Today i will remind them

today i will remind them

Attached: porn boards.png (750x600, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dSQy3D3

fuck off

how mad are you right now, rabbi?

My anger is proportional to your success in this no porn campaign.

Wonder what that NSFW tag on both sections implies...

Are you sure? I entered a few porn threads and there were no posters. What happened?

Attached: yellow kitteh.jpg (590x400, 22K)

Hmmm. /pol/ also has a NSFW tag. Is /pol/ for porn?

Political porn.

lol go post political porn on /pol/. let me know how that works out for you.

Attached: yellow swastika.jpg (780x439, 47K)

>Wanting no porn in random board

Attached: 1554485095736---.jpg (967x1280, 127K)

Just because Yea Forums is cancerous, and wants you to be cancerous, doesn't mean you must be cancerous.

Attached: big brain.png (680x788, 94K)

Attached: gross.png (1280x720, 834K)

I did it. They respected me for posting Bidens penis.

Attached: mfw suspicious.jpg (1680x1050, 197K)

What's the point? When you're 90 and you tell you grandkids what you accomplished in life, do you think they'd care about the time you stood your ground on an anonymous korean shot put board?
Time to reassess your priorities beerow

Did you know Intelligence agencies from around the world using Yea Forums and /pol/ exclusively to promote their propaganda? This anonymous Indonesian rice farming chat room is very important geo-politically. I will tell my grandkids that I fought in the information war against Jews and their allies. You will tell yours that you fapped to tranny porn.

leave kekkers

i would pay any janny $40. to make me a mod to clean this board up the way i remember it.

SOME porn.
but not every thread being porn.
even if it was just for a week.

>SOME porn.
>but not every thread being porn.

Attached: JANNY.jpg (674x1006, 201K)

Wew lad.
Yeah bro, keep fighting the good fight, I'm sure this will be something you'd be proud of when you're older. Meanwhile I'm just gonna go to one of the other threads, fap, then leave and go do real shit irl, you stay here and keep doing what you're doing in your mom's basement while the people your age are working or studying and making money and contributing to society.

>he doesnt realize Jews are right now genociding the races and plan WW3 to cull the herd even further
>he thinks his career will matter
>he's prbly fapping right now

Attached: wew.gif (340x212, 818K)

i am glad somebody else remembers.

Yellow man, won't you hurry
Cause I'm tired of these scenes
For a blue coin won't you bring back
That one color to my dreams
Silver magic ships you carry
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
Yellow man..

Actually I'm in my backyard, weight training with my home gym setup. I'm replying in between sets of deadlifts because I don't have time to fuck around here all day.

Yeah? Well pic related is me, broseph. Do you really wanna tangle? I don't think so.

Attached: me fit.jpg (428x600, 35K)

Nah, I weight train because I don't wanna be a broken old man who can't wipe his own ass not to impress some random dudes.
But no, I don't wanna tangle with someone twice my size, I'm not young and dumb.

I see you're intimidated both by my wit and muscles. That's fine. Just remember: Yea Forums is not a porn board.

Attached: mfw you know it.png (502x377, 167K)

Finished my workout, gonna go shower then go out with the wife. You stay here broseph, thank you for keeping me entertained in between my working sets. Later.

yeah youd better run manlet

I would rather wade through the countless porn threads on Yea Forums than visit another cancerous thread like this full of pathetic morons like this who are that fucking stupid they can`t recognize when they are being trolled.
The Yea Forums of old that is hilarious. The old Yea Forums is long gone, and will never return. There is far to many normies and reddit faggots here for any board on Yea Forums to return to the glory days.

post yellow to purge newfags

just post yellow tinted porn pics in the porn threads

you sir are a genius

Trolled or not it was entertaining, I'm losing no sleep over it.
Btw just so you know, I've been here since 2005 when I was in high school, came for the lols and gore but over the years I grew up, what I used to find funny and cool on here no longer did anything for me. I realised how cringey and stupid the shit I was entertained by on here was and left. Come back from time to time, sometimes fap, sometimes lol. Nowadays I just engage with young kids holding onto something they think this place once was even though they were never a part of it.
What I'm trying to say is what youre trying to do here means nothing and while it may somehow seem important to you now will mean nothing when you're older. Quit wasting your time and energy. Take this advice from a newfag(2005)?


Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\dSQy3D3


topzozzle not today fbi

It's funny how quickly the yellowfags got bored. They couldn't even keep it up for a week.

>They couldn't even keep it up for a week.
yeah but porn fags with their erectile dysfunction can't keep up for 10 minutes

Attached: CHECKMATE, SWEETIE.jpg (1200x900, 322K)

Could you seriously fuck off? NSFW board called random "isn't supposed to have porn on it" fuck out of here with your ulterior motives


You're here, to stop people who get off to lolis, and gore from getting ED? REEEEALY?

Give it up already! This is the only yellow thread on the whole board, and it's about to rotate off

Attached: b4.png (600x700, 45K)