I'm a guy. I'm also starving, or at least very close...

I'm a guy. I'm also starving, or at least very close. Tried to make it to my next payday (First payday in a while) but life fucking happens all at once sometimes and I am out of money, food and options. $3 will get me through the day and Sunday I can probably get something to eat from the leftovers at work.

Taking $1 Donations for Lays Chips

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Other urls found in this thread:


OPhere Cashapp $ABrokeGuy

I'll send u money for food op.

Just sent u 10 op.

You are a godsend man. You have absolutely no idea, man. I've never been so hungry in my life. Thank you. I got it.

No problem man, you're welcome. I'm sending you a little more too, go get some food or whatever u need bro.

OP, just sell drugs. Easy out

That's literally how I'm able to help OP lol

good on you, both for helping and selling them fine drugs

Aw this thread is sweet

What kinda drugs?

Do you have a paypal or some shit ?

Bud, coke, acid, bars, sometimes other stuff.

He posted his cashapp ID so I sent it to that. He already got 60 from me but if anyone else feels like sending some he seemed genuinely grateful for it.

Niiiiice. Keep doing god's word.

Also mail me some drugs ;)

I do :D
Xa011337 at gmail.com

Where do u live. I send shit thru the mail all the time. If you send with USPS they need a federal warrant to open it so I've never had an issue even sending lbs of bud or getting lbs from cali.

Florida, I'm broke though otherwise I'd take the gamble

What are prices like over there. I grow my own shit too..here's a pic of my current stuff that just started budding

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Like 20 a gram for medical, 75 for 800mg carts.

OP here. Again man. Thanks.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't give it a thought. Hell, I'm currently weighing that option (not literally)

Same here. Northern Florida. I've got a roof over my head but that's about it.

Wow. I sell medical for like 5-10 a gram here and 1000mg carts go for 25-35.

Why the fck would anyone pay you money for shitty lays. Get some brown beans, potatoes or rice instead... Much cheaper and much more nutricious.

Just commenting here because you guys are so nice for helping some hungry user, damn imma cry. Love yall.

Youre welcome bro. Just be careful if u do that shit. My friend said he might send u 40 too. Today is your lucky day lol. Cant have a Yea Forumsro starving.

My luck lately has been shit, the 10 was enough to make me fucking cry man. This is just like too much.

I hope nobody's posted yet but potatoes are your best friend here assuming you can cook. Really cheap and filling.

What strains do you grow my man? I’ve been growing a while myself. Weed and shrooms actually

I've grown so many its hard to remember. I'd have to go back and look at the seeds list I ordered. Right now i have growing: peyote cookies, ayahuasca purple, space, white widow, northern lights, girl scout cookies, Bruce banger, super silver haze, cheese.

You grow shrooms? Can u buy a spore online and grow it. Here's what I'm currently growing

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I'd send cash but I'm struggling myself, post again on the first and I'll send you some cash

Get food stamps

Yea man you can buy spore syringes it prints on line... I first grew shrooms in 2009. Join a forum or watch some YouTube videos. Once you get the hang of it it’s actually really easy.

Another happy seedsman customer i see? Lol I’m growing Acapulco Gold from Barney’s farm and Heavens Gate from Female seeds right now


Yeah seedsman rocks lol. They resent my order for free after the first one failed to show. Been using them for a few years. I think my peyote cookies and ayahuasca purple were from Barneys seeds too.

Which sites are best for the spores? I figure I might as well try it if I'm already doing bud

I'd help you OP, but I'm in a very similar situation. Probably going to be homeless by next month

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>spending that much money with lays chips instead of cheaper, real food
Boy oh boy

Sporeworks dot com is good... I got my first print for free from a guy on a forum... grew them out and made more prints then traded for different “strains” of cubensis. Mycotopia or the shroomery are good forums.

I’m kinda bored with cubensis right now so I’m moving on to exotic psychedelic mushrooms like pan cyans and truffle producing species... much more powerful.

U dont have any friends or family? What's your situation

You can make more from 1 spore? I mean can you like "clone" them like you do with bud. I'll check out all the places you mentioned, thanks user. Good luck on your new grows.

Posts “I’m hungry” bait for chips.

Buys the biggest haul of booze and weed in his entire life. Nice job, donors!

I considered that too. But if it was just for that he wouldn't be so thankful he would just be laughing or something probably.

Each mushroom cap will drop spores... if you lay the caps on some foil you will collect beautiful spore prints like the pic. You can make like a hundred syringes from one print... if you buy one print or string you will literally never have to buy another one... you could set up shop selling spores as a byproduct lol

You can also clone a specific mushroom like bud but it’s a bit more advanced

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My mother is a chronic gambler who lives in another state up to her neck in debt. My father is dead. No siblings.
Moved into a place with my fiance at the time. She cheated, took most of my money and belongings, and left after I found out.
Landlord upped the price of rent recently and I can't afford to live here anymore. I was barely able to afford it, now I'm not going to have anywhere to live. I don't have friends or any other family here. I don't even own a car, my ex and I shared hers.

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Hang in there OP i have no cash but i have memes tho, next best thing

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Im growing some peyote cactuses myself. They take so long to grow but I know the wait will be worth it.. i really wanna grow shrooms but im actually kinda worried about fucking up. Any starter tips?

Damn bro what state are you in. How much is your rent. Have you ever thought about growing bud or something for extra income.

I am just about to plant some peyote too! Lol my last batch of seedling got Rekt in a move... fucking six months down the drain.

My best tips would be to learn how mushrooms work and reproduce and be a sterile as fucking possible when you go to try growing for the first time.

Where are you from? You might have active mushrooms in your area growing wild tbh

literally all you have to do is walk to the nearest grocery store/7-11 and as people are leaving ask for some change for the bus or for some food. you ask as they're leaving because some white faggots will complain to the manager/cashier. make sure you're out of sight of any employees. i average about $10-$20/hour. sometimes i just want a few beers and a burger from burger king. ez 30 mins. im in the same boat as you and its waht i've been doing the past 3-5 days. just gotta hold out til the end of this month.

you literally have no excuse op go do something about it. prime time is early afternoon til the sun go down

sorry, i forgot to add. you'l get a lot of single dollar bills and random chnage from peoples pockets. often people will say no to giving money (cuz drug addict) and offer to buy you food instead which is a win/win cuz you get way more $ value in food than however much money they'd give you.

and think of this as like coldcalling and you a telemarketer but use sympathy card. wear older tattered clothes, dont shower/shave, etc. it helps

testing QZcP

yo OP i've been living on next to no money for a while now heres some tips on what i eat thats cheap and keeps me full.
Angel hair pasta-$1.49 and makes at least 2-3 good meals
potato-99¢ per pound(organic) Full meal
can of chilli beans, black or pinto (mix it up so u dont get sick of them)-99¢ or $1.29
carrot-25¢ each
bananas-$1.00 for like 3 bananas

most of these u dont gotta cook either. i wander around n dont always have a kitchen so anyways. hope things workout man

dollar tree sells pizzas for a buck

testing xEda

Do you eat the pasta by itself or with sauce

Man I had to make through a week with on dollar I stole a bottle of Tylenol PM and bought a bottle cuz I a sink that would do, but then i figured you don't die by starvation for 3 weeks so I just didn't eat anything for a week but I made it

become a trap and sell your body