Dont use aircraft

dont use aircraft

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I burn my garbage to help speed up the global warming process. Humans need to die off

>> pic related

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that would solv your problem

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The difference between Homo Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens was the ability to plan for the future.

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i don't

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Chief called. He said this ain't it

why did the neanderthals die out then?

They ran out of oil

starving in the winter and dying cause eating dicks wasn't nutritious enough.

how are you still alive then?

if the fat kid crumple a bit more her eyes will pop to one

hur durr

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come on, you gave that one away. don't be a salty cunt.

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i said hur durr


that's what your mom said, when i nailed her last night. didn't know her child was retarded as well.

They didn't, we still have neanderthal DNA, unlike pure homo sapiens.
They were bigger and stronger than the homo sapiens, equally intelligent (had bigger brains, but that doesn't mean more intelligence). They were good at sprinting and brute force, and needed more time to develop into adulthood.
The "they were dumb" myth is a myth.

k, that was just stupid. Do yourself a favor and disconnect your internet/

I think this young girl is very brave for what she's doing. Forgoing a proper education in order to teach us mortals about the church of climate preservation. Her book (around 25 pages) is very readable and stands as a testament to the time in which it is possible for someone with so little formal education to still make such a mark on the world.

Not only is she a visionary, she has the makings of a true prophet(es). All this in spite of her handicap.

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heil greta

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