Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe

Like everything else he's attempted in his life, he's nothing more than a wannabe.

A wannabe Russian, a wannabe dictator, a wannabe businessman and a wannabe president.

The only thing he's been successful at is being a conman. But he has already made very serious dictator-like comments.

E.g. using paramilitaries and state forces to impose his will, kill his opposition and extend his term beyond the constitutional limits.

He discredits all free press as the enemy of the people and fake unless it agrees with him.

He lies relentlessly and displays a grand delusion complex.

He surrounds himself with yes men and echo chambers and praises himself as superior to all.

He openly compliments other dictators and their policies. E.g. Kim, Duterte and takes the word of Putin over his own intelligence agencies.

He wants a military parade

The only thing he's missing is the uniform unless you count his swasti- I mean MAGA hat.

His cronies seem to want a civil war.

He seems to love taking from people and giving it to the rich and corporate elite.

Why Americans fall for this conmen shit is beyond me but no self respecting conservative should respect him and the fact that retards like Mike Pompeo call him some sort of God sent messiah is pure mind boggling bullshit.

Can't imagine how apeshit you fucksticks would have gone if Obama or any Democrat made fun of John McCain - especially during his presidential candidacy. Y'all had your dicks hard for the war hero then, now you piss on him because orange man tells you to.

Fucking spineless sheep

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Go blow it out of your ass you sheep. Fucking dumb bait threads

A picture speaks more than a thousand words

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you're never having tired of whining about that man for almost three years keep it up because you're going to need to do it through 2024

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trump is the best president ever

Why is it that those who hate the USA more than anyone claim to be patriots? The only thing the left wants to do is replace Americans with brown people.
>using the NPC meme when your side isnt creative enough to come up with any of their own memes

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>The only thing the left wants to do is replace Americans with brown people.
This may come as a shock to you smooth brain, brown people are Americans.

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thanks for the screencap

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>brown people are Americans
bitter euro detected

U retarded?

Man oh man! You cannot get enough cock, can you OP? Seems we are going to need to bring in some more...

Maybe you didn't know but "American" doesnt mean White

by the pussy

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y e p

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It used too.

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>seen that pic a million times

where is the collusion?

when is the impeachment?

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jesus christ the right can't meme

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holy shit shareblue it's SATURDAY, go have a fuckin' beer and play some games.

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sure, kid

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Why do you continue to believe that you're part of some stupid "noble resistance"? Why does Trump Derangement Syndrome control every facet of your existence? Do you not understand that we can all work hard for a greater America - the kind of America that will provide its own products with its own materials again, the kind of America that doesn't have to rely on the TRULY evil ant-people, the Chinese, and their inferior materials made in literal slave-shops?

Do you not understand, after 20+ years of the Internet being available to just about everyone on Earth, that the mass-media is playing you for a fool and attempting so very much to discredit the greatest President in 50 years? A President who TRULY gives a fuck about you, BECAUSE he isn't a politician? Do you not KNOW how to step outside the proverbial "box" that is your life, and understand things from a greater perspective?

We who know these things, we don't hate you. We just wish that you'd understand. We wish you'd break the terrible programming you've received since Day One. We hope you can pull that proverbial "plug" out of the back of your head and see, as we do, why Donald Trump is the last and GREATEST bastion of hope for humanity.

ALL humanity.

>tl;dr: can't read three paragraphs? This place isn't for you. Maybe kindergarten is, faggot.
>inb4 "Russian shillbot"

I understand and even empathize with you. It's difficult to break that programming that the television has instilled upon you and millions of others. But I have faith. So much faith in you. Let's work together to support PRESIDENT. DONALD. TRUMP.

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The left cant even edit...jeez

Top kek

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Imagine taking this bait


Should be nentanyahu

no one pisses on mccain. we just let him rant and know hes wrong on a lot of things.
still better than any dam alternative, and i would have rather seen a dif republican in office


Post this to /pol/ you pussy

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>a wannabe russian
Wrong. It's been disproven so many times you have to be a fucking retard to hang onto that stupid fucking conspiracy
>a wannabe dictator
Wrong. He's not done anything dictatorial.
>a wannabe businessman
Wrong. Dude's so rich that until he went against the Democrat party everyone held him up as the american ideal.
>A wannabe president
Wrong. He IS the president, you cuck.
>using paramilitaries to kill his opposition and extend his term
When? Sounds more like the Clintons.
>Discredits the press as enemies of the people
The press discredits themselves as more and more often it is proven that they are lying, misleading, or straight up manufacturing news.

Get fucked, leftists. 4 more years of Trump are on the way and you idiots just make yourself look more and more insane as he keeps doing good things for the nation and you keep demonizing him for it.

you must be new here

cry more millennial

and you didn't answer

this much butthurt

second place winner folks

You've just told possibly the best joke evrar.


It's not a joke and I'll be watching Election Night with my mom and watch him win again.

Mom how come none of my trolls are being noticed?

I'd say he takes it fairly well considering liberals aren't collectively labeled traitors yet. Democrats are a different story since the DNC was found to have literally falsified evidence before a FISA court and then proceeded to renew the applications without review.

>durr hurr the dumbcrats trump did nothing wrong


>the DNC was found to have literally falsified evidence before a FISA court

I know you won't look at it but the FISA applications themselves and author testimony of the evidence's validity, proves my statement.

>I know I can't criticize the fucking shitstain I elected
>I can't I can't I can't

Criticize him for something that matters rather than some manufactured Russia angle.

Why do you deny what's been proven?

It's either 12 or it's Russian.

But not both. Yes.

Drumpf is a selfish incompetent, spastic, wanker

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12 guys and a $4300 contribution ad campaign doesn't exactly justify itself as noteworthy, after spending millions just to find them and none of it implicating Trump personally.

>durr twump isn't putins bitch
I'd literally beat your ass, tool.

Not my fault you suck at logic.

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You suck at Trump's mushroom shaped cock.

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eh hem
*deep breath*

Is this another fbi nigger?

finally, her mouth is doing some good for the country.

You lost the election. Get over it. Jesus