Ayt Yea Forums i need your help

Ayt Yea Forums i need your help....
>found this "chick" on tinder
>shes not too bad
>latina vibe
>turns out shes a tranny
>what to do??

Pic related

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Get some suck, mouths dont know gender

Hit it
Pink is pink

I was gonna say butts can't get pregnant, but I could be wrong judging by OP's pic.

Here is another pic, shes got a Frida Kahlo vibe...

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Bring it out back with a loaded 22 gauge shotgun and put the sick fuck out of its misery. Trannies should be burned and then shit on

Fuck it just don't date it and wrap up.
Blowjobs and anal is still nice.

She looks kinda weird here but is it weird im aroused by the fact that shes was a guy? Its like so tabboo

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I would hit that so hard

does he still have a dick? if so go for it

If you don't suck its dick can I
where you at

I think i would/will too...

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Aw :(

Hahahahah argentina

Get the fuck out of there now!!

I mean, I'm trans (mtf), so, my biases are not negligible in this case, but, if you like her, and you're attracted to her, I don't see why it really matters that she's male, but, like, obviously it's up to you.

It matters cause its a biological male trying to be a female and if he goes further he's now gay and there is no coming back

You'd be a faggot not to. But, you'd also be a faggot if you did. You're also OP. So, in conclusion: yes. That's a pretty decent trap, too. Just be sure to top only. Any sucking or recieving done by you, and you're a no-excuses-full-on-homo. At least if you're the pitcher, you can pretend that you were just trying to find out if you were gay or not (in the case that you change your mind later). You're still gay, but it gives you plausible deniability for your own sanity's sake.

ONLY if it has its cock. If it's mutilated/had the chop, or planning to, stop talking right now.

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That's not how gay mafia works

Ask for nudes. Full frontal

Yoooo ur right. Also, its not a "trap", its a trannie. So theres no dick. Also, yeah she does look pretty good.

Cant sacrifice my pride!!

Ayt nice, i see what you mean. Have you had a man aproach you before in a non sexual way? Cuz i dont want to aproach her like a dick

Most of the guys who approach me approach me non sexually lol I'm in the closet; just treat her like you'd treat a cis girl; that's precisely what she wants and she'll feel like a princess if you do

Aw thats so cute tbh. Also, what do u mean youre in the closet? Does that mean your lesbian?

No it means I'm not openly trans yet

Ohhh i see. How does that work?

More of her just for my Yea Forumsros

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What do you mean lol I just haven't come out as trans yet, and I have to go through some therapy before they let me transition

>So theres no dick.
Are you OP? Do you know that there's no dick for sure? If it had the chop, get the fuck out right now. No-dick trannies aren't to be associated with. I'm not promoting gay shit normally anyway, but I don't really care if someone fucks a tranny in the confines of their own home.

Tranny/transexual or transgender "girls" can (should, imo) have dicks. It's not a distinction that excludes a feminine penis. However, without it, they lose all value, as you're now much better off with a normal girl that has a functional vagina (NO - it's NOT possible to "make" one yet with current surgery and science). Without a dick, they lose what makes them special, and they now instead simply become a less girly girl (let's be honest here, no tranny that didn't start HRT before puberty can ever be convincing enough). Not to mention the serious deep issues that naturally come with being a tranny in the first place, coupled by the war of hormones that occur when you try to go against your own innate biology. Enjoy, but don't bond.

Don't listen to this tranny fuck. You tranny/trap/"girl" is not a she. She's a "she" (male). Don't ever wrap your mind up in their mind fuckery brought on by taking drugs that fuck their mind and body up to look more girly. Enjoy it if you want, but make no mistake, these "girls" are not girls. They are feminine guys on artificial hormone treatments, and by 30-35, it shows. Enjoy the one in OP while it's fun, then dump and move on.

It often means that the guy on hormones pretends not to be a guy on hormones, but a girl, and most people aren't rude enough to point out that they can see right through it, so they continue to think that they "pass" (which is - extremely - rare in real life, photos are a different thing) until they reveal the thing that everyone already knew.

I'd suggest ignoring this guy. He's a not a psychologist, and he has no idea what he's talking about. Do what makes you happy, as long as it's peaceful, and let other people do the same. Do you think she'll make you happy? Do you think you'll make her happy? If so, then it's worth a try. Just live your best life, and let the people around you do the same.

Holy fuck ive sparked up quite a debate. Also yeah, im op, and im pretty sure (?) that she doesnt have a dick.

True. Ive been pretty low on relationships lately, so maybe she wont even have much interest in me

>He's a not a psychologist
>(implied that the poster isn't either, which even if he was, wouldn't make his point inherently more correct)
>he has no idea what he's talking about.
Get a load of this appeal to authority, then sandwiching in your own irrelevant opinion. Nice try, darling.

These are not mentally stable people - see my picture (you can google the stats elsewhere yourself). There's a price to be paid for going against your own biology. It's not "like" asking a drug user about his drug, it's LITERALLY asking a drug user what HRT makes him/her feel.

Find out. If she does, then by all means. Otherwise, no, you don't want to go down that road.

I TL;DR'ed a bit there, so here's a point that I would really consider (assuming she DID get the chop - if she has a dick, ignore):
>What does this "girl" with the sealed open wound "vagina" offer that a normal girl doesn't?
The answer is: nothing. If you're going to be gay, at least get a tranny with a dick, because then you're getting something special. A chop-job, nope, nope, nope. Don't do it, man.

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Its not a she if it has a dick

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there's no possibility that *maybe* you idiots fetishizing *while simultaneously condemning* their existences could possibly lead to higher suicide rates? transphobe retard

I see your point. Also about the "what does she offer" qs: im not sure, but i find her kinda good looking, and (without being discriminatory) find some appeal in that taboo way of being. Also, why would it change so dramatically if she had surgery? Im not THAT much into trap dicks


The numbers speak for themselves. There's nothing phobic about morally distancing yourself from trannies. They are genetic dead-ends, and thus have forefitted their biological reason for being. Regardless, normal people are "bullied" for all sorts of reasons, and they don't kill themselves.

An acceptable tranny is a sissy that liked cock so much that he tried to look like a girl to attract it (cock) more. He's a bottom's bottom, he just wants to be dominated and look cute in that role. It's fucked up, but it's an acceptable way to go if you're gay anyway. An unacceptable one, with seriously unfixable deep-seated issues that WILL come out over time (resulting in the high suicide rate), are the ones that hate their own biology so much, that hate reality so much, that they get the chop. Once you get the chop, - when - , and it's not a matter of if, but when, biology catches up, you're going to be deeply psychologically fucked up from the mutilation you've gone through. Hence the suicide rate.

You're partially right, in that it's mostly a fetish. It's for guys who aren't fully gay, but who find the taboo of a "girl" having a cock, an attractive thing. It's the paradox of the "feminine penis". It makes absolutely no sense, but humans are often drawn to that which is wrong, and homosexuality in any form is wrong. It's also a domination thing. Fucking a sissy boy is technically gay as fuck, but it's also a domination of another human, and as such slightly less gay than reciprocating sex with a male. Less gay still, if it looks like a girl.

How is homosexuality wrong? It's wrong because it kills the genetic line of whoever suffers from it. If you're born a homosexual, all of your parents, grandparents etc. lived in vain. You're killing them. Millions of years of history, since the first single cell, of your line, ends with you. That's why it's wrong.

Once again, she gives me a frida kahlo vibe and uuuuughhh i cant tell if i fully find her attractive.

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Get on that OP

Post more pics.

would def fuck so just give her to me instead

The truth hurts, bitch.

OP just fuck her, no one actually fucking cares.

dawg that's one fine ass trap you better smash

you lie

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"Her"... he is not attractive. Picture hearing a deep voice while you're fucking it. Not cool.

Hahaha :sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You cared enough to reply u cuck :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

The deep voice does sort off put me off, but maybe her voice is not so deep? Idk, should keep an eye on her and see her stories and shit

Aytt, dats her tum tum

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>Im not THAT much into trap dicks
Then you're probably actually too straight to bother with any of this, honestly. Just find a real girl instead. That's my recommendation.

>Case 1: "she" has a feminine penis (functioning or not)
You're dominating a submissive girl (male). It's technically gay, but you can sort of say "she looks like a girl", and you can have her outside (town) without coming out as a full-blown homo. You can eat your cake and have it too, in a sense.
>Case 2: She got the chop, now has an unusual hole that in no way resembles an actual vagina
Here, you're dealing with someone who hates their own body. No matter what changes they make, they will always hate it to a degree. They know, deep down, that they aren't real girls. They can't get pregnant, and their "pussies" aren't real (which, if you look the issue up, you will learn through rather illuminating images). Apart from that, they offer nothing at all that a real girl doesn't do better.

A real girl has a normal, female mind with (relatively, let's be kind here) little inner conflict. A real girl has a real vagina. A real girl has natural female hormones, and will age like it too. A real girl has the bone structure of a girl. A real girl can give you kids. A tranny who got the chop, fulfills none of these. However, a tranny with a feminine penis, offers an alternative: a way to "experiment" without fully locking yourself in. Gay, but in a dominating "you're the man"/roman-kind of way. You might be able to have a brush with that and come out relatively clean (soul/mind/conscience).

Last one ive got for now, if i find her on tinder again ill show u more

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Damn i see what you mean... it makes sense


You'll still always be a guy

Does someone have an experience to talk about?