Wizard here. What's it like to have sex? How do you get it?

Wizard here. What's it like to have sex? How do you get it?

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You get it with chloroform.

It's like gardening except you don't take care of flowers but instead you fuck some bitch

Just hire an escort dude

Honestly blowjobs are way better than sex but that might just be me because that’s the first thing i ever got and then sex

you get sex by sticking peepee in vagy. it's overglorified. having a women want it from you is nice than having it. if we new a 100% method to get sex, then that person would be a millionaire and eventually the tactic wouldn't work as people catch on to it

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>armpit hair



im a 52 year old wizard. welcome friend

I’m 68 and I’ve only ever seen my daughter naked

I'm here in the land of freedumb, where doing that will probably land me in prison. I don't want my first time to be with Bubba.
It's easy to say it's overglorified if you're getting it. Water isn't really that amazing, but trying to live without it would fucking suck.
Unfortunately that's the only pic I have of her.

How have you made it that long without suicide?
So were you blindfolded when you fucked her mom, or what?

Its a small fine. Literally no one cares. You wont even go to county. Escort stings are rare. Stop being a pussy and making up excuses.

Shits overrated but one way or another it costs a lot of money. If I could give you all of my sexual experiences and get all of the money I spent on it back, I would.

If you actually care about women, have good personal hygiene and your face doesn't like like an utter potato it's not really hard. I'm not the best looking guy and yet I have a new girl around every month - I'm just cursed to have them never stay in my life longer.
And I really think that the general connection/trust is the best thing about sex. There is little better than a girl telling you "we have no time" while unbuttoning her pants.

It's gay

I'm not a sex guru or anything special, but I have had a lot of partners. Many if them are friends of mine and the most common things they tell me that got them into bed with me was one or a combination of

-The whole "You made me laugh until I was naked" deal
-They felt comfortable with me.

Just let shit progress naturally, man. There's more women than there are men on this planet. One of them will fuck you eventually.

wha huh?
what did you fuck your daughter in the future to give birth to your daughter?

>small fine
Bullshit. Soliciting a prostitute is pretty illegal. Post your source or I'll assume you're just making shit up.
How many sexual experiences have you had, and how much did you spend?
I do care. I try to be nice and listen to their stories. They don't care about me though.


>just let shit progress naturally
People have been telling me shit like that for over a decade. "Just be yourself, don't worry about it, and you'll find someone." Bullshit. If I keep being myself and not worry about it, I'm guaranteed to die a virgin.

yes sex is great. but only with the right woman. the wrong woman can do more harm than good to you. sex is not THAT great to make up for it. if sex would be that great, every famous person would fuck around all day. there's a reason why they they single or marry.
but if you are a cold psychopath, maybe you will enjoy pointless soulless fucking around with random thots. then go for satanic route. become good. hit the gym. learn a skill. be competitive and aggressive. but don't cry later when this doesn't lead to love and every girl will dump you unless you can keep up with the elite stuff.

>I do care. I try to be nice and listen to their stories. They don't care about me though.
You either hang out only with assholes or you're just not really seeing the whole picture.

I don't think they're assholes. They just know they can find someone better than me, so they wait for him to come along instead.

I think your biggest issue is coming through this thread. You have been worried about it for a decade, man. I was worried as fuck too for a while, but I kinda had to control that doubt. When I turned 16, I was overweight, one of those emo faggots with purple pants and literally no confidence, but I lost my virginity that year anyway. Your fears about getting laid make it out to be a way bigger deal than it is and it has probably given you an anxiety issue that prevents you from actually giving it a real shot. It may be a stretch here, but if you have tried most of the options laid out to you in these threads and have still had no success, maybe therapy would help you relieve that underlying anxiety and worry so you can focus on your actual life and not the fact that you haven't had sex yet.

I try to ignore sex as much as possible. Thinking about sex is depressing. Then I'll see something like a couple holding hands and remember that there's a crucial segment of life that I'm completely missing out on.
So I try to ignore it and focus on my "actual life". Improve career. Go hiking and skiing. Work on my garden. It only holds me over for so long, and I go back to remembering how empty my life is without a sexual relationship.

the best advice i could possibly give is to date below average girls. you will very soon figure out that the feel of having sex itself is better than the feel of having a cute gf.
if you can't bring yourself to do it, then don't cry and keep fapping to animes.
it's easy. find a girl that doesn't look very cute or doesn't look very confident. go to her. ask her if she wants to meet.
other options: use youtube. make vlogs and comment on girls vlogs. maybe you find someone who fits you. will probably result in long distance relationship but better than being alone for the next 20 years.

I've tried flirting with well below average girls. They all rejected my advances. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Do you wash daily? Do you stay clear from /pol/ and /r9k/ and their ideas? Do you make sure to groom your hair?

I'm not asking this to bum you out, but i'm trying to get a good read on you. What are your hobbies? Do you socialize with friends in person often or have a mixed gendered group of people to hang out with? Do you genuinely find yourself to be ugly or attractive? What are your best attributes mentally and physically? What are your major faults?

Your second time, user.
Come on, keep up now.

fucking hoes. then maybe try over internet. i met my gf over internet and i have a distance relationship. in some way it hurts to not live nearby, but on the other hand i would have never found a girl like her anywhere in reality. as i said, maybe try making a youtube channel. doesn't have to be for followers, maybe just talk out of your head. you don't have to be afraid, people don't give a shit, they only watch entertainment videos. you will get maybe like 5-10 views/video if at all. and then maybe over related videos you find a girl and you can ask her if she wants to chat with you.
it's better and more human that these cold cruel dating apps.
but don't message women who seem like they want to get attention from a lot of men. maybe you find one that also has around 10 views/video and she would like to have somebody to chat with.
of course if you are a soulless, empty inside human, then this wont work, because you are replacable. only works if you share common interests and some depth with her.
of course this advice sounds complicated and far-fetched. but think about it. dating and finding a decent partner is extremely hard, so it takes extreme creativity.
think outside the box. and very important: do what you feel comfortable with. at the end you have to enjoy it or the relationship will only be a burden.
of course i can't just tell you what to do and you can not "do it step by step". at the end you have to go through this shit alone like every other men. i just wanted to share that there are other ways than pickup and dating apps.
it's especially hard when you don't socialize with friends and when you don't go outside a lot. so using the internet might definitely be your best choice. try to find something that works for you if you can't compete in the "mainstream".

based and redpilled

i just read what i wrote and realized how pewdiepie was single all along before he started chatting with marzia. just think about the fact that pewdiepie didn't had sex while he built up his channel. you cannot build your whole happiness and willpower in live around sex. your problems might be even more internal.
or watch at notch. he even got divorced and is he even having sex right now?
it's all so much more complicated than just getting laid. unless of course you are a soulless psychopath looking for meaningsless fucks.

man, wish i knew... 35 in 7 weeks. funniest thing is im not ugly or fat, and ive had quite a few opportunities to lose my v card. shit is so sad its not even funny at this point

I shower twice a day. Never go on /pol/, but I do visit /r9k/ periodically.
Main hobbies are biking, hiking, skiing, vidya. I go hiking with mixed gender groups once a week or so, but other than that I don't really just "hang out" much. I'm probably objectively a 4 or 5 / 10, which probably puts me closer to 1.5/10 on the women rating men scale.
Mentally, I'm good at breaking down and solving technical challenges, to the extent that people pay me good money to do it.
Physically, I'm pretty good at skiing I guess, though don't have as much endurance as I used to.
Major faults: I'm insecure about anything regarding relationships and sex, because I haven't had a single success in that regard in my entire life.

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Then when you actually find a relationship you will just miss all the free time you had and things you used to do. This is life

you mean to tell us that pewdiepie didn't have sex for a while, then he built the most successful channel on youtube, made a shitton of money, and now he has sex regularly? i am shocked!

see the problem is you got the pussy on a pedestal man

What the fuck does this even mean? I want to have sex. All men want to have sex. What's wrong with that?

>I'm insecure about anything regarding relationships and sex, because I haven't had a single success in that regard in my entire life.
stop making up problems that don't exist. either you feel comfy around a woman or you don't feel comfy. either she likes you or she doesn't. you can't force it to happen.
i had two girlfriends that caused me to feel zero nervousity. both actually approached me.
inbetween i chased one girl and it was horrible.
life is a bitch. you have to have luck. sorry but it's the truth.
and what makes you think women are better than you? women are just as nervous. women want orgasms. women want sex. women want to grab a mans balls and suck his dick. they are just as horny, insecure and nervous as you are.
dude your problem is definitely that you have false illusions about it all.
maybe start thinking less and just accept your destiny.
all the girls i chased i had a horrible time with. i had 2 good relationships as i said and both were luck.

Ask me out lol

+ i only had sex with girls that approached me. the other girls was just time spend hanging around and kissing without more. or just 1-2 dates before it ended.

It means that you overvalue pussy, sex and women....

Bruh I know how you feel. Honestly I had the same issue but you’ll meet the right one. Took me a couple years of dating different girls every month to find one that wasn’t a nut and wanted to stay around. Just try and find that girl who needs love I guess.

And as for OP- the key to getting women is taking an intrest in them and having extra income and resources to give them. Have extra time and money to spend. Look attractive, you can easily achieve this by working out: also that’ll help you have confidence (via testosterone) that will also help. Become an alpha mate- it ain’t hard

For those that wonder, that's Cleocuntra...

So you're a physically active dude, which is a big plus. It's good to go out and interact with other real people so you don't end up being half of the guys on this board that find some sort of superiority to women (that debate is pointless and not going to get anyone anywhere). As long as you don't go overboard and humble brag a lot or embody the "ackshually" meme in real life, I think you're already leaps and bounds ahead of other guys.

You're right on the attractiveness scale, but if I focus on what one woman told me specifically, it was along the lines of "I don't find you to be physically attractive, but your brain turns me on." She doesn't find me to be up to par physically, but she enjoyed that I was able to keep up with her in conversation amongst other aspects. One woman found me to be really attractive, but she hated almost everything else about me. It's really just who you encounter and how you handle the cat and mouse game. I have been casual friends with girls for years, then one night we just end up having sex. It's all random.

I really think your faults center around what I have mentioned before, even with more information about you. Your insecurities, confidence and doubts hover over you and fuck with your head. I bet you already count yourself out before you even begin a conversation?

all men might want sex. but men are only willing to do so much to get it. if all men really would want sex, they'd do everything to get pussy. but they don't do everything, because they know that self-ownership and freedom has more worth.
+ finding a mate is different for each inidivual on this planet. what works for person a might not work for person b.
and go watch some mgtow videos. it doesn't hurt to hear about the negative aspects about women.
it's even good because it keeps you away from the wrong women, which makes you more attractive for the right women.

The thing is that women are allowed to be nervous and insecure. Men are expected to be fearless and confident in all things.
Want to go for nice walk in the local park? We can get some ice cream afterwards.

More? Damn she's hot.

How so? I just want to have a relationship and sex like a normal person. Why does that mean I'm overvaluing them?

Lost mine at 18. Felt like it took forever. I literally called a girl and asked her to come over to my dorm room and fuck me. Shockingly she did

>Men are expected to be fearless and confident in all things.
women want a man who knows what is good for himself and who is able to show what he wants.
and there are of course differences. some women want an assshole, some want a leader, some want a normal guy, some want a loner bf, some want a druggie bf, some want a chubby to cuddle, some want a vegan bf. you can't really think about it as what "women" want. maybe you should exercise figuring out what type of women YOU want so you don't fall into the "i just would take everything i can get" pitfall.

I have had that happen to me several times. After the first time I was blunt about wanting to have sex and it worked, I opened up a whole can of worms.

>comes to Yea Forums for advice

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you already had her phone number, so not really shocking, since women love to have a penis inside and a man grabbing her tits and kiss them

Correct, I pretty much assume I'll be rejected. This is based on the fact that I've never once been successful. Similar to how I assume that if I drop something it will fall to the ground, just like every other time I've dropped something.
Oh, I've seen the mgtow stuff. Now I'm scared that if by some miracle I actually find someone, she'll just divorce me and bankrupt me. There's no way to win, is there?
How well did you know here beforehand?

A virgin at my age can't be a chooser. Sure, there are some types of women that I like more than others, but at this point any criteria I put on a potential partner just reduces the set of available women, and my chances of finding someone.

-owns a fedora but probably put it away after it "became a facebook meme"
- overweight
- at one time had a neckbeard
- has circle rimmed shades
- may own a sword or two
- calls women bitches online because one didn't suck him off for holding the door open at a Mcdonald's.
- expects to be treated with respect because "i'm a great person."

Did I get it? Is this you?

>There's no way to win, is there?
mgtow should teach you to get it right, not to give it up

Mr Wizzard, summon some more nudes of this girl

1) why would a women even know that you are a virgin
2) when i had my first sex it was just as good as it is now. inserting a penis into a vagina is easy as fuck. especially if you watched tons of porn.
3) get more self esteem. start to judge yourself on your terms. as i said women like men who can accept their needs. maybe you oppress yourself. maybe you had a loser dad? or maybe did you have an asshole dad who tanked your self-esteem? or did you have an abusive mother? you might be the product of your parents and not really yourself.
you should really realize that this whole thing goes deeper than just having sex. even though sex goes deep. haha

lol it's pretty easy to spot a virgin

Alas, that is beyond even my power.
Don't women have a sixth sense about that sort of thing? Even if they don't, the point still stands. If I reject a woman because she isn't my type, I just lost one of the few possibilities I might ever have to get laid.
Also, my parents are great. Everything wrong with me is 100% my fault.

That's your biggest issue then, dude. You feel rejected before you even begin the game. Women catch onto that vibe pretty easily. I'm not saying you have to be confident. 16 year old me was incredibly not confident when I lost my virginity (I had to be asked if I wanted to have sex after very awkward silence ) and for a few years after as well. What I am saying is that you have given up in general before you have tried and base it on the past. So what if you have a no score record. If you don't give it your best shot every time, you'll be on Yea Forums asking why you don't get laid and you'll be getting the same answers and giving the same responses forever. What's the point of this if you don't try to learn from it?

Pretty well. I had been close to insertion with several girls but never was able to cross the line so to speak. I kept waiting for them to put it in, which was a mistake.

That changed once I literally called a gril and said “why don’t you come over for a quickie”

Sure LOL

My guy, my best advice would be for you to hit the club with your group of friends. If you all drink before, it's a plus. There's got to be at least one girl in your group that you've had flirtier chats with... then once both of yall are there, make the move! If you don't get her you can blame your failure on the drinking. If you do, you might build a relationship and the sex will come after.

All else fails, get your ass to a motel asap and hire a prostitute

>I just lost one of the few possibilities I might ever have to get laid.
and then? when you had sex? maybe after this you wont get laid for another 5 years.
that's like desperately wanting 100 dollars and then being broke for the next 5 years.
dude you have to see the wider picture. maybe you need to see live from some different perspectives. maybe your parents aren't that great and it's just "the only way you know". go into some chaos, be irrational, be wild whatever. you might be delusional about yourself. if you don't get what you want, you should start realizing that something went wrong and you have to figure out what it is.

Virgins, Do not listen to this anons advice. Woman you know have already decided to not fuck you. You need to expand your search criteria nigga

>hit the club
>trying to find a woman in a location with 80% males and 20% females, heavy competition, superficial women who chase the chad
chances are higher to get a phone number asking out a girl in the library

Hearing about other anons managing to get laid gives me a sliver of hope. But then when it comes time to try I lose it again. I don't really understand how to flirt, or how to tell if flirting is even appropriate for the situation. I can be nice and friendly and joke around, but when it comes to moving beyond that I have no idea what to do.
Why do you keep laughing at me?
Most of my old friend group is married now, and they don't go to clubs anymore. Does the 30+ crowd even do that anyway?

Supposedly you'd be going with a group of friends, so you already know the girl you're trying to get with.


Didn't know you were that old. Damn man, you'd really just be better off with an escort at this point. Or a really patient girl.

Sure, I might not get another chance for 5 years. Which is why I wouldn't turn down any possibility. At least then I'd understand what I'm missing.

Getting laid with a bad option is worth shit if you're not feeling it. Sex isn't that type of thing that transcends any other sensation or experience just by being done.

It's like saying "It's fine if a girl sits on my face and shits and pisses in my mouth because I have a pussy in my face". Fuck no.

>Everything wrong with me is 100% my fault.
Stop jerking off on self pity.
This is probably your main problem. No one likes that shit.

Some while back I was observing a camwhore's chat room. There was this one dude in it who just could not stop wallowing in self pity, as if he was getting off on others joining in and wanted to bait them into it so he could confirm it.
It's a lose-lose situation. You do it and he goes "Yeah I thought so, I'm not worth shit", or you don't and he goes "Nah, I'm actually worthless, stop saying I'm not".

Women don't have a sixth sense about virgins. They are not superhuman. They are merely human like the rest of us. What they witness is this sort of thing. Someone going "She'll probably notice I'm a virgin, and then she won't do it with me, fuck, why doesn't anyone like me" while already going into mope and pity mode. It's body language. They pick up on gestures of insecurity, which you keep alive by running that insecurity treadmill in your head.

The only thing that's currently your fault is continuing on this path. You don't think you do, but you do have a choice. You're not an animal completely controlled by its animalistic nature.

You got this, user. But it is up to you, not anyone else. Live your life, don't be satisfied with being a supporting character in someone else's life (and don't use this as a license to ruin other people's lives, either).

Someone who's basically like you

To be fair, I have a lot of female friends and although I have never once went out thinking of fucking them or expecting to, it has happened many times. Lifelong friends thay are still friends and half of them ended up being one nighters thay we joke about to this day. The worst part of his advice was actually planning to bang the friend.

Biggest thing is you have to get out and meet people. Ideally, some of the same people regularly. Even if all you do is go to the same bar once a week, it's better than nothing.

Work home work home work home won't get you anywhere, usually. Unless there are coworkers you think you can hook up with, but outside of, like, the restaurant industry, that's rare.

Never turn down an invite to go somewhere, even if you don't especially like the people or the event. Think of it as a chance to randomly meet someone right.

>but when it comes to moving beyond that I have no idea what to do.
because there is nothing to do. if you can't talk with her it's a lost cause unless you are a dumb chad who literally rapes her.
there are only 2 ways of it being not strange:
a) she really likes you and you notice it so you feel comfy to touch her
b) you can talk with her about something that interests both of you (not just forced small talk)
but of course you have to be a little fucked up. say stupid shit, touch her even if it can be the wrong thing to do, whatever man. somehow you have to learn to fuck up in life without even caring afterwards, because life is all about fucking up unless you want to live secure in a box.
my best friend fucked up so hard he would talk about his penis in class when he was 13. he turned out pretty fine, but he was really fucked up at a young age. this guy has the most sex of all guys i ever knew. he also had sex with overweight girls, two of them even heavily overweight. but later he had a very good looking gf.
maybe you are just to clean and need to become more dirty. as you said your parents did a great job. maybe too great. maybe you need to fuck up a little.

Move beyond by showing how uniquely interested in the grille you are. Is she says no, play it cool and move one. No one has a 100% batting average

30 year olds don’t go to bars. You need to present yourself as a responsible stable mature well off person. You need to find a avenue into a group of some sort. You have to do something. Woman naturally congregate around men that do things

Like eating a good steak and then finding a $200 dollar lotto ticket the same night.

>At least then I'd understand what I'm missing.
yes i can totally understand that you have to experience it to know what sex really is. feel bad for you bro. i hope it will work out. maybe also don't get to hard on yourself. just don't get to desperate about it, it's not worth losing your mind over it. don't give up on it of course, but also don't get depressed over it

I'd say a more social bar. Like a bar and grill that focuses on wine or something if you're going to go out with a group of mixed sexes and attempt to get some. Maybe use your hiking and skiing to your advantage as well?

Also, tinder and bumble are great ways to try lines and jokes to test the waters. It's risk free because if they hate it, you never have to see them! Just right swipe on everyone and try your hand at flirting or being cheeky. You don't have to actually try to meet them or fuck them, but I know it helped me out a lot when I had the apps. Plus, its an ego boost to get matches on those knowing it's because they find you physically appealing or like that your bio can make them laugh with less characters than twitter.

I hope you're right. It's just so hard to even imagine myself as a sexual being after so many years of failure.
How do people find the energy to do this with a full time job? Work home work home obviously isn't working, but its hard to find the drive to do much more after a long day of work.
How did the one nighters start? Everyone says that breaking out of the friendzone is practically impossible.

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>gives genuinely good advice that is mirroring a handfull of other user's advice

>says you're right but in the same sentence puts that same bait he has been the whole thread.

Dude. I was really pulling to help figure this out, but you are giving the same answers and bologna excuses and it's honestly looking to be a waste of time trying to get you to understand. I am starting go believe this thread has been an odd, but successful LARP for you.

That's not the sort of thing I can control with logic. Millions of years of evolution are telling me that I need to have sex, and the longer I go without, the worse it gets.
That's assuming I'd get any matches. A few times I've gone on dating sites, considered making a profile, but then looked at the men in my area and realized they're pretty much all better than me.

hey good find, got any others?

>the longer I go without, the worse it gets.
i hope you fap daily (like you should) and didn't fall for the nofap meme.

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I'm trying to figure out how this stuff works. I know my personality is the problem, but every time I make a little bit of progress I slip back into despair. I even got a number a few weeks ago. We chatted for a bit but it didn't go anywhere, and so here I am.

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Go to nevada dumbfuck, pay a decent chunk of change and get you essentially a model.

Not quite daily, but pretty close. Probably around 5 times a week. I don't even enjoy it anymore though. It's just a thing to do to take the edge off.

Post screens of convo. We'll see where it went wrong

Is the water red causes she's on the rag? Fucking shave her while you're in the tub too. 2/10

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is there any chance you are a victim of western rational thinking? maybe you should watch some krishnamurti.
i would bet that this is the actual problem. you might be far too intellectual, to much thinking, too much analyzing, too much blaming (someone is responsible, it must be me) - realism teaches you that everything is connected. there isn't really someone to blame.
realism is about becoming more aware of what's happening right in front of you, so you can understand why things happen.
man i don't really want to talk about this now because it will go nowhere anyways. but you definitely need to broaden your horizon. you sound like you are desperately stuck and you need new paths to explore.

I fuck people I meet at work. Do you work?

Or you are just overthinking things. The most puss I get is when I'm not even looking for it.

I don't think I could enjoy that knowing she doesn't give a shit about me and is just waiting out the clock.
I already know what went wrong. We met in a hiking group, and I just sent some pics from a hike I went on. Didn't escalate anything, and didn't try to be anything more than friendly.
Yes. I'm too scared of ruining business relationships to try something with anyone there though.

the problem is that you can't tell a thinker to "just not think". they are hardwired and programmed to be malfunctioning when it comes to just "being" and living life and flowing. they need a leader to lead them out of the misery.
i myself don't struggle with this. i was a rapper when i was a teenager. i did so many shameful stupid stuff. i was always the type of "first do, then think". and i have kissed maybe 7 or 8 women and had sex with 3 of them. of course it's not much. but for me it was enough experience.
when i first met my current gf we had chatted before a while but i instantly showed her my penis when we were in the car. i just can't help it i'm fucked up. but i felt very comfy around her. she's a blessing. i'm with her for over 3 years now and orgasms only get better since we keep learning about each other.

Pussy is one of life’s greatest treasures. A chest of gold you can find almost every time you leave the house. I’m about to get major hip surgery and won’t really be able to fuck for a few months. I see it as a challenge to get as many bjs and handies I can. We will see
My only issue has been turning girls down because they want a relationship and sometimes even kids and shit. Some of them have been so beautiful but I could never be faithful and I don’t want kids right now. A chick I’ve been seeing a little invited me to church a few weeks ago for example. I knew I had her right then and could’ve fucked her brains out but dam I’m not lookin to start a family and shit and that’s what the church is about. She’s so pretty I have almost even given in to it but my dad and brother set me straight
Idk How to get it. Like with lines and stuff. I just talk to them, usually after making some eye contact. The look they give me tells me if I’m in or not. Good luck
Friends are a good path too. Just ask your buddy f he knows a girl he can bring along sometime for you to meet

I initially thought it was a lack of confidence or too much doubt. But, every single time someone is giving you advice, you rationalize a reason to shut it down. Like when I brought up tinder. Is it really so hard to just try? I know a friend that was so fucking happy that he got his 7th match after having tinder for a fucking month. And he is a bigger virgin loner type dude. Trust me, he embodies the neckbeard type look and honestly, he's relatively difficult to compliment physically, but he is ACTUALLY a genuine dude. To psych yourself out of something like tinder is just wild, dude.

To answer your question about my one nighters, it varies. I have stories no one on here would believe. I have met someone at the bar near last call and took her home many times, I have had tinder one night stands, friends that I was with that just snowballed into sex, approached women and been approached by women entirely sober and ended the night in bed with them and so many other situations. I never ever expect it to go to sex, but I have a condom just in case and I put it in the back of my mind.

Pay for it, realize that you overhyped it, still fun, but not what you expected, suddenly have confidence.


Keep your wizard status, brother. I fell for the semen demons a few times in my life.

>I have stories no one on here would believe
post them i will believe them, Yea Forums is free endless space, feel free to waste it

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


1) Be nice to someone, but don't be a friend
2) Get them to open up emotionally
3) Push the momentum
4) Have sex.

Prostitution is legal in unincorporated areas of Nevada (and a few incorporated ones).
You can go to the Bunny Ranch if you really want to.

we have to pressure op for so long until he feels overwhelmed and just wants to give up on it. that's when he can let go and say "fuck it it happens when it happens i'm tired of caring and trying"

>instantly showed her my penis
You're lucky she was receptive. That could probably get you arrested.
What sort of tinder profile do you recommend for a guy who isn't very attractive? Do you mention hobbies and real things about yourself, or just write one of those joke bios like "Congratulations, your search is over. You found me."

what a classic

Attached: pukez.jpg (312x312, 55K)

Do you think paying for sex would help with confidence? I think I mostly struggle with everything leading up to sex. I'm sure I'd be far from perfect at the act itself, but it seems much less complicated than finding someone to have sex with.

>You're lucky
nah i knew that she couldn't wait to see my cock for the first time, we had phone sex before. she treats my penis with so much love. i just realize how happy i am man. god bless her. totally worth how most of my life before that was fucked up, i was lonely for over 5 years without sex or anything. but it lead me to her. and now i have a stable nice gf instead of a cunt fucking me up.

What does it mean to be nice but not be a friend? What's the difference?

Yes. The fact that you keep worrying about sex is what is killing your confidence in the first place, if you just have it by paying some random thot for it, chances are you'll realize it's not that important and not that hard to get, it'll help you with a woman you're seeking and to move closer to more intimate things with an actual person.

>it happens when it happens
Is equivalent to "it happens never"
I've never really tried very hard to have sex. It's always in the back of my mind, but I've essentially followed that advice for the last decade.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Stop following that advice and make an actual effort to have it with a girl, they expect you to take charge, especially if you're fine in the dating scene. Eventually they'll get bored with your lack of communication or effort and leave. Sex isn't the only part of a relationship, but it still is a part.

Do people talk about their first time in relationships? I'd hate to do that and then have to lie about it, or tell the truth and drive her away.

Pick out one of my examples and I will gladly provide a happy memory, but greentext takes too long to do mid thread, so it'll be standard format.

I deleted my tinder a few months ago (i'll probably get it again eventually) but I chose humor and made it relate to my pictures which were also funny. I had one picture of me drinking a soda behind a "no drinks in play area" sign. I had one where I was wrapped like a mountain man in a bear rug. My last photo was a group picture of me and my Army buddies in uniform staring at football highlights on a tiny computer screen.

I had things like "I'm actually 97, I don't know how to change my age." "Won't get mad if you try to catfish me, all my photos are 2 years old." The one that got the most attention was "I'm probably the black guy in the last photo" which was the military photo and there was a very very black guy in the picture. I made no mention of interests or hobbies and left out generic shit like "I love The Office."


i had a date with a girl with fake tits, blonde, very hot, maybe even 8-9/10. but after we had sex she went home directly and didn't call for 1-2 days. then she texted me again. and man it was all strange. i didn't even feel comfy around her. it took me several hours to get warm with her until she sucked my dick.
i already told her that i would have never thought that i would get a girl like her.
and now afterwards i wouldn't even want to date her anymore. i feel like i only chased he because i wanted that feel to finally impress others with how i can get laid with such a beautiful woman.
i wouldn't even drive to her because i was too lazy. i just wanted her to come to me. so you can't really say i was really into it, because then i would have shown more action.
and it also was a mess. i couldn't have a conversation with her longer than 10-15 minutes. and it was all very superficial. she wasn't even interested in anything i said. and she had no interests. and then she broke up and i felt horrible.
since then i was aware that beauty doesn't really attract me. of course i'm attracted to beauty, but that's not enough.
i'm kind of a lazy guy, i can only enjoy sex when i get served.
and i'm a big talker, i need to be able to talk with the woman.
man i went through so much weird feelings and experiences. just to figure out that i got it ALL wrong about women, and what i really want and whats really good for me and stable and worth it. live is a big mess but i can't bother to tell all the stories, just too much. i would never want to go through it again to learn it again, i'm glad i have already done it so i don't have to do all of it again.
probably some guys here just fuck around, but i'm different i want more.

No they don't unless its brought up, and even then most aren't really going to care if you're honest about why you did so, and your feelings on the matter, ie: being open with the other person, that's what girls really love.

Even if you were a virgin going into a relationship, being honest is always the first step, they're going to figure it out anyway if you did have sex, it's pretty obvious. Hell it might even be the driving factor to initiate that intimacy between you and another person too. Yeah it sucks and its scary and you might drive some people away, you might even get laughed at by some people, but most people honestly don't care as long as you're honest about why it never happened (which is probably from a lack of trying and insecurity reasons) in reality, just be honest and open, people respect that.

So you have to understand that while there are no doubt better men than you out there, as men we should never make the mistake to judge ourselves or other men. Leave that to the women, they are experts at judging men. Orient yourself towards what works with women, don't focus on other men, because most of the time what you think is important (looks, money, fitness, skin color) is not nearly as important as you think and you're cutting yourself down by your knees.

Women suck at explaining what they want from men btw, so don't go ask them, go try things out. TRY, and look at their reaction. Learn from that.

That's pretty much why I haven't seen a prostitute yet. Without conversation and connection, it would be meaningless and I probably wouldn't even enjoy it. It might even just make me give up on sex completely.

A friend keeps things pleasant while not throwing any game. If you hit it off with a girl, things are still open, and you can make your intentions understood.
Flirt a little, ask for her number, plan a date.

i've had sex with a dozen girls. honestly, if you lined all their pussies up and told me to figure out who is who i wouldn't get any of them right even if you removed half of the wrong answers. a pussy is a pussy is a pussy. spend the $80 on a fleshlight, run it under hot water for a few minutes and you're 90% there

sex is that feeling plus the annoyance of trying not to enjoy it too much cause its bad manners to bust a nut after 90 seconds

Socrates for real x2

Hell even then most women prefer it to last 5-10 min and be passionate rather than an hour long mess where they just get sore and stop enjoying it.

i knew someone who went to a prostitute, paid, and then he didn't get hard. he would just sit there and didn't know what to do. he just couldn't do it. then he went home. some of us just need a connection. i was always like that. in school i was into a girl and would chat with her very often and tell her stories like "i like that one girl but how would i tell her" without telling her that i meant her. she was very cute, very intelligent and kinda a creative type, she played saxophone and keyboard. once she invited me to a movie night and we just laid there and didn't touch. then we slept in the same bed and all i could do was touching her little finger, because i was so incredibly afraid to fuck up. and then i didn't even meet with her again, because i was too afraid that i'm not worth it.
but if you really think about it. i couldn't talk with her anyways. i never even had a real conversation with her. i just texted her, but i never really TALKED to her. i mean a real dialogue, real connection.
now i talk A LOT with my gf. she is into my fetishes. she also likes video games, she had an amiga and played a lot of games. she is interested in psychological or esotheric stuff. she was kinda a goth into steampunk. and she read the necronomicon. had her own business. she just is extremely wholesome. very nice. i'm blessed.
but if i think back, i went through so much pain and hopelnessness, i thought i'd never meet a woman again. but i never really gave up i always felt that i need more.

Sounds like you found a good one. That's the sort of relationship I hope to have one day.

This is not true, OP. This dude must just not pay close enough attention (no offense intended, bro). The woman that took my virginity was someone I was on and off with for around 5-6 years. Hers, and several others I could pick out any fucking day with one good pump. I even have a vivid memory of make up sex with her a long while after our first break up where I had the thought "man this pussy is exactly how I remembered it."

Also, disregard this as well. No woman I have slept with is the same. Some would go toe to toe with me and fuck until I was out for the count and out of condoms and out of dignity. One came roughly 20 seconds in and her vagina walls actually constricted and pushed my dick out, though we were able to continue later. Every single female is different in bed. They aren't all pornstars that expect a certain ritual.

that's why i recommended youtube. but you have to step outside of your box. you have to show yourself and talk about yourself. i can't think of any other place to make this kind of connection. it's impossible to judge on dating apps if a girl is like that (my gf for example would never use a dating app and never did before) she messaged me over youtube because i made videos. she also made videos so i could see her face.
it was just videos for myself. not to gain audience. more of just clearing my head and talking about what matters to me. i also had some phone conversations with different nice men in this time who were nice to talk with.
but i didn't do it to find a girl, i just did it because it helped me becoming more aware of what's going on with myself. and it really did.
showing yourself creates a lot of awareness, when you know people are watching. and i didn't even attract trash people. i got a handful of watchers and they were nice to me.
but as i said i did it out of interested. i like talking anyways.

>Also, disregard this as well. No woman I have slept with is the same. Some would go toe to toe with me and fuck until I was out for the count and out of condoms and out of dignity. One came roughly 20 seconds in and her vagina walls actually constricted and pushed my dick out, though we were able to continue later. Every single female is different in bed. They aren't all pornstars that expect a certain ritual.
Well of course not, but a good majority of them actually do care more about the passion and sex. If it's a casual fling or a kinky chick, yeah she probably wants to be banged like nobody's business. Just the same as some are gonna always want 8 inch behemoths and some are fine with the average 5-6.

My point was that he shouldn't worry so much about it because there are still quite a lot of women, most (at least in my personal experience) that just prefer love and passion and emotion than to being sore and having their cervix ravaged.

It really isn't that overglorifuef if it's passionate and perfectly in sync sex with someone you love. That shit is amazing and unique

>Also, disregard this as well.
Fucking no woman likes sex for an hour, there is a difference between rough and slow. Most wanna cum to their hearts content without it lasting ages.

He's right.

Well that's good to hear. I'm not an 8 inch cervix ravager, and an hour does sound like a bit much.

I dunno, you yell at your gf - "Hey! I need to fuck". She goes "What? Now? I don't feel like it". You go, "Yeah, but I need to fuck. C'mon. I'm fucking horny". Eventually she gives in, you you get tired and decide to wait til tomorrow. Then you fuck. Meh.

Oh, and, vagina feels really good on a dick. Best thing to cum in, really. I like it.

You kinda sound like an asshole. I feel sorry for your gf.

another thought that came to my mind right now is that you should maybe make it less about you getting sex. women want orgasms too. women want pleasure too. maybe also addiotionally think about that. how can you give her a great time? it isn't just about you getting something, it's also about you giving something. don't forget that. a woman isn't that independent, they also love having a man giving them orgasms. and not all of them can date the same man, so some of them will lack sufficient care and will appreciate that you give them pleasure.

Honestly the thought of getting her off turns me on even more than the thought of getting myself off. I would love to help a woman with that, if only she'd let me.

>if only she'd let me
yeah i understand. i just wanted to give some perspective. of course you don't only have to do something, but she also has to let you do something with her. i just wanted to make a point that you are in it "with a woman". you are together in it. you both are in it for pleasure. it's not only about you. and you have problems with women. yeah but women also have problems with men. not the same problems maybe, but also some trust issues, or they don't know the signals, or maybe they are just too stupid to see what's good for them. i mean people smoke, eat unhealthy food and other stuff. not every women picks what's good for her and you can't change that.
but as i said, think more of it as doing something together, not just you getting something only for yourself. you'd be suprised how much a woman can want your presence, your dick and your body around. but of course some are just weird and confused.

>30 year olds don't go to bars
You've never been in a bar in your life, apparently. They take all ages. Different bars have different target audiences, though. Some appeal mainly to the young crowd. Loud music, maybe loud live music. Some are more like wine bars aiming for the post-40 crowd.

For the 30-50 crowd it's more like the middle of the road bars. Not too crazy, usually, not too loud, good deals on something like sushi or oysters (well, if you're on the coast, anyway). Places where well-to-do people go when they want to get out and chill.

If there's no one in your age range at a bar, go to a different bar.