The fact that "straight guy" is one of the most popular types of gay porn proves that gays are creeps and that they...

The fact that "straight guy" is one of the most popular types of gay porn proves that gays are creeps and that they don't actually believe in "born this way."

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Same as conservative cucks watching blacked videos but hating blacks

And what about dudes who hit on lesbians lol

You say that like lesbians are real.

People always ask "what's the appeal" when it comes to Yea Forums and Yea Forums. This right here. This special brand of retarded that can't find a place in reality. Here, it thrives. Here, it comes alive and breathes. It feeds on the innocent.

You're an idiot.

Okay jew, you've done your shaming. Now respond to what I actually said.

and the most popular porn for straight people in "step sister incest porn". it's almost as if porn is just a form of acting you faggot

Dudes are creepy in general dweeb

The fact that OP has this much knowledge of gay porn, proves for the umpteenth time that OP is gay

>I knew at "umpteenth" that this post was gonna be pretty lackluster

Seriously, how does he know what are the most popular categories in gay porn lol?

That's kinda gay tho

Imagine you get a lesbian to let you fuck her. How is that gonna make you feel?

It’s gonna make you feel like you’re the most charismatic alpha sex god in existence that not even a dust-mite level carpet-muncher can resist you. It’s a pretty powerful fantasy.

Now imagine the gay equivalent of that. It isn’t that difficult.

Or I did less than 10 minutes of research, projecting fag.

Let the gays jack off to their “straight guy” porn, it’s not hurting anyone

They don’t judge you for beating it to prepubescent hentai. Ok they probably do, but at least they don’t make shitty threads about it.

Dude? Nobody hits up on lesbians. They are mostly ugly crazy fucking fatass bitches that got into that because of lack of attention from men. Take a look at this whore. Text on the paper is "if i became a lesbian, you can become too!". Lul. She probably "BECAME" just because of the lack of male attention.

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Op is indeed gay

Prove it, fag.

Yes homosexuality is a disease that needs to be cleansed

I think the appeal is the antisemetism and white supremacy conspiracy theories. Or just playing "guess if edgelord, retard, or genuine fascist".

Wait, what? When did sucking dick become gay? Is this some kind of new meme?

>fetishes = real life
Wew, lad. That's some beta shit, dude


Sucking dick is about the gayest thing you can do.

I'm not sure I understand the joke. Literally everyone does this?

It's gayer even than taking it in the ass because you have to have a dick right up in your face.

Even if it wasn't "born this way" (spoiler: it is) one should be able to choose the fuckin "way" one wants without giving a shit about retarded oppressors opinions like you. KYS str8faggot

>choosing STIs, immorality, and a premature death over real love and a family
I'm just trying to help you live better, bro.

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You aren't born that way dumb ass. Something probably triggered your fetish when you were growing up, or you have some sort of chemical imbalance in your brain

>Gays have more STIs
that's statistics, as a particular being i can take care of myself and die at 100yo without diseases


>Premature death

>Real love and family
I have lots of that, not even living in a shitty rightwinged undeveloped latin country has affected me. Imagine if I moved to a more social and economic develoved European country once i end college... Life Goals

See I'm living just fine, the only way you could help me living better is minding your own business

Chemical imbalance is retarded hypothesis.
"Triggered fetish" makes more sense.
But again, such "fetish" is not bad per se at all, its only problematic when it appears in an intolerant environment like one of those subhuman african nations

>legitimate cuck
>hating blacks
pick one

>imagine going straight late in life to start a family and live forever through your genes
>then your only kid gets his tubes tied and fucks his way into the grave

>mfw could've been sucking dick this whole time and had a shit son instead

>nuh uh because lesbians don't really exist, only dykes i see on the news
>why don't i have any friends

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