper.

Next time compare across networks just for posterity's sake, you'll have a wtf moment.

>Next time compare across networks just for posterity's sake
I do.
This whole thing about major networks acting in unison isn't some big revelavation from 2016.
Our press has been shit for decades. It's disappointing how many people make that major talking point in regards to the Trump presidency, but that's in virtue of his own genius at media manipulation.

Your initial question makes no sense then and you're being disingenuous.

I think Trump is a shitty president but he's gonna win again.

I asked you where the MSM perpetuated the narrative that our votes were hacked, which you didn't substantiate.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\CEmErv